
Leave the mournful lute to prolong its weeping

دع العود محزونا يطيل بكاءه

1. Leave the mournful lute to prolong its weeping
Over the victim slaughtered, its wound freely bleeding,

١. دَعِ العُودَ مَحْزوناً يُطيلُ بُكاءَهُ
عَلى الزِّقِّ مَذْبوحاً يَسيلُ نَجيعُهُ

2. And the day its morning parted from its evenings,
When its throngs gathered at dawn for the striker.

٢. ويَوْمَ نَأى إِصْباحُهُ مِنْ مَسائِهِ
غَداةَ تَدانَتْ لِلْضِرّابِ جُموعُهُ

3. When its darkness was gloom and its pall was night,
Its whiteness by day and its armor made it bright.

٣. إِذا كَانَ لَيْلاً رَهْجُهُ وقَتامُهُ
ثَنَتْهُ نَهاراً بيضُهُ ودُروعُهُ

4. I made patience for my heart a binding law,
To guard, though spearheads were its binding flaw.

٤. جَعَلْتُ لِقَلْبي الصَّبْرَ فيهِ شَريعَةً
حِفاظاً وأَطْرافُ الرِّماحِ شُروعُهُ

5. The sun's orb surrendered to glorious might,
And between the leopard's shoulder blades was its site.

٥. سَلِمْتَ لِمَجْدٍ دَارَةُ الشَّمْسِ دَارُهُ
وبَيْنَ رُبوعِ الفَرْقَدَيْنِ رُبوعُهُ