
Let me lament the abode and its ruins

خلني أندب الرسم والطللا

1. Let me lament the abode and its ruins
Spare me from blame and disgrace

١. خلِّني أندبُ الرسمَ والطللا
ودع اللومَ منّي والعذَلا

2. And look at me in the dwelling of the beloved
That I may fulfill my duty and pluck flowers

٢. واِنظراني بربع الحبيب لكي
أقتضي الفرضَ منه وأنتفلا

3. An abode whose company I have long kept
Living in the heedlessness of youth confusedly

٣. مربع طال ما قد صحبتُ به ال
عيشَ في غفلاتِ الصِّبا خضلا

4. And how often in its playgrounds
I sought its solitude amorously

٤. ولكم في ملاعب عرصته
كنتُ ناشدت عزلته غزلا

5. Where the white doves judge me
In the coolness of youth and at its prime

٥. حيث ترمقني البيض محتكماً
في برودِ الشَباب ومقتبلا

6. Oh that time and its blossoming
And an epoch that has passed and gone

٦. يا لذاك الزمان وزهرته
ولعصرٍ تصرَّم واِنتقلا

7. A time whose drinks were most delicious
How delicious were its drinks and joys

٧. زمنٌ ما ألذَّ مشاربه
كم ألذّ مشاربه وحلا

8. Whenever I remember it
My heart yearns for its memories and is set ablaze

٨. ما تذكَّرته قطّ إلّا وقد
هام قلبي لذكراه واِشتعلا

9. And I sing as if the mingling of its wine
Were a globule of honey mixed with pure honey

٩. وأغنُّ كأنَّ مجاجتَه
نطفةُ المزنِ مازجَت عسلا

10. I went to kiss the rose and its garden
But it bowed its head shyly and drew away bashfully

١٠. رُمتُ تقبيلَ ورد وجنتهِ
فاِنثنى مُطرقاً واِنزوى خَجلا

11. A moon appeared to me under the wing of night's darkness
Poised evenly on a staff of beauty

١١. لاحَ لي قمرٌ تحت جنحِ دجىً
وقضيباً على الدّعصِ معتدلا

12. The gazelle of his eyes contains glances of magic
And aims straight when he aims his slender figure

١٢. أحورُ العينِ يحوي لحاظَ مها
وينصُّ إذا نصَّ جيد طلا

13. Oh what a gazelle whose death I die when he turns away
And whose life I live when he comes near

١٣. يا له من غزال أموت إذا
صدَّ عنّي وأحيا إذا وصلا

14. He pierces my heart with his arrow-like glances
Whenever his soft eyes wink

١٤. يرشق القلبَ منّي بأسهمه
كلَّما رقرقَ الأعينَ النجلا

15. He captivates the mind with his gaze, so is not
His glance like magic eyedrops?

١٥. يسحر العقل باللَّحظ منه فهل
لحظه كان بالسِّحر مكتحلا

16. His anklet was buried in his leg and complained
Of his wide trousers binding it

١٦. غصَّ بالسَّاق خلخالُه وشكا
في الفعومة مئزره الكفلا

17. His love, his love when he bids me farewell
When he sees me leaving him

١٧. حبّه حبّه إذ يوادعني
حينَ أبصرني عنه مُرتحلا

18. He stood at the farewell and said, won't you
Leave now, won't you?

١٨. قام عند الوداعِ وقال ألا
تترك الآن الرحيلَ ألا

19. And for what youth do you hope
To find a new road, renew or waste away?

١٩. ولأي فتى أنت تطمعُ في
مستجدّ السرى جدد أو فلا

20. So I replied and said to him, "For a youth
Perfect in his virtues, complete."

٢٠. فأجبتُ وقلتُ له لفتىً
كامل في مكارمهِ كملا

21. He said, "Who is he?" I said, "A farmer who is
Like rain in generosity when it pours forth."

٢١. قالَ من هو قلتُ فلاح هو ال
غيثُ في الجود كالغيثِ إن هطلا

22. A king from the tribe of Azd, its pride
In the sky of glory, ascending and rising high

٢٢. ملك من بني الأزدِ مفخره
في سماءِ المعالي سمَا وعلا

23. I woke him when he attained the determination of generosity
Ambitions that in greatness exceeded Saturn

٢٣. أيقظته لما نال من كرمٍ
هممٌ في العُلا جاوزت زحلا

24. How much dew he brought to pilgrims! And how much
By his glory he extended shade!

٢٤. كم أفاد الوفودَ ندىً ولكم
كان من جاهه أمدد الظّللا

25. And how many times against the rebels
He had a battle that humbled the eagle and camel

٢٥. ولكم في جيوش البغاةِ له
وقعةٌ أنست النسر والجملا

26. He ascended, rising to the lofty peaks of
Glory's mountain, its guide and protector

٢٦. ومضى ما رقى في ذرى جبل ال
مجد كان هو الحاذقُ الوقلا

27. He is openhanded in his munificence
Just in his kingdoms, practicing justice

٢٧. جايز جايز في تألّدهِ
عادل في ممالكه عدلا

28. You will find him cloaked in chastity
And encompassed in generosity when you meet him

٢٨. بالتعفّف تلقاه ملتحفاً
بالتَّكرم تلقاه مُشتملا

29. And if you look upon his face, you see
The water of life has moistened it

٢٩. وترى إن نظرتَ إليه على ال
وجه منه لماء الحَيا بللا

30. Do not blame his envier, for the rose too
Is killed by the beetle in its fragrance

٣٠. لا تلم فيه حاسدَه فلقد
يقتل الوردُ في شمِّه الجعلا

31. He is steadfast, safe from asking,
And begging from him is forbidden

٣١. صمدٌ في السؤال محرَّمة
للعفاة عليه مقالةُ لا

32. O Sheyghabi king who gifts horses
And beautiful decorated houses

٣٢. أَيُّها الملك الشيجبيّ ومن
يهب الجردَ والأينقَ الذلَلا

33. Live in ease with a serene mind
Your sun shall not be eclipsed nor your moon fade

٣٣. عش ودم ناعمَ البالِ لا اِنكسفت
شمسُكم ولا بدرُكم أفلا