1. What is with your love, O Umayma, no longer pure?
Was he unripe for you before, or is he now pure?
١. ما بالُ ودّك يا أُميمةُ ما صفا
هَل كانَ قبلكِ مضغةً هو أم صفا
2. What would hurt you if in chaste love
You were fair to those who were dutiful and fair?
٢. ماذا يضرّك في الهوى العُذريّ لو
أنصفتِ مَن في الحبِّ برَّ وأَنصفا
3. Slow down, Umayma, and be gentle. The pain
Of my youth that I suffered has been enough.
٣. مَهلاً أُميمة واِرفقي إنّ الّذي
قاسيتُ مِن أَلمِ الصبابةِ قَد كفا
4. Does not a slender waist leave its owner
In love - his body thinner and more slender?
٤. أوما وخصر منكِ غادرَ في الهوى
جسمَ العميدِ أدقّ منهُ وأنحَفا
5. Though I broke my vow, I was never
For vows, O Umayma, a breaker.
٥. إنّي وَإن أخلفتُ عهدي لم أكن
للعهدِ منّي يا أميمة مُخلِفا
6. If the one whose abode is in your heart
Is stronger than you and pardons, and your image in my heart did not fade,
٦. إِن كانَ أَقوى منك مرتبع اللِوى
وَعَفى فرسمكِ في فُؤادي ما عفا
7. How many encampments of yours have I marked
And paused for your love as stations?
٧. كَم مربعٍ لكِ قد ندبت رسومهُ
وَوقفتُ منه لأجل حبّك مَوقِفا
8. When I stood at the abode I said, addressing
My companions, "Stop at its threshing floor."
٨. لمّا وقفتُ الدارَ قلتُ مخاطباً
يا صاحبيَّ قِفا بِعرصتها قفا
9. "Ask about it and look at me an hour
That I may pour down tears and gush them."
٩. وَاِستَخبِراها واِنظراني ساعةً
كَيما أسحَّ بها الدموعَ وأَذرِفا
10. An abode whose traces, after mixing, appeared -
In it, the lineaments recite scripture.
١٠. دمنٌ عفَت بعدَ الخليطِ فَأَصبحت
فيها سماتُ الرسمِ تَحكي المُصحفا
11. How many times was I in its courtyards flirting
With its gazelles, stirring my loose cloak,
١١. كَم كنت في عرصاتِها أغازل من
غزلانِها قلق الوشاح مُهفهَفا
12. In the shade of a fertile life, no happiness
Appeared to me but anxiety and holding back.
١٢. في ظلِّ عيشٍ مخصبٍ ما لاحَ لي
برقُ الرخا إلّا همى واِستَوكفا
13. My tresses are disheveled, fluttering when
The breeze stirs their edges, or it blows gently.
١٣. وَذَوائِبي غربيبةٌ تَهفو إذا
خفقَ النسيمُ بحافَيتها أو هفا
14. Morn and eve, I follow the train of youth,
Wrapped in the chill of adolescence, fluttering.
١٤. أُمسي وأُصبحُ ساحباً ذيل الصبا
مُتسربلاً برد الشبابِ مرفرفا
15. I toy with that gazelle of yours but never
Cease from an intimacy with his mouth, stealing sips.
١٥. أَلهو بذيّاك الغزالِ وَلَم أَزل
في خلوةٍ مِن ثغرهِ مترشِّفا
16. I pluck the sweetness of union from it and taste
The delicious saliva of its smiling mouth.
١٦. أَجني لذيذَ الوصلِ منهُ وأَحتسي
مِن ريقِ مبسمهِ اللذيذِ القرقفا
17. And when the arrows of his glances hit me,
Their sparring was to one whose wound had healed.
١٧. وَمَتى أَصابَتني سهامُ لِحاظهِ
كانَت مُجاجته لمنتهك شِفا
18. Since he tastes not the love of, and lends no ear
To, one who blamed me and reproached me.
١٨. إِذ لا يماذقُ في مودّته ولم
يُصغي إِلى مَن لام فيَّ وعنّفا
19. All of us in exaggerating love
Love his companion, ardently and passionately.
١٩. وَالكلّ منّا في مبالغةِ الهوى
أَهوى لِصاحبهِ يكونُ وأَشغفا
He was not faithful to me in shared love
٢٠. ما إِن وفا لي في معاشرةِ الهَوى
إلّا وفيتُ له كما هو لي وفا
21. Unless I was to him as he was to me, faithful.
I did not take his smooth cheek
٢١. ما إِن أخذت بجلّنارةِ خدّه
إلّا اِنثنى مُتخجّلاً وتعطّفا
22. Unless he bent, shyly and gently.
And I think that in what transpired between us
٢٢. وَأظنّه فيما جَرى ما بَيننا
أَحنا إِليَّ منَ الحنانِ وَأورفا
23. He leaned toward me more than tenderness and turning.
And warbling over the vegetation, his concern
٢٣. ومغرّد فوقَ الأشاما همّه
في ذاكَ إِلّا أن يبوحَ ويهتفا
24. Was only to confess and shout.
He chanted longingly at dawn, so my liver was severed
٢٤. سجعَ اِشتياقاً بالضُحى فتقطّعت
لنشيدهِ كَبدي أسىً وتلهّفا
25. With sorrow for his melody, and I yearned.
And he lamented the wounds of my heart and his melodies
٢٥. وَنكا جراحات الفؤاد وغادَرت
نغماتهُ منّي الفؤاد عَلى شفا
26. Left my heart worn out and on the verge.
A vast expanse whose slopes the darkness covers
٢٦. وَمفازةٍ قفرِ الفلا مجهولةٍ
بيداء نَفنفها يُواصلُ نَفنفا
27. With gloom, and voids interspersed with voids.
The wings of night crossed it with a swoop
٢٧. جاوَزتها جنح الظلامِ بخطيفٍ
وَجناء في الأنسابِ تنسبُ خَيطفا
28. And darkness in its depths spun a thread.
٢٨. لم ينجهِ في قصدِها إلّا أبا ال
عربِ الّذي اِختار المكارمَ واِصطَفا
29. None crossed it successfully in trying to reach it
Except the father of the Arabs whom He chose and preferred.
٢٩. ملكٌ يباهي في مُباشرة العلا
طبعاً ولَم يكُ منه ذاك تَكلّفا
30. A king who prides in engaging the lofty
By nature - this was not pretense in him.
٣٠. واِستطرفَ الملك الأصيلَ وحسبهُ
في شأوِ مبلغِ مجدهِ ما اِستطرفا
He sought an exalted, noble rule, and it sufficed him
٣١. وَبَنى مناراً في مفاخرهِ وما اِس
تَغنى بمفخرِ أوّليه ولا اِكتَفا
32. For his lofty glory what he sought.
He erected a minaret in his glories but did not
٣٢. أَلفَ المروّة من نشا طفلاً ولم
يَألَف سِواها في المآلفِ مَألفا
33. Need the pride of his forebears, nor was content.
He was intimate with manliness from his youth and was not
٣٣. ما في المفاخرِ والعلا ذُكِرَ اِمرؤٌ
إلّا وكانَ بِها أجلّ وأَشرفا
34. Intimate in friendships with any but it.
In glories and sublimity no man was mentioned
٣٤. يَصبو لبكر الحمدِ إن ملكٌ صبا
لوصالِ معسولِ المَراشفِ أهيفا
35. Unless he was through it the most majestic and noble.
He pours towards the virgin praise, surely a king who poured
٣٥. لَم تلقهُ في الدستِ إلّا هائماً
صبّاً بِأبكارِ المكارمِ مُدنفا
36. To reach the sweet union of pillows, impassioned.
You would not meet him but enraptured,
٣٦. لا تحكينَّ بهِ اِبن ساعدة ولا ال
قعقاع في جلسائِه وَالأَحنفا
37. Pouring the first-fruits of glories, tailored.
Do not describe him as the son of Sa`dah or
٣٧. جَلّت مَعانيهِ وجلّ جلالهُ
في أَن يكيّف بِالمقالِ وَيوصَفا
38. Al-Qaqa` among his companions and the most just.
His meanings excelled, and his majesty excelled, that
٣٨. وَكأنّني مِن حيثُ بالرستاق قد
أَبصرتُه أَبصرتُ مصر ويوسُفا
39. He might conform to speech and be described.
It is as if from the palace balcony I
٣٩. يا خيرَ مَن ركبَ الجيادَ كأنّها
في رَكضِها إن سارَعت برقٌ خفا
40. Saw him - I saw Egypt and Joseph!
O best of those who rode steeds, as if they
٤٠. ماذا تقولُ بزائرٍ لكَ كعبةً
أَضحى الفلاةُ بِركبها متطوّفا
41. In their galloping were lightning in their swiftness!
What would you say of a visitor for whom you are a Kaaba,
٤١. قَد جاءَ يعتسفُ المهامهَ هادياً
شعراً إِليكَ مؤسّساً أو مردفا
42. The deserts with his traveling party circumambulating?
He has come, the majestic mountains humbling,
٤٢. وَكساكَ ممّا حيكَ في برد الحجا
برد الثناءِ مطرّزاً ومفوّفا