
For whom did the curves grow on their stalks,

لمن الحدوج علت على أقتابها

1. For whom did the curves grow on their stalks,
And the men sharpened them behind their backs,

١. لِمَن الحدوج علَت على أَقتابها
وَحدا بها الحادونَ خلفَ رِكابِها

2. They travelled like the full moons in their prime,
Rising beautifully at dawn in their reckoning,

٢. سارَت بأمثالِ البدورِ حواصن
غيد زَكت بِالفجر في أحسابِها

3. I followed them with my gaze when they bore
The impassable mirages plowing their illusion,

٣. أَتبعتُهم نظري غَداةَ تَحمّلوا
وَاليعمُلات تخوضُ لجّ سَرابها

4. Why is the curving bow not reaching
My love to its love through its cause,

٤. ما بالُ طاوية الحَشا ما واصَلت
في الحبّ أَسبابي إِلى أَسبابِها

5. Oh, how I wish I knew what Tahwim meant
By the title she gave the day after her rebuke,

٥. يا لَيتَ شعري ما أَرادَ تهاوما
عنوان ما أَبدت غداةَ عتابها

6. Regrets upon regrets for kissing the one
Whose buds were under her veil,

٦. أَسفاً عَلى أَسفٍ على تقبيل ذا
ك الطلع ممّا كانَ تحتَ نقابِها

7. The fire of sadness finds pleasure in its torment,
Restless and unwearied of its painful torment,

٧. نارُ الكآبةِ يستلذّ عذابها
قلقٌ وَلم يَسأم أَليم عذابها

8. A sun that sparkles and brightens her face
With light amidst her tents and dwellings when she travels

٨. شَمسٌ إِذا سَفَرت تلألأ وَجهها
بِالنورِ بينَ خِيامِها وقبابِها

9. And she has gentle, smooth curves like
The branches, better than her imploring,

٩. وَلَها ثناياتٌ لطاف المتنِ كال
أَغصانِ خير مِن عنّابها

10. And he was jealous of the beauty of her beauty
If she greeted him with her jewellery and clothes,

١٠. وَلَقد أَغار على محاسنِ حُسنها
إِن صافَحته بِحليها وثيابِها

11. And he was jealous of her toothbrush in the morning if
He saw her holding it to brush her teeth,

١١. وَأَغار مِن مِسواكها في الرشف إن
عاينتهُ مترشّفاً لرضابها

12. Why should I spend my life among kinsmen
Who bring me down in their minds,

١٢. ما لى أبيدُ العمرَ بين معاشري
أزري بها النقصان في أَلبابِها

13. She never sought, throughout her life,
Except to get her food and drink,

١٣. لَم تسعَ سعياً قطّ طول حياتها
إلّا لكدش طعامِها وَشرابِها

14. She was blind to manners until she became
Forbidden, in that, from manners,

١٤. عَميت عنِ الآداب حتّى أَصبَحت
مَمنوعةً في ذاكَ عن آدابِها

15. And rides that drive away boredom when they pass,
So it flies like an eagle in the expanse of its boredom,

١٥. وَرواحل تنفي اللغاب إِذا حدت
فَيطيرُ مثل الطرسِ فيض لغابها

16. It crossed vast distances until it folded
From the length of the ruin and construction of her buildings,

١٦. طَوت المسافة في السرى حتّى اِنطوت
مِن طولِ قطع عمارِها وخرابها

17. We arrived, roaming it, crossing the plains, shaken
With joy at the hope on its backs,

١٧. صلنا نجوبُ بِها النقا وتهزّنا
فرح منَ الرجوى على أَصلابها

18. Heading towards Himyar, the crowned one,
The sun of glories, its full moons and comets,

١٨. متوجّهين إِلى المتوّج حمير
شمسِ المفاخرِ بدرها وشهابها

19. A king whose gifts pour unto the delegates like
The rains falling through the midst of their clouds,

١٩. ملك تسيحُ هباتهُ للوفدِ كال
أَمطارِ تهطلُ مِن خلالِ سحابها

20. His wealth does not settle, as if
Among them he called out to separation in its cawing,

٢٠. أَموالُه لا تستقرّ كأنّما
فيها دَعا للبينِ صوتُ غرابِها

21. He knew the crafts, so he chose their praiseworthiness
As a treasure, and turned away from the prayers of its caves,

٢١. عَرَفَ الصنائعَ فاِصطَفى مَحمودها
ذُخراً وَأَعرض عن صلاتِ مغابها

22. The virgins of women proposed to him, because
They found him the most worthy of people for their courting,

٢٢. خَطَبته أَبكارُ النساءِ لأنّها
وجدتهُ أَولى الخلقِ من خطّابها

23. And likewise the horses know that he
Is the most worthy of all people for riding them,

٢٣. وَكذاك جردُ الخيلِ تعلم أنّه
أَولى جميعِ الناس من ركّابها

24. And when the kings see him one day, they bow
Before him with their heads and necks,

٢٤. وَإِذا الملوكُ رأَته يوماً طأطأت
في دستهِ برؤوسِها وَرقابها

25. O best one I found blessedness in him
Enveloped in its majesty and kin,

٢٥. يا خيرَ مَن وَجدت به زيافة
محفوفة بِجلالها وَقرابِها

26. The banner of glory never shone once
Unless you were the worthiest of it amongst mankind,

٢٦. ما راية للمجدِ لاحت مرّة
إِلّا وَأَنت مِن الورى أَولى بها

27. Were it not for you, the world would not have settled one day,
Nor cast its pearls upon its companions,

٢٧. لولاك ما الدنيا حَلَت يوماً ولا
عَطفت بدرّتها على أَصحابِها