
Stop and greet the melodies of the one with the ladder

قف وسلم في مغاني ذي سلم

1. Stop and greet the melodies of the one with the ladder
And kiss the verses from it and receive

١. قِف وسلّم في مغاني ذي سلم
واِلثم الآيات منها واِستلِم

2. And ask the caravan about it, inquiring
About the house of India, Rabab and Hathm

٢. وَاِسأل الركبَ منها مستعلما
عن دارِ هند ورباب وحذم

3. How much blood we have drawn for a long time
The wonders of which are unravelled over and over again

٣. دمناً كم قد سحبنا زمنا
حلل الإعجابِ منها كَم وكَم

4. And how much did I flirt in its plains
A flirtation between those tents

٤. وَلَكم غازلتُ في عرَصاتها
غزلة ما بينَ هاتيكَ الخِيَم

5. Where Sa'da is happy with pleasure
And Umm Ayman is the result of my union

٥. حيث سُعدى بالرِضى مسعدة
وأميم هيَ مِن وصلي أمم

6. Thus time about us is sleeping
Settled while we did not sleep

٦. هَكذا والدهرُ عنّا نائم
مُستقرٌّ وهَوانا لَم يَنَم

7. And you see our days sunny
Its light not darkened by the clouds' cloudiness

٧. وَتَرى أيّامنا مُشمسة
لم يُكدِّر نورها غيمُ الغيَم

8. And the nights of our fortune are moonlit
Praised in it with the beauties of darkness

٨. وَليالي حظّنا مقمرةٌ
مادحت فيها بجاميم الظلَم

9. Oh that life, how sweet it is
Seasoned, it was for those who tasted it

٩. يا لذاكَ العيشِ ما أعذبهُ
مطعماً كان لمَن منه طعم

10. And singing in the gatherings
And the breeze in it has blown

١٠. وَمغنّ في الأماليدِ شدا
وَنسيمُ الريحِ فيها قد نسم

11. And the dew in the garden like pearls and buds
A garden in blossoms smiling

١١. وَالندى في الروضِ كاللؤلؤ والر
روضِ في الزهرِ منير مُبتسم

12. Chant rhymed prose and inspire in lovesickness
Embers and affection kindled and blazed

١٢. رتَّل السجعَ فأورى في الحشا
جمرَ وجدٍ شبّ فيه واِضطرَم

13. Oh blame me, if you knew love through
The eye of reason you would not blame me

١٣. يا مَلومي لو عرفت الحبّ عن
عينِ عقلٍ كنت فيه لم تلَم

14. You blamed me in my love of Sa’da but it is in
My doctrine a duty and obligation which adhered

١٤. لُمتني في حبِّ سعدى وهوَ في
مَذهَبي دينٌ وفرضٌ قد لَزِم

15. Leave me alone and the sickness from it, I
Can see the pleasures in that sickness

١٥. خلّني والسقم منه إنّني
قَد أرى اللذّات في ذاكَ السقَم

16. A visitor who has never united with me
A connection except it sprouted, was cut off, and disintegrated

١٦. غادةٌ ما واصلت لي حَبلها
قطّ إلّا اِنبتّ قطعاً واِنصَرَم

17. Large-buttocked, her coat contains
A bough of acacia above a propped up pole

١٧. ضخمةُ الأردافِ يحوي درعها
غصنَ بانٍ فوقَ دعصٍ مرتكم

18. A bough of acacia hanging over it
A moon over which the night darkened

١٨. غصن بانٍ فاعم من فوقهِ
قمر مِن فوقه الليلُ اِدلهَم

19. An idol, if it appeared to me I would say
Too glorious this beauty over the idol's beauty

١٩. صنمٌ إِن لاحَ لي قلت له
جلّ هَذا الحسنُ عن حسنِ الصَنَم

20. Her anklet complains of her leg
When it was narrowed on it and rubbed

٢٠. يَشتكي خلخالها مِن ساقها
حينَما غصّ فيهِ واِحتكَم

21. She uncovered her veil from her face
So the beauty appeared apart from the idol’s beauty

٢١. كَشفت برقعَها عَن وجهها
فَبدا في الحسنِ عَن حسنِ الصنَم

22. Slender limbs whose dress flows over
A narrow waist it hugs from her and is grouped together

٢٢. رحصة الأطرافِ يجري وشحها
فوقَ خصرٍ دقّ منها واِنهضَم

23. And if she shook my hand, she shook
With fingers like the ends of spears

٢٣. وَإِذا ما صافَحَتني صافحت
ببنانات كأطرافِ العنَم

24. And if she smiles, I would say a
Pearl appeared in her mouth aligned

٢٤. وَإِذا اِبتسمت قلت بدا
لؤلؤٌ في الثغرِ منها منتظم

25. In her glance, a mole, in her amorous glance
A houri that sniffs shows through

٢٥. في لَماها شنبٌ في لحظها
حورٌ في أنفها يَبدو شمَم

26. Pitiful for her saliva the soul kisses it through her veil
I have not seen the likes beneath the veil

٢٦. أسفا لريقتها الروح بلثمها
ما عاينت من تحتَ اللثم

27. Thirsty in thirst I have wished to
A sip of her sweet, dewy saliva

٢٧. عَطشا في عطشٍ منّى إلى
رشفة مِن ريقِها العذبِ الشبم

28. Oh destitute one, do not covet
Fat you assume while it is a cyst

٢٨. أيُّها المعسرُ لا ترغب إلى
سمن تحسبهُ وهو ورم

29. And seek the face of a virtuous man you wrap
In an sea of generosity turbulent

٢٩. وَاِفصدن وجهَ عرارٍ تلفهِ
بحرَ جودٍ بالعَطايا مُتلطم

30. A king who ruled the world as a child and
No blemishes sprouted above his cheeks

٣٠. ملكٌ سادَ الورى طفلاً وما
نَبتت مِن فوقِ خدّيه اللمم

31. And he surrounded the kingdom and realm with
Sword, spear, the two-edged, and the pen

٣١. وَأَحاطَ المُلك والإقليم بالس
سيف والرمحِ الرديني والقَلَم

32. So he is the source of guidance in his rule
And he is a gag for whoever in it was audacious

٣٢. فَهو مقباسُ هدىً في ملكهِ
وَهوَ مقماعٌ لمن فيهِ اِغتشَم

33. He did not cease to have for the supplicant in his palm
And for he who angers him, honey and poison

٣٣. لَم يَزل للمجتدي في كفِّه
وَلِمن غاضبهُ شهدٌ وسم

34. How many intentions for the delegation have come from his layers
Blood shed that would shame the shedding blood

٣٤. كَم هَمت للوفدِ من أنوائهِ
ديمٌ تخجل أنواءَ الديَم

35. And the supplicant has benefited from his wealth
Bounties, perfect after bounties

٣٥. وَأَفاد المجتدي مِن مالهِ
نعماً سابغةً بعد نِعَم

36. No destitute person has come to him supplicating
Except he became devoid of destitution

٣٦. ما أَتاهُ معدم مجتدياً
قطّ إلّا صارَ معدوم العدَم

37. His ambition was certain that praise
Is the best crop and most blessed profitable thing

٣٧. أَيقَنت همّته أنّ الثنا
خيرُ محصولٍ وأَزكى مُغتنَم

38. The people are safe from enemies in his rule
Like the safety of birds in the sanctuaries inviolable

٣٨. أَمِنَ الناسُ العدا في ملكهِ
كأمانِ الطيرِ في سوحِ الحرَم

39. Oh eminent one who has ascended
In his grandeur, through it ambitions bowed down low

٣٩. أَيّها القرم الّذي قد صعدت
في مَعاليهِ به قعس الهِمَم

40. I am in my family lovelorn
For you apart from my family and shyness

٤٠. إنّني في مَعشري متشيق
لكَ من دونِ عشيري والحشَم

41. So enliven me from my woes through which
I have become between fears and ambitions

٤١. فَاِنتعشني من أزاليق بها
صرتُ ما بينَ مخافاتٍ همَم

42. And know that if you let me down
You would become in letting down flesh in a bone bag

٤٢. واِعلمن أنّك إن ضيّعتني
صرت في التضييع لحماً في إضَم