1. Dwelling in Wadi Al-Arak, I see you
Beautifying Wadi Al-Arak for me
١. أَساكنةً وادي الآراكِ أراك
تزينينَ لي وادي الأراك أراكِ
2. Beautifying for me its tree trunks and its brilliance
And there was nothing like it and you in it
٢. تزينينَ لي أجزاعهُ وبراقه
وما كانَ مِن أثلٍ به وأراكِ
3. Reminding me of the days when we met in it
Doves above the branches cooing
٣. تذكّرني أيّام أَلفتنا بهِ
حمائمُ مِن فوقِ الغصون بواكِ
4. And were it not for your sweet love, its memory wouldn't have pleased
My heart, but that is because of your love
٤. وَلولا هواكِ العذب ما لذّ ذكرهُ
لِقلبي ولكن ذا لأجل هواكِ
5. If only you were like me, lovesick
So that our union would be my cure and your cure
٥. فَليتكِ مِثلي في الغرامِ سقيمة
فَيضحي دوائي وصلنا ودواكِ
6. May God protect a time that gathered us for reunion
May He always protect it and protect you
٦. رَعى اللّه عصراً كان للشمل جامعا
رَعاهُ رعاهُ دائماً ورعاكِ
7. Do you know, O Doe of the pillows, which is sweeter for us
The bees' harvest or the delicious taste of your kiss?
٧. أَتَدرينَ يا لعسا المراشفِ عندنا
جَنى النحل أَحلى أم لذيذ جناكِ
8. Congratulations to your enchanting kiss when it flowed
To your lips and seized the consent of your cheeks
٨. هنيئاً لمسواكِ الأراكةِ إذ جرى
بثغرك واِستولى رضاب لماكِ
9. Never does one who sells himself sell at a loss
Except you when he sells himself and buys you
٩. فَما بائع للنفسِ يوماً بخاسرٍ
عليك إِذا ما باعها وشراكِ
10. I try in my life to meet you and the best
Thing I wished for in my life is to attain you
١٠. أُحاولُ مِن دَهري لقاك وخير ما
تمنّيت مِن دَهري منال لقاكِ
11. You have created in my heart with love such unrest, and there is
No unrest in the worlds except you
١١. خلقت لقلبي في الهوى فتنةً وما
لهُ فتنة في العالمين سواكِ
12. By the One who clothed you in creation with beauty, be gentle
With one whom you have filled with passion and desire for you
١٢. بِمَن قَد كساكِ الحسن في خلقه اِرفقى
بصبٍّ براهُ واحداً وبراكِ
13. When, O she of determination, after this determination
Will I see you, and O giver of glad tidings, the day I see you?
١٣. مَتى أَنا يا ذات النوى بعد ذا النوى
أراكِ ويا بشراكِ يوم أراكِ
14. Oh, how is my state when determination has persisted with you
And how is my union after the length of your distance?
١٤. أَلا كيفَ حالي إِذ تمادت بك النوى
وَكيفَ وِصالي بعدَ طول نواكِ
15. The morning after separation, I say to sorrow, be gentle
With one whom separation has climbed above his grave
١٥. أقولُ غداةَ البينِ للحسرةِ اِرفقي
بِمن قد علَت للبينِ فوق قراكِ
16. Do not spurn him except slowly in which
When intimacy becomes difficult, your easiness is found
١٦. وَلا توجفي إلّا عَلى مهلة بها
إِذا وجبَ المسرى وجدّ سراكِ
17. She is the sun except she is the sun of a howdah
Showing you the morning wherever its darkness covers
١٧. هيَ الشمسُ إلّا أنّها شمس هودجٍ
تريك الضُحى حيث اِدلهمّ دجاكِ
18. And I did not forget her the day of departure when she rang out
With a glance at the time of our parting with weeping
١٨. وَلَم أَنسها يوم الرحيلِ وقد رنت
بلحظٍ لها وقتَ التفرّق باكِ
19. And she drew the sword of her glance as if it were
A farmer's sword drawn on the day of strife
١٩. وَسلّت حسامَ اللحظِ منها كأنّه
حسامُ فلاحٍ سلّ يوم عراكِ
20. A young man whom the elite vied over
And the brave of traits and nobles envied
٢٠. فتىً في معاليه عليهِ تَحاسَدت
أسرّة أنماطٍ وجرد مذاكِ
21. And if all the people of earth were measured in worth with him
They would not equal a strap of his shoes
٢١. وَلَو قيسَ أهلُ الأرضِ قدراً جميعهم
بهِ ما وفوا مِن نعلهِ بشراكِ
22. So the delegation did not leave him except bearing for them
Prizes of generosity with slackness and throwing
٢٢. فَما سارَ عنهُ الوفد إلّا وعندهم
نجائب عيسٍ بزّلٍ ورماكِ
23. They did not go beyond while their spirits
Rose beyond all doubt
٢٣. فَما جاوزوا هم إلّا تصعّدت
بهم هممٌ جاوزنَ كلّ شكاكِ
24. He blazed in the meadow of loftiness, towering without
Any pillar to its pinnacle and summit
٢٤. توقّد في روضِ العلا راقياً بلا
مراقٍ إِلى شمراخهِ ومواكِ
25. When he mingles with kings you see him
The fiercest of them in logic and judgment
٢٥. إِذا غصّ دست بالملوكِ رأيتهُ
ألدّهمُ في منطقٍ ومحاكِ
26. So it is inconceivable that a peer comes near him
And matches him in noble action and judgment
٢٦. فَهيهاتَ أَن يدنو إِليهِ مماثل
وَيَحكيهِ في الفعلِ الجميل محاكِ
27. Not every fire is Moses' fire even if it soared high
Nor every star that shone is the star Sirius
٢٧. فَما كلُّ نارٍ نار موسى وإِن سمت
وَلا كلُّ نجمٍ لاحَ نجم سماك
28. To you Abu Sultan, it came as if it were
A gentle musk bursting with its perfume
٢٨. إِليكَ أَبا سلطان جاءت كأنّها
لطيمة مسكٍ فتّتت بمذاكِ
29. Arabic rhymes whose composition has been eloquent
For they are articulate speech without any clumsiness
٢٩. عروب قوافي نظمها قَد تَصَرّحت
فهنَّ فصاحُ اللفظِ غير ركاكِ
30. It came from a young man whose thoughts
Became eloquent to you against the unjust times
٣٠. أَتت من فتىً أَضحت تباريحُ فكره
إِليك منَ الدهرِ الغشوم سواكِ
31. A prisoner of poverty who came invoking you openly
To revive him from his shackles with release
٣١. أسير اِفتقارٍ جاءَ يدعوك معلناً
لتنعشهُ من أسرهِ بفكاكِ
32. Long have you saved him from destruction
And were it not for you he would not leave the snare of ruin
٣٢. وَقد طال ما أنقذته من مهالكٍ
وَلولاك لَم يبرح أسير هلاكِ
33. He has for you from the sorcery of words wonders
That wound the hearts of lovers with yearning
٣٣. لَه فيك مِن سحرِ الكلام غرائباً
لجرحِ قلوبِ العاشقين بواكِ