
My heart keeps tossing on the embers of passion,

فؤاد على جمر الغرام يقلب

1. My heart keeps tossing on the embers of passion,
And my body is tortured by all kinds of sickness.

١. فؤادٌ على جمر الغرام يقلّبُ
وَجسمٌ بأنواع السقام معذّبُ

2. I stood at the abode of the beloved, now desolate -
A courtyard, ruins, a well, and a playground.

٢. وَقفت على دارِ الحبيبِ وقد عفت
عراصٌ وأطلالٌ ونؤيٌ وملعبُ

3. I address the builder, and the builder is above it -
A preacher over the tents, chanting and sermonizing.

٣. أُخاطب منه البان والبان فوقه
خطيبٌ على الأفنان يشدو ويخطبُ

4. It became desolate, its signs effaced and altered -
Speeches, a throng, and murmurs moved about it.

٤. ديارٌ عفت آياتها وتنكّرت
وَحال بها خطبٌ وسربٌ وربربُ

5. My pact with it was that, on every meadow,
It would drag the trains of wandering about it and pull them along.

٥. وَعهدي بها كانت على كلّ غادةٍ
تجرّ ذيولَ التيهِ فيها وتسحبُ

6. How many times did I become happy in its expanse and roll about!
As well as Sama and Saud - even Hudham and Zainab!

٦. فَكم أنست في ربعها وتكنّست
سعاد وأَسما بل حذام وزينبُ

7. And who can help me to shake its chamber-curtains,
Which now in the familyfloat about and sink down?

٧. وَمن لي بريّا الساعدين وقد غدت
هَوادِجها في الآل تطفو وترسبُ

8. How strange that it is absent when its phantom
Stings my heart, settled down and ensconced!

٨. فَيا عجباً منها تغيب وشخصها
يسلّ بقلبي مستقرّ مطنبُ

9. The attributes of beauty reached their farthest limits in it, so its beauty
Enchants the minds of beholders and captures them.

٩. تَناهت صفات الحسن فيها فحسنها
يسلّ عقول الناظرين ويسلبُ

10. Its charms when it adorned itself made you desire
To see it wearing necklaces and rouge on its wrists.

١٠. يَشوقك منها أن تجلّت مقلّدا
وكشر جمانيّ وكفّ مخضّبُ

11. Oh, its beauty on the day of farewell when there appeared
Cheeks, neck, temples, and slender waist!

١١. فَيا حسنها يومَ الوداع وقد بدت
خدود وأعطاف وصدغ وعقربُ

12. I escorted it one day while, between my ribs,
Was a fire whose heat flamed up.

١٢. أشيّعها يوماً وبين أضالعي
مِنَ الوجدِ نارٌ حرّها يتلهّبُ

13. I see people in their innate nature and situation -
Their situation in character is only fickleness.

١٣. أَرى الناسَ في طبع النفوسِ وشأنهم
فما شأنهم في الطبعِ إلّا التقلّبُ

14. If I have little money, my worth is little to them,
And if I oppose them in intelligence and etiquette.

١٤. إِذا قلّ مالي قلّ قدري لديهم
وَإِن شاقهم منّي الذكا والتأدّبُ

15. And if my money increases and I move to wealth,
Then I have family, ease, and a welcome to them.

١٥. وَإِن زادَ مالي واِنتقلت إِلى الغنى
فَلي منهم أهلٌ وسهلٌ ومرحبُ

16. Oh, would that Sa'da and the nights and their promises
Would prove true to me in the promise or were lying!

١٦. أَلا ليتَ سعدى والليالي ووعدها
أتصدُق لي في الوعدِ أم هي تكذبُ

17. I am amazed at what they have done, but after all,
This great patience from me is more amazing.

١٧. عَجبتُ لها فيما قَضته وإنّما
على كثرِ هذا الصبر منّي لأعجبُ

18. When a shower of joy comes from it,
Soon after comes a downpour of affliction.

١٨. إِذا جاد منها بالمسرّةِ صيّبٌ
أَتاني وشيكاً بالمساءةِ صيّبُ

19. So fate does not respond favorably in my joy,
As if, among all people, I alone were guilty toward it.

١٩. فَما يستجيب الدهر عندَ مسرّتي
كأنّيَ من دون الورى فيه مذنبُ

20. How many gatherings did I attend with the caravan,
Flirting with the leader and making genealogical claims!

٢٠. وَداوية كم ظلت فيها معَ السرى
أشبّب في ذات الوشاح وأنسبُ

21. And I would recite poetry that appealed to them -
Poetry by Jarir, Mimun, Qais, and Qutrub.

٢١. وَأنشد ما يصغي له من غرائبي
جريرٌ وميمونٌ وقيسٌ وقطربُ

22. She-camels, huge of body, robust, would come to me,
Sometimes slipping off with my gear and sometimes drawing near.

٢٢. وَنجب أتاني ضخمة المتنِ جسرة
تخبّ بِرحلي تارةً وتقرّبُ

23. My friends said about the journey - and their words:
"Describe the garden where the garden is green and fertile."

٢٣. وَقد قال صحبي في المسيرِ وقوله
صف الروضَ حيث الروض أخضرُ مخصبُ

24. But I said, "Leave off describing gardens and mentioning them,
And be earnest, for earnestness is best and most incumbent."

٢٤. فَقلتُ دعوا وصفَ الرياضِ وَذكرها
وجدّوا فإنّ الجدّ أَولى وأوجبُ

25. "Do not mention the Garden of Trellises and its fragrance,
Even if one of its colors pleases, enchanting the onlooker.

٢٥. وَلا تَذكروا روضَ العرار وطيبه
وَإن راقَ لونٌ منه بالحسن معجبُ

26. For if the spreading of the Greens pleases me in any way,
The rest of the Greens are purer and more fragrant.

٢٦. فَإن طابَ لي نشرُ الغرار فيمّما
خلاقَ عرار منه أزكى وأطيبُ

27. A sovereign whose nature is gentle, an ardent desire -
More righteous than the lovely garden and more moist."

٢٧. مليكٌ سَجاياه لطاف شهيّةٌ
أَبلُّ مِنَ الروض البهيج وأرطبُ

28. A light that, when the times of fate darken
And disturb the face of fate with grave events -

٢٨. ضياء إِذا ما الدهرُ أظلمَ وقته
وَكدّر وجه الدهر للخطب غيهبُ

29. A sun over the world that illuminates it with its light
From east to west, from country to country -

٢٩. وَشمسٌ على الدنيا تضيء بنورها
منَ البيدِ والأمصار شرقٌ ومغربُ

30. A sword from the Merciful, drawn in the land,
With which He severs formidable affairs and strikes them down!

٣٠. وَسيفٌ مِنَ الرحمن في الأرض مصلتٌ
به يقطع الخطب الجسيم ويضربُ

31. A lofty, smoothly flowing camel that the riders enjoy
When it glides forth in the living tribe's procession!

٣١. وَطودٌ منيفٌ يستلاذُ بركبهِ
إِذا ما سطى في موكبِ الحيّ موكبُ

32. A copious sea whose surging casts forth pearls
And at times with the billows of tribulation, froths!

٣٢. وَبحرٌ غزيرُ اللجّ يقذف جوهراً
وَطوراً بِأَمواج الوبال معبعبُ

33. A rain whose drink revives the delegation if they alight with him -
It lavishes the two rivers upon them and pours them out!

٣٣. وَغيث ندىً للوفد إِن نزلوا له
يسحّ عليهم باللجين ويسكبُ

34. He hands down enduring glory, victorious,
As well as help - and he is Hud, eternal!

٣٤. يورّثه المجدَ الأثيل مظفّرٌ
وَغوث وهود والخلود ويشجبُ

35. Father of Tayyib, how often in the wastelands have
The she-camels of travel beckoned to you and importuned you!

٣٥. أبا الطيب كم لي في القفارِ تلوّحت
إِليك أمون السير وجناء غلّبُ

36. Were it not for you I would not have crossed a land
Or been draped in the coat of mail, Polished and Flexible!

٣٦. وَلولاك ما جاوزت أرضاً ولا اِنطوت
بِدرع الهجانِ العيس فجٌّ وسبسبُ

37. So thanks and praise to the Guardian if hope is not
Disappointed, nor is the meadow of generosity barren!

٣٧. فَحَمداً وشكراً للمهيمِن لا الرجا
مخيبٌ ولا روض السماحةِ مجدبُ

38. Let remain what the ringdoves cooed at dawn,
What a cock crowed, and what stars appeared!

٣٨. وَدم واِبق ما غنّت حمائم بالضحى
وَما جنّ ديجورٌ وما لاح كوكبُ