
Oh wonder and saddle the steed at the abode

ألا عج بالمطي على المقام

1. Oh wonder and saddle the steed at the abode
And spread through its plains the tale of love

١. أَلا عُج بِالمطيِّ عَلى المقامِ
وَبثّ بسوحهِ شرح الغرامِ

2. And kiss its soil and pour showers upon it
Of tears like heavy rain

٢. وَقبّل تربهُ واِسكب رهاماً
عليهِ منَ المدامعِ كالرهامِ

3. Saad appeared from it, rather Hutham
So ask about Saad and about Hutham

٣. سعاد منهُ بانَت بل حذام
فَسائل عن سعاد وعن حذامِ

4. With it, peace waves from it
Pure like revelation upon peace

٤. بهِ بينَ السلام يلوحُ منه
سماة كالوحيّ على السلامِ

5. There its tattoo appears, and a beauty mark
For its viewer, he told the return of the beauty mark

٥. هناكَ لوشمهِ يبدو وشامٌ
لناظرهِ حكى رجع الوشامِ

6. And ostriches became accustomed to it and its
Landmarks became grounds for ostriches

٦. وَقَد أنسَ النعام بهِ وأضحت
مَعالمهُ مَجالاً للنعامِ

7. Do you lie down on marble? I do not see upon you
Any mark except for marble

٧. أمنتضد الرخامِ فَما أراني
أَرى سمة عليك سوى الرخامِ

8. Our greetings unto you, and unto Saad
Though she was stingy to us with greetings

٨. عَليك سلامنا وعلى سعادٍ
وَإِن ضنّت علينا بالسلامِ

9. A girl who sickened me with my sickness
With her eyes, healing from sickness

٩. فَتاةُ أسقَمتني من سقامي
بِأعينها الصحاح من السقامِ

10. She claims her love is forever forbidden
Yet my blood upon her is not forbidden

١٠. وَتزعم وَصلها أبداً حراماً
وليسَ دمي عليها بالحرامِ

11. She notices me and shoots me with arrows
So my inner self aches from being shot with arrows

١١. تلاحظُني وترشُقني سهاماً
فيؤلم مهجتي رشق السهامِ

12. The heart's reins are in her hands, so she became
One who leads the heart from me with the reins

١٢. زمام القلبِ في يدِها فأضحت
تقودُ القلبَ منّي بالزمامِ

13. My body told the tale of the crescent's loss when
She narrated upon her beauty the full moon's perfection

١٣. حَكى جِسمي هلال النقص لمّا
حَكَت في حسنِها بدرَ التمامِ

14. A year of her company to me is like a day
And a day of her remoteness from me is like a year

١٤. فَعام وصلها عندي كيومٍ
وَيوم فراقها عندي كعامِ

15. When she moves her veil with her cheeks
I see the light from under the veil

١٥. إِذا لاثَ اللثام بوجنتيها
رأيت النورَ من تحتِ اللثامِ

16. You see amidst the tents for her a brilliance
As if the sun lodged itself in the tents

١٦. تَرى وسطَ الخيام لها شعاعاً
كأنَّ الشمسَ حلّت في الخيامِ

17. The doe of the gardens, my love sick one
To the water of connection for you is thirsty

١٧. أَضامرةَ الحشا رقّي لصبٍّ
إِلى ماءِ الوصال لديك ظامِ

18. Gloomy am I, blame does not deter him
Even if the blamer advises with blame

١٨. كئيب ليس يردعهُ ملامٌ
وَإِن نصح الملوّم في الملامِ

19. My dear one, so honor me with a gulp
To undo with its coldness the fire's embers

١٩. أوامي منك فَاِنتفلي برشفٍ
أبلّ ببردهِ وهج الأوامِ

20. And bring me back in sleep, my sleep
Perhaps I may see you during sleep

٢٠. وردّي في المنامِ عليَّ نومي
لعلّي أَن أراك لدى المنامِ

21. The knight lady Intisar tours
With her armor the breadth of prairies

٢١. وَذارعةَ الموامى عنتريس
تجوبُ بدرعها عرضَ الموامِ

22. I journeyed long with her to Falah
Scion of the benefactor, the noble king

٢٢. أَطلت بها المسيرَ إِلى فلاح
سليل المحسن الملك الهمامِ

23. So when I came to him, the highest is my status
And his voice's echo made me needless of blames

٢٣. فلمّا جئتهُ أعلى محلّي
وَأَغناني نداه عن اللئامِ

24. And he brought me near a house of his until
I thought I entered the House of Peace

٢٤. وَقرّبني بدارٍ منه حتّى
ظننتُ دخلتُ في دار السلامِ

25. The lightening of his cheek smiled, so it became
Shelter for crying and smiling

٢٥. تبسّم برقُ عارضهِ فأضحى
ملجّاً في بكاءٍ واِبتسامِ

26. And he was generous like clouds, clouds for him
So his generosity followed the clouds' generosity

٢٦. وَأسحم كالغمام له غمامٌ
فعقّب فضله فضل الغمامِ

27. It ascended above the sky until it transcended
And until it surpassed transcending the utmost

٢٧. سَما فَوق السما حتّى تساما
وحتّى جلّ جلّ عن المسامِ

28. As if the hope of its hopers are meteors
And the outpouring of his gifts a meadow for beasts

٢٨. كأنّ رجاءَ راجيه سوامٌ
وفيض نداه روض للسوامِ

29. So neither Kaab matches him in bestowal
Nor Aus ibn Hajar in nobility

٢٩. فَما كعب يماثله نوالاً
وَلا أوس بن حارثة بن لامِ

30. I unleash them as ransomed freed slaves
Repelling with valor unto the crowds

٣٠. أباعثها مسوّمة عتاقاً
تدافع بِالكماة إلى الزحامِ

31. When the fighting intensifies and becomes a ram
Wading into the sea of fighting

٣١. إِذا اِشتدّ اللطام وصار كبش ال
كتائبِ خائضاً بحرَ اللطامِ

32. And they shine like stars in the darkness
And the flashes intertwine in the darkness

٣٢. وَلاحت كالكواكبِ في الدياجي
واِشتبك اللوامع في القتامِ

33. And in the fray a fire kindled for it in
Its fury embers like embers

٣٣. وشبّت في الوَغى نار لها في
تغيّظها ضرام كالضرامِ

34. And for me it darkened in the darkness and cast
A deep darkness before the darkness

٣٤. وَأظلم بالدياجي لي وألقى
ظلاماً حالكاً قبل الظلامِ

35. So I was upon the foe a prepared pot
Looking at them with might and vengeance

٣٥. فكنتُ على العِدا قدراً متاحاً
تُطالعهم ببأسٍ واِنتقامِ

36. So when I came to them and they saw you
They became drunk, confused without wine

٣٦. فلمّا جئتهم ورأوكَ أضحَوا
سكارى ذاهلين بلا مدامِ

37. I showed them the pigeons, so how many a pigeon
From fear of you they saw before the pigeon

٣٧. أَريتهمُ الحمام فكم حمام
لخوفك قد رأوا قبل الحمامِ

38. And how many aspirations I vanquished in your enemies
So their aspirations became like hatchlings of ostriches

٣٨. وَكَم زايلت في أعداك هاماً
فأصبحَ هامُهم أفراخ هامِ

39. When the swords bow down there, their foreheads become
Prostrating places for the swords

٣٩. إِذا سجدَ الحسامُ هناك أضحت
جباههمُ مساجدَ للحسامِ

40. For you the world obeyed and submitted
So take what you desired of its desires

٤٠. لكَ الدنيا أَطاعت واِستقلّت
فَخُذ ما رمتَ منها من مرامِ

41. And its cup came into your hands until
You subjugated the head from it with the reins

٤١. وَصار لجامُها بيديك حتّى
قهرت الرأس منها باللجامِ