
Stop at the abode of the loved ones though it is now desolate,

قفا بمقام للأحبة ماصح

1. Stop at the abode of the loved ones though it is now desolate,
Played with by the hands of the winds that blow softly.

١. قِفا بِمقامٍ للأحبّة ماصحِ
بهِ عَبَثت أيدي الرياح اللواقحِ

2. Every wild goat bleats over its ruins,
And every brute paws the ground with its hooves.

٢. ألثّ على أَطلاله كلّ مدجن
وكلّ هتونٍ بالشآبيب ناضحِ

3. I stopped there while the caravan passed between a laugher
And a weeping one, on the traces and a wailing woman.

٣. وَقفت به والركبُ ما بين ضاحكٍ
وَما بين باكٍ في الرسوم ونائحِ

4. A stop for Sa’diyya after whom my affairs burst forth
With copious tears from my innermost being.

٤. مَقامٌ لسعدى بعدها قد تفجّرت
عليه شؤوني بالدموع السوافحِ

5. So, O reprover, gently reprove my resistance to being patient for her,
For patience for her is not seemly.

٥. فَيا آمري بالصبرِ عنها عنافة
برفقٍ فَليس الصبرُ عنها بصالحِ

6. How much blood did the bending of camp cause to flow from me
And how many a wound did it widen in my innermost being!

٦. فَكم سَفكت منّي غداة النوى دماً
وَكَم أَوسعت جرحاً لها في الجوارحِ

7. She appeared like a sun behind clouds
With a face whose splendor shone from beneath the veils.

٧. تَجلّت كمثلِ الشمسِ خلفَ غمامةٍ
بِوجهٍ لَها تحتَ البراقعِ لائحِ

8. She robbed me of my self-composure and resolve
And ignited the sparks of passion within my breast.

٨. فَسلّت عزاي واِصطباري صبابة
وَأَورت سعيرَ الشوقِ بين الجوانحِ

9. And she enchanted my reason with the magic of her eyes
The day she assailed me with shy glances.

٩. وَقَد أَشدهت عقلي بسحرِ عيونها
غَداةَ رَمَتني بالعيون اللوامحِ

10. The lightning of Yemen stirs me
When it gleams through a rift in the bright clouds.

١٠. يَهيج لي البرقُ اليماني صبابةً
إِذا اِفترّ عن كشر منَ النور واضحِ

11. And desire, joyous and passionate,
Sends me the tears of the hands of the fair sobbing women.

١١. وَيبعث لي الشوق المبرّح والجوى
بكاء خضيبات الأكفّ الصوادحِ

12. I see that toil in the world is like the dreams of a slumberer
Whose term is only for striving souls.

١٢. أَرى الكدح في الدنيا كأَحلام راقدٍ
يَصير مداه للنفوسِ الكوادحِ

13. And endeavor is but two principles whose meanings for it
Have expanded for an ardent suitor and a praiser.

١٣. وما السعي إلّا مَذهبان توسّعت
مَعانيهما فيه لهاجٍ ومادحِ

14. Would that I knew! Does the time mock
What it decreed in its judgment or is it not mocking?

١٤. فَيا ليت شعري هل أرى الدهر مازحاً
بِما قَد قضى في الحكم أم غير مازحِ

15. It treats us through resolute, grudging traits
In the raiment of a praiser, being a miser to its coursers.

١٥. يُواصِلنا منه بِأخلاقِ حازمٍ
شحيحٍ على جاديه في زيّ مادحِ

16. How many sheep has it rent among the lions!
How it has succoured its whelps through my innermost being!

١٦. فَكَم فتكت في الأُسدِ منه نعاجه
وَغاثت حباريهِ به في الجوارحِ

And it increased my hopes so their summits

١٧. وقد زدت آمالي فَأَضحت سوامها
معقّلة عن رعيها في المسارحِ

18. Became inaccessible to their shepherd in the meadows.
And my soul despaired of its ambitions

١٨. وَأَيأست نفسي من مطامِعها الّتي
تَسير على عيش الغرور الطلائحِ

19. Which follow the life of delusive mirages.
And I began not to wink at a swimmer

١٩. وَأصبحت لا أغضي بطرفي لسابحٍ
وَلَم أَلتفت يوماً بطرفي لبارحِ

20. And never turned my eyes to one who crossed the desert.
And I sang a song whose heavy rain clouds

٢٠. وَأحوى غثاء فاحَ عبء سمائه
بِنشرٍ حَكى نشرَ اللطيمةِ فائحِ

21. Poured down like the outpouring of a torrent in flood.
And I sang the two households though they

٢١. وَأَصبحَ أَحوى الطرّتين وقد هما
به من حجنّ المعصرات الدوالحِ

22. Were busied with it from the oil presses.
And it made the streams laugh and the summits

٢٢. وَقد أضحك النوّار فيه وأَشرقت
مَباسمُ أعلا زهره المتصافحِ

23. Of its loftiest blossoms smile to each other.
As if it had the traits of an angel when

٢٣. كأنّ بهِ أخلاق مالك حين ما
تأرّج في أرجائه بالروائحِ

24. It was fragrant in all its regions with perfume.
A youth who set the world aright and was one who erased

٢٤. فَتىً أصلح الدنيا وأَصبح ناسخاً
مَفاسدها من عدله بالمصالحِ

25. Its corruptions through his justice and reforms.
Trustworthy to the Lord of the Throne – his heart

٢٥. أَمين لربِّ العرشِ في الملك قلبه
إِلى الحقِّ أَضحى جانحاً أيَّ جانحِ

26. Inclined to the truth, O what a heart inclined!
And a sword from the Merciful on earth – a sword unsheathed

٢٦. وسيفٌ منَ الرحمنِ في الأرض مصلتٌ
يقطّع أعناقَ الخطوب القوادحِ

27. To cut off the necks of dreadful calamities.
And a light of guidance in the darkness of ignorance

٢٧. وَنورُ هدى في غيهب الجهل قابس
أقاليمها من كلّ دانٍ ونازحِ

28. That illuminated its realms from every emigrant and settler.
So liken him not a day to mortals. Does

٢٨. فَلا تشبهن يوماً به بشراً وهل
يُقاس خضمٌّ زاخرٌ بالضحاضحِ

29. A swelling, abundant sea equal little ponds?
He sees what was concealed in the unseen before its existence

٢٩. يرى ما اِختفى في الغيب من قبل كونه
بِعقلٍ وحلمٍ في السكينةِ راجحِ

30. With a reason and forbearance weighed against tranquility.
Heavy when he met the arm and attacked,

٣٠. ثَقيلٌ إذا ما قابل الدست واِبتدى
خفيفٌ على ظهر الجياد السوابحِ

31. Light on the back of the swimming steeds.
He has a pen that bends the spears with its edge

٣١. لَه قلم يثني الرماحَ بحدّهِ
عَلى الكره عوجاً من يدي كلّ رامحِ

32. Against the hateful, bent by the hands of every spear-thrower.
If it runs its course, it sets in motion affairs and opens

٣٢. إِذا ما جرى أجرى أموراً وفتّحت
مغالق لَم تفتح لها بالمفاتحِ

33. Fastnesses not opened for them by keys.
And if it denies sustenance to one accustomed to comfort

٣٣. وَإِن مجّ ريقاً كان رزقاً لمعدم
وَمنعاً لمطلوب صكيك المنادحِ

34. And refuse what is sought by the importunate beggars.
It is obeyed in every purpose it desires

٣٤. يُطاوعه في كلّ أمرٍ يريده
وَيخدمهُ في الملك خدمة ناصحِ

35. And serves it in the kingdom with sincere service.
And it does whatever the heart secretly commands

٣٥. وَيَفعل مهما يأمر القلب مضمراً
وَيسلك في التدبير طرق المفالحِ

36. And follows in planning the ways to well-being.
And how many battalions have been routed by it!

٣٦. وَكَم هزمت منه الكتائبَ كتبهُ
صَحيفتها تثني حدود الصفائحِ

37. Their registers fold back the edges of the pages!
O despoiler! How you have fared well with me and abandoned

٣٧. أَيا غاصباً كم قد سرت بي وهجّرت
ظهور المطايا في ظهورِ الصحاصحِ

38. The backs of the steeds in the backs of the armored horses!
How many times my feet were still vigorous from its deserts,

٣٨. فَكم حيت من بيدبيها ودكادك
ومن تلع موصولة بالأباطحِ