
Love's torment, when prolonged, did aggrieve you

أضر بك الوجد لما تمادى

1. Love's torment, when prolonged, did aggrieve you,
And seeking relief therein brought you distress.

١. أضرَّ بك الوجدُ لمّا تَمادى
وَصارَ صلاحك فيه فَسادا

2. So, after estrangement and censure galore,
You were sentenced by passion for sleeplessness.

٢. وَقاضَك بعد الكرى والهجو
ع حكم الهوى بالهجوعِ السهادا

3. Your lids, it appears, have covenanted there
Henceforth to know not the taste of repose.

٣. كأنّ جفونَك قَد أَقسَمت
هنالكَ ألّا تذوقَ الرُقادا

4. O you, who inform me about a group
With whom the hands of Time are at close quarters:

٤. أَيا مُخبري عَن فريقٍ طوت
بِهِم أذرعُ اليعمُلاتِ الوهادا

5. Recount to me tales of them, for tales of theirs
I do love to hear told and retold.

٥. أَعد في الأحاديث لي عنهمُ
فإنّي أحبّ له أن يُعادا

6. A band, it seems, whose troops I imagined
As gleaming suns, as pearls of white flawless.

٦. فَريقٌ تخيّلت أسرابهُ
شموساً تصوّرن بيضاً خرادا

7. God! Never the day of parting have I forgot,
When he called me aside and invited me.

٧. فَو الله لم أَنسَ يوم الودا
عِ سرّاً دعاني لهنّ ونادى

8. He summoned me to them, his sovereign
Right confirmed, to give them sovereignty absolute.

٨. دَعاني إِليهنّ مُستملكاً
مَقادي فملّكهنّ المقادا

9. On the morn we set out, and our spirits,
As singles or couples, soared up apace.

٩. غديّةَ ساروا وَأَنفاسنا
تصعّد مَثنى معاً أو فرادا

10. I question a meadow of theirs turned desolate
Though they had but newly quit it in haste.

١٠. أُسائلُ ربعاً لَهم قد تعفّا
وَقَد زايلوهُ نوىً وَاِبتِعادا

11. The red snapdragons fed it clear wine from goblets,
While the basil sweet breathe forth profusely and fades.

١١. سَقاهُ حيا المزنِ من مربعٍ
وَرايحهُ مستهلّاً وَغادا

12. The narcissi tenderly, season by season,
Embraced it from Spring well into July.

١٢. وَصافَحهُ مِن ربيع إِلى
ربيع واِنحسم شهر جُمادى

13. Alas, my poor heart! How oft must I charge it
Not to break should rejection come nigh?

١٣. فَيا ويحَ قلبي إِلى كم أنا
عليهِ أُحاذر مِن أَن يُصادا

14. How oft must I adjure it, now they have turned
My affliction in love to proclaim and decry?

١٤. وَفي كم أقسِّمه إذ بعدما
غَدا بديداً في الغرامِ ونادى

15. Shall I offer it Hinda, or Fitna,
Asma, or Su'ad for its mad desires?

١٥. أَأمنحه هنداً أم فرتنا
وَأَسما وعاتكة أَو سُعادا

16. For they are my idols of love, they who traced
Out its labyrinths twisty and torturous.

١٦. فهنَّ اللّواتي رسمنَ الهوى
بِقلبي وأَعلقنَ فيه الودادا

17. They it was who kindled the fires of yearning
Now scorching my lids that had shut out all cheer;

١٧. وَهنَّ منَ الوجدِ أَوقدن لي
ضِراماً سوى ما جفنّي ودادا

18. Who kindled fires a-flame with high flames
That consumed bridle and rider like fuel set afire.

١٨. وَهنَّ منَ الوجدِ أوقدن لي
ضِراما أذابَ الحشا والفؤادا

19. They inscribed lines of passion, they only
Who made of my heart's blood the red of their ink.

١٩. كَتبنَ الهوى لي سطوراً وما اِت
تَخذنَ سِوى ماء قلبي مدادا

20. By my life, were its secret revealed to a rock
Of solid stone, even that rock would run molten!

٢٠. وَبي وصبٌ لَو سرى بالجما
دِ من حرّه لأذابَ الجمادا

21. God watered the days of my youth from a vineyard
Of pleasures, whose vintage enraptures the mind.

٢١. سَقى اللّه عصرَ الصِبا وَالشبا
ب مِن معصرات الملاهي عِهادا

22. Those days whose sweet tensions I oft did enjoy,
And whose goals in love's fancies fulfilled had.

٢٢. عَصرٌ بهِ طالما نلتُ من
لذيذِ الهوى وبلغت المُرادا

23. Those days when I dragged in the dust the long skirts
Of my loose robe, and gave my fillies their heads.

٢٣. وَجرّرت أَذيال تيهي به
وَأَجريت في ملهياتي جيادا

24. But those days have verily taken their leave,
And no more beam their smiles on me.

٢٤. تولّى وولّت بشاشاته
ونهنه منّي البياضُ السوادا

25. All I see is a time become harsh and unfriendly,
Starkly unwilling e'er again to show me its grace.

٢٥. أَرى زَمني لم أَخل أنّهُ
تودّد لي بعد منه إلّا بعادا

26. As soon as I utter one pitiful peep of complaint,
It loads me instead with redoubled distress.

٢٦. وَما إن شكوت منهُ الخطو
ب إلّا رَمى بالخطوبِ وزادا

27. Estranged now, when once it would show me good will,
It plays me but sourly its charms to evince.

٢٧. تنكّر لي بعد صفو الودا
دِ واللطفِ واِبتزّني ما أفادا

28. It sharpens its arrows and strips me of arms,
Then assails me in armor hideous black.

٢٨. وَفوّق لي سهمَهُ راشقاً
وجرّد لي منهُ بيضاً حدادا

29. Thus I know very well its caprice though forbear,
Putting always my trust in the turn of its wheel;

٢٩. عرفت بهِ غيرَ أنّي له
صبرتُ على الحادثاتِ اِعتِمادا

30. For it yet may relent, and with kindness surprise me,
May yet turn the days in which once it took pride.

٣٠. يريشُ ويبري عَلى أنّهُ
يُعاودُ فيما به كانَ جادا

31. Oh, the feats of illusion that vanished away!
And no single bright day has it left as my stay!

٣١. فَكم فيهِ مِن مترفٍ قد قضى
وَما منه يوماً تزوّدَ زادا

32. For each man of mankind is Time's thrall, nor shall any
Contrive to escape from its prisoning chains.

٣٢. وَكلّ اِمرئٍ مِن جميع الورى
أسيرٌ لأحداثهِ لن يفادا

33. Man's estate is as ashes when fuel is spent,
Or a ruin when bolstering pillars collapse.

٣٣. وَما المرء إلّا كمثلِ الشها
بِ بعدَ الوقودِ يصيرُ رمادا

34. It is wilderness, arid, where once did encamp
A rich tribe of nomads their black goats and white.

٣٤. وَبيداء قفراء كلّفتها
أموناً منَ العيسِ جرفاً سنادا

35. Seek you riches! Let nomads and luxury be
Your endeavour, but never a bare life of need!

٣٥. أَلا فَاِطلبنّ الغنى واِتّخذ
لكَ العيسَ دونَ المهادِ مهادا

36. Win victory! Make your own good fortune!
Command road and dominion! a king be acclaimed!

٣٦. وَلُذ بالمظفّر وَاِستجدهِ
يفدكَ الطريقَ معاً والبلادا

37. Spend freely your silver when means run distressed!
See high generosity as solemn faith bound!

٣٧. مَليكٌ على عسرهِ والغنى
يَرى الجودَ ديناً لهُ واِعتقادا

38. A sapling at first, it shot up a tall palm,
Reached high on the ladder of glory though young.

٣٨. تَرعرعَ مكتهلاً وَاِرتَقى
مَنارَ المفاخرِ طفلاً وسادا

39. Of generous breed, and its sires too displayed
Their worth down long lines in most generous kind.

٣٩. جَوادٌ تتابعَ آباؤهُ
إِلى المكرماتِ جَواداً جوادا

40. A mansion he built, tow'ring to heaven, and raised
Its pillars from virtues his nature had formed.

٤٠. بَنى بيتَ مجدٍ له سامياً
أَقامَ لهُ مِن نداهُ عمادا

41. To his foes I could proffer a deathly black draft
That would smite them with pallor and coal-colored fear.

٤١. أباعثها للعداةِ شراباً
تدافعنَ بيضاً وسمراً صِعادا

42. And were Thamud and 'Ad bound against him combined,
I would scatter their throngs as though milling locusts.

٤٢. وَمن لَو ثمودٌ وعادٌ بقوا
عَليهِ لأردى ثَموداً وعادا

43. Nay, in love with brave death stands no weakling who'd quaver
At friend or at stranger - no coward who'd flee.

٤٣. فَما في الحميّةِ جسّاسها
بشاكٍ وَلا من أَجار الجرادا

44. So who dare vie with you now you have gained
Such a crown of high glory invincible strength?

٤٤. فَمَن ذا يُساميكَ مِن بعد ما
رقيتَ مِن المجدِ سبعاً شدادا