1. Beyond the mixture you see the pure tribe purely
As you used to promise, and the sand as sand
١. أَبعدَ الخليطِ تَرى الأثل أثلا
كما كنتَ تعهد والرَّملَ رملا
2. Tall, pouring down their locks
And they did not gather for ten days in one embrace
٢. طلول تفّقٌ نزّالها
وما اِجتمعوا مدَّة العشر شملا
3. If they promise you intimacy and closeness
Not jokingly, then do not take the joke as a joke
٣. إِذا وعدوك النَوَى والرحي
لَ هزلاً فلا تجعل الهزلَ هزلا
4. They turned away so I walked in their wake
The morning after parting, my patience left and turned away
٤. تَولّوا فسارَ على إثرهم
غداةَ التفرّق صبري وولّى
5. Oh, be gentle with those whom you blame, my critic
And lessen the blame, for patience is most fitting
٥. أَلا اِرفق بمن لمتَ يا لائمي
وقلِّل من اللَّومِ فالصَّبر أقلى
6. The torment of love to the people of love
Was never sweeter in taste nor more lawful
٦. عذابُ الهوى عندَ أهلِ الهَوى
فما كانَ أعذب طعماً وأحلا
7. As kohl that came to adorn her eyelids
Surpassing kohl in bewitching eyes with kohl
٧. وكحلاء أضحى لأجفانها
عن الكحلِ مستطرف السِّحرِ كحلا
8. Its wounds in ardor have become
The morning after reproach, very miserly
٨. جراحاتُها في الحشا أصبحت
غداةَ العتاب من البخلِ بخلا
9. She appeared, shining like the sun at dawn
Or the full moon in beauty when it shows itself
٩. تجلَّت فلاحت كشمسِ الضّحى
أو البدرِ في الحُسنِ لمّا تجلِّى
10. She donned from her bodice her waist
And brought down her wrap upon her leg bashfully
١٠. توشَّح من حجلها خصرها
وتدني الوشاح على الساقِ خجلا
11. Most generous am I, most passionate, and she did not finish me
Except with aloofness and stinginess
١١. أجودُ وأَهوَى ولم تقضني
على ذاكَ إلّا صدوداً وبخلا
12. Deceiving in her promise, her promise
Neither estrangement truly nor union united
١٢. مموَّهة الوعدِ في وعدها
فلا الهجر هجراً ولا الوصل وصلا
13. And when she spurned me, the times
Struck me with the arrows of events openly and treacherously
١٣. ولمّا رمتني أكفُّ الزمانِ
بسهمِ الحوادثِ جهراً وختلا
14. I traveled from sadness, festively
To the feast, a branch tracing back to origin
١٤. رحلتُ من العيس عيديّة
إلى العيد تنسب فرعاً وأصلا
15. And I sharpened a resolve up to the highest horizon
And bid farewell to a house, neighbor, and family
١٥. وأشحذت عزماً لحدّ السرى
وودَّعت داراً وجاراً وأهلا
16. And I said to her lead straight
And hurry the journey to a desolate land
١٦. وقلتُ لها يمِّمي واِقصدي
وجدّي المسير لأرض بهلا
17. Hopefully I will see from the country
With my eyes a joy and press on feet and sandals
١٧. عسى من فلاحٍ أرى غُرَّةً
بعيني وألثم كمّاً ونعلا
18. And I will fulfill there the duty of ties
Of visitations and connections as obligation and voluntary
١٨. وأقضي هنالك من واجب الز
زياراتِ والوصلِ فرضاً ونفلا
19. And I will hurry to his basin of bounty
For me in proportion to will, drawing and raising high
١٩. وَأكرعُ في حوضِ نعماه لي
بحسب الإرادة نهلاً وعلّا
20. A youth who has benefitted and given and borne
The heaviest of matters and the most difficult
٢٠. فتىً كم أفاد وأسدى وكم
تحمَّل من معظم الأمرِ ثقلا
21. And join me in his bounty
And honor me with his gifts and preference
٢١. وألحَقني عنده نعمةً
وقلّدني منه مَنّاً وفضلا
22. And bring me close among his intimates
And seat me in the heights in an honored place
٢٢. وقرَّبني بين جلّاسهِ
وأجلسني في المعالي محلّا
23. When you ask about him inquisitively
You will find him the most glorious and noble king
٢٣. متى تسألن عنه مُستخبراً
تجده المليكَ الأعزَّ الأجلّا
24. His pens encompass the regions
And his justice illuminates their horizons
٢٤. تحيط الأقاليمَ أقلامُه
وتوضح آفاقها منه عدلا
25. And how many tents of misguidance
He has folded up like the folding of scrolls
٢٥. وكم للضلالة من خيمةٍ
طواها كطيِّ السِّجلِّ السِّجلَّا
26. So who among the people has been chosen but him
No wonder that those far from the path have strayed
٢٦. فمن في الأنامِ اِصطفى غيرَهُ
فلا غرو فيمن عن الرُّشدِ ضلَّا
27. So the companions of Moses with the Samaritan
Worshipped in misguidance a calf
٢٧. فأصحابُ موسى لَدى السَّامري
ي قَد عبدوا في الضلالةِ عجلا
28. O most hospitable of people in refuge
And most praiseworthy of people in word and deed
٢٨. أيا أرحبَ الناسِ بحبوحةً
ويا أحمدَ الناسِ قولاً وفعلا
29. You have overwritten with your justice the injustice of enemies
So their drinking of it has withered
٢٩. نسخت بعدلكَ جورَ العدَا
فأضحى بهم شربهم مضمحلَّا
30. And you inspired in them the morning of meeting
Clouds that rain horses and men
٣٠. وأنش فيهم غداةَ اللقى
سحائب يمطرنَ خيلاً ورجلا
31. So when the resolve in her firmed and its timing exact
She came pouring down the misfortunes and afflictions
٣١. فلمَّا اِرجحنّت همى ودقها
فأضحت تسحُّ الأسيّة وبلا
32. You were Solomon in his troops
And they were to the gathering of ants as ants
٣٢. فكنتَ سليمانَ في جندِه
وكانوا لمجتمع النّمل نملا
33. So you clothed their chieftain after
They deserved from humiliation shackles and chains
٣٣. فألبست شامسهم بعدما
اِستحقُّوا من الذلِّ قيداً وغلَّا