1. I see the drawing of Sa'diy in my heart drawing
For her and for him a drawing, and he was not erasing
١. أَرى رسمَ سعدى في فؤادي راسما
لَها وله رسمٌ ولم يكُ طاسما
2. And since the landmarks were emptied of it, I left
For her between the ribs landmarks
٢. وَمُذ أَقفَرت منهُ المعالم غادرت
لها بينَ أثناءِ الضلوعِ معالما
3. And I stood by her after her belt so I did not
Recognize it except the three prominences
٣. وَقفتُ بِها من بعد قطّانه فما
عرفت بهِ إلّا الثلاث الجواثما
4. I saw my standing at the drawings as an obligation
So I was in my duty the duration of life established
٤. رأيتُ وقوفي بالرسوم فريضةً
فكنتُ بفرضي مدّة العيشِ قائما
5. An evening appeared from him Sa'diy so I kindled
With the blackness of my heart from the blaze of passion flaming
٥. عشيّة بانَت منه سعدى فأسعرت
بِسوداء قلبي مِن لظى الوجدِ جاحما
6. And separation necessitated scattering between us
Farewell by the fire of separation to the heart and deafening
٦. وَقد أوجبَ البينُ المشتّت بيننا
وداعاً بنارِ البينِ للقلبِ واسما
7. With tinkling anklets complaining of her legs
As her gown complains of constriction enveloping
٧. برهرهة تَشكو الخلاخيلُ ساقها
كَما يَشتكي منها الإزارُ المآكما
8. And she has wronged her buttocks by separation
As the judgment of her abandonment was to me unjust
٨. وَقد ظلمت منها الروادفُ خصرها
كَما كانَ لي من هجرها الحكم ظالما
9. She bent a slender shape in the morning over which was gloom
And a staff and tubes from the leg direct
٩. تثنّت قضيباً في ضحىً فوقهُ دجىً
ودعصاً وأنبوباً من الساق فاعما
10. I obeyed her desire since I was burdened with her love
And I opposed in her my blamer and critics
١٠. أَطعت هَواها مُذ كلفتُ بحبّها
وخالفتُ فيها عذّلي واللوائما
11. And I made it judge in myself even if it was
On me the rule of injustice in the ruling a ruler
١١. وحكّمته في ذاتِ نَفسي وإن يكن
عليَّ بحكمِ الجورِ في الحكمِ حاكما
12. I wander to the coldness of the hill and I incline
With the yearning every time I came confused
١٢. أَحومُ إِلى بردِ الرضابِ فأَنثني
بخفّي حنينٍ كلّما جئت حائما
13. Allah watered the ruins of the meadows with a flood
Delicate and aromatic for the sorrows clouds
١٣. سَقى اللّه أطلالَ الأبيرق بارقاً
هتوناً وأرجاً للغمومِ غمائما
14. And clothed it from the fluttering of splendor a dress
Bejeweled with pearls diffusing fragrance
١٤. وَألبسها مِن رفرفِ الوشيِ حلّة
مكلّلة ًدرّاً تفوحُ لطائما
15. When the banner of the breeze goes I see it
Greeting its flowers and buds
١٥. إِذا ما سَرى ساري النسيم رأيتهُ
يُصافح منها زهرها والكمائما
16. And precious refined pearls of splendor
For which I was in the realm of creation a poet
١٦. وَدرٌّ نفيسٌ جوهريٌّ منَ الثنا
لهُ كنت في سلك البديهةِ ناظما
17. I was stingy to share it with anyone abject and I was not
Imitating it among the people except the generous
١٧. ضَننتُ بهِ عن كلّ لحز ولم أكن
أقلّده في الناس إلّا الأكارما
18. I blame myself wherever I was, I was visited
Hoping for the despicable to be a drinking companion
١٨. سَآنف نَفسي أينَما كنت زارني
على طمعٍ للأرذلين منادِما
19. By my life, I do not fear scarcity
Or lack as long as peace is safe
١٩. لَعمري إنّي لست أَخشى خصاصة
وَلا قوصة ما دامَ سالمُ سالما
20. A youth whose palm blossomed clouds of favor
So that hopes from me for him became aspirations
٢٠. فتىً أخصَبت كفّاه أنواء مربعي
فَأضحت بهِ الآمالُ منّي شوايما
21. He flowed in the battlefields of praise thriving
So his people followed him high and with generosity
٢١. جَرى في ميادينِ المحامد يانعاً
فعقّب أهليها علا ومكارما
22. His fingers tell when they move
Its clouds and the fine rain poured forth
٢٢. أَناملهُ تَحكي إذا ما تبعّقت
سحائبها وطف السحاب السواجما
23. The heart was struck by the splendor of his heart
And the banners of glory hung from him
٢٣. برقت فويق القلب همّة قلبهِ
وَعفّت بسمكِ المجد منه النعايما
24. Behold O clouds whose origin I smelled an aroma
That stole the morning and to the one who came a defamer
٢٤. أَلا أيّها الغيثُ الّذي شمته نداً
خلب أضحى لمن جاء شايما
25. And who made benevolence in every meeting
On himself an obligation from Allah binding
٢٥. وَمَن جعلَ المعروف في كلّ قبلةٍ
على نفسهِ فرضاً منَ اللّه لازما
26. You established with the glory of splendor from you pillars
And you made it fast in the sky tent pegs
٢٦. أَقمتَ بسمكِ المجدِ منك قواعداً
وَأَسمكتَ منه في السماءِ الدعائما
27. And you followed Qa'qaa bin Shur bin Khalid
And the one who protected the foot of locusts and a ring
٢٧. وَعقّبت قعقاع بن شور بن خالد
وَمَن قَد حمى رجلَ الجرادِ وحاتما
28. The full moon from the horizon of the sky almost
Bowing down to kiss your slipper smooth
٢٨. وَقد كادَ وجهُ البدرِ من أفق السما
يخرُّ إِلى تقبيلِ نعليك لاثِما