1. Pray for him with what soothes his heart's anguish
And be gentle with him in your affection and compliance
١. صليهِ بما يشفي غَليلَ فؤادهِ
وَرقّي لهُ في عطفهِ واِنقيادهِ
2. And do not despair him of uniting with you, for he
Is so loyal in his love and affection
٢. وَلا تيئسيهِ مِن وصالك إنّه
لَكم مخلصٌ في حبّه وودادهِ
3. For your union, O you with the veil, deters him
And holds him back before the meeting at the appointed time
٣. فَوصلك يا ذاتَ الوشاحِ يصدّهُ
وَيثنيهِ مِن قبلِ اللقاءِ معادهِ
4. Sleep has avoided the gloomy one in your separation
So his eyes did not line with kohl in his slumber
٤. كئيبٌ نأى عنهُ الرقادُ لهجركم
فَناظرهُ لَم يَكتحل برقادهِ
5. When the friend falls asleep and his eyes close
He stays awake in the darkness of his vigilance
٥. إِذا هجعَ الخالي وَنامت عيونهُ
يَبيتُ سميراً في الدُجى لِسهادهِ
6. A loving captive, his heart held in sorrow
All his life a prisoner that was never ransomed
٦. محبٌّ رَهينٌ في الكآبَةِ قلبهُ
مَدى عُمرهِ أسير لم يفادهِ
7. He wishes even for a kiss from his beloved
For his passion is his only provision
٧. يودُّ وَلو تقبيلة مِن حبيبه
فإنّ هواه فهيَ آخرُ زادهِ
8. And O reproacher, let the heart kindle
With passion, a glowing ember in its ignition
٨. وَيا أيّها اللاحي دعِ القلبَ يصطلي
منَ الوجدِ جَمراً مسعراً في اِتّقادهِ
9. And do not forbid him from his madness, for he is a man
Who sees madness in love as the soundest guidance
٩. وَلا تَنههُ عَن غيّه إِنّه اِمرؤٌ
يَرى الغيَّ أَهدى في الهوى ورشادهِ
10. Can you mend the heart of an enamored
Melancholic who sees mending in his ruin?
١٠. وَهل لكَ في إِصلاحِ قلبٍ متيّمٍ
كئيبٍ يَرى إصلاحه في فسادهِ
11. Embrace the slim waisted one, supple at the hips
Like a pliant sapling in its tilt and sway
١١. وَأغيد ضامي الخصرِ يعسل قدّه
كَعودِ النقا في لينهِ وطرادهِ
12. I perfumed him with incense and my bed carried
Its fragrance atop its pillows
١٢. تعمّدته ظمّاً وسقي مضاجعي
فأثَّر منه العطر فوق نجادهِ
13. And I passed the night turned away from my mattress
Tossing and turning, away from my pillow
١٣. وَبتّ وصَدري نائياً عن فراشهِ
ضَجيعاً وزندي نائياً عن وسادهِ
14. Perfection embodied in his beauty
Between his temples and between his blackness and fairness
١٤. تَكاملَ فيه الحسنُ بين بياضهِ
وَما بينَ قانيهِ وبين سوادهِ
15. As my companion and I crossed the land leisurely
He recited to me poetry in praise of the generous father of the Arabs
١٥. وَأَرضاً قَطَعناها اِعتسافاً وصاحبي
يُناشِدُني الإنشاد فوق سنادهِ
16. A protector, when he shook the spear
The steeds of his enemies scattered before his steeds
١٦. يُناشدُني شِعراً منَ المدح في علا
أبي العربِ المُعطي جَزيلا تلادهِ
17. He attacks the enemies and defeats their crowds
As the starling defeated the flock in its flight
١٧. هُمامٌ إِذا هزّ القناةَ تَنافَرَت
جيادُ أعاديهِ أمام جيادهِ
18. His steeds' charge and the whiteness of his meadows
And the brownness of his hills make me proud
١٨. يكرّ عَلى الأعدا فَيهزمُ جمعَهم
كَما هزمَ السرحان سرح نفادِهِ
19. A cloud pouring heavy rain the day of its bounty
Brave in calamity the day of its might
١٩. بهِ اِفتَخرت يومَ الوغى جرد جيادهِ
وَبيضُ مَواضيه وسمر صعادهِ
20. And people with the excellence of armor but some of its coldness
Just as camel litters with some of their padding
٢٠. غمامٌ ملثّ القطرِ يوم نوالهِ
هزبرٌ شديدُ اليأسِ يوم جلادهِ
21. He built a lofty house of glory, its pillars so high
Their summits rose above its pillars
٢١. وَقوم فضول الدرعِ بعض برودهِ
كَذا وَمتون الجردِ بعض مهادهِ
22. If you wish, you gain ease and riches from him
Ask and if you wish ruin, turn away
٢٢. بنى بيتَ مجدٍ عاليات عمادُهُ
فَنافت أعالي سمكهِ وعمادهِ
23. So how do you address him with formality when he is
Utterly sincere in his effort and determination
٢٣. إِذا شئتَ تَحظى منهُ بِاليسرِ والغنى
فَسلهُ وَإِن شئتَ الهلاك فعادهِ
24. For neither the noble purebred nor the magnificent steed
Are above him in valor and horsemanship
٢٤. فَكيفَ تُخاطبهُ المعالي وإنّه
إِلَيها قصارى جدّه واِجتهادهِ
25. His pen flows with decree in its flow
When it runs on parchment with its ink
٢٥. فَليسَ مجير الطعنِ أعلا حميّة
لديهِ وَلا الزاكي مجير جوادهِ
26. It nearly grants what he intends
In the eloquent tongue even if uncalled
٢٦. لَهُ قلمٌ يَجري القضاء بجريهِ
إِذا ما جَرى في طرسه بمدادهِ
27. Whom the Merciful knew as true in his certainty
And sincerity, He appointed him king of His servants
٢٧. وَكادَ إِلى ما قَد نواه يجيبهُ
لِسان القصي جَهراً وإن لم ينادهِ
28. And here is a cool breeze of ideas
Of poetry that bypassed the market of stagnation
٢٨. وَمن علمَ الرحمنُ صدقَ يقينهِ
وَإِخلاصه ولّاه ملك عبادهِ
29. It portrayed praise in its robes for its wetness
And the embellishments in its rhythms
٢٩. وَهاكَ من الأفكارِ برداً مفوّفاً
منَ الشعرِ لم يعرض لسوق كسادهِ
30. From a loving devotee loyal to you his affection came
So do you have any thanks scaling his affection?
٣٠. حَكى المدحَ في غيلابهِ لبلاله
وما كانَ في نغماته من زبادهِ
31. Love has intertwined you, so benefit from your bliss
And who would have a plantation without reaping its harvest?
٣١. أَتى مِن محبٍّ مخلصٍ لك ودّهُ
فَهل لكَ في شكر تراقي ودادهِ
٣٢. حَباك الثنا فاِمتاحَ من وجدك الغنى
وَمَن يكُ ذا زرعٍ يَفُز بحصادهِ