1. The ally of passion, his patience was more difficult than it
When his beloved Hindi and light turned away from him
١. حَليفُ غرامٍ عزَّ منه اِصطبارهُ
غَداةَ تولّت هندُهُ ونوارهُ
2. He remembered affectionately the loved ones confident
Of the gentle whispers around him
٢. تَذكّر ودّاً للأحبّةِ واثقاً
منَ البهكناتِ الناعمات جوارهُ
3. He remembered a covenant with the loved ones of the past
So the ardour of love stirred for him its recollection
٣. تذكّر عهداً للأحبّةِ ماضياً
فَهاجَ لَهُ وهج الغرامِ اِدّكارهُ
4. And when he wanted patience, he lowered his eyelids
With tears that overflowed continuously in streams
٤. وَلمّا أرادَ الصبرَ أسبل جفنه
بدمعٍ تمادى جريهُ واِنهمارهُ
5. When water overflowed from the skin of tears
Its fire clung in his ribs
٥. إِذا فاضَ مِن مزنِ المدامعِ ماؤه
تَلظّت له بينَ الأضالع نارهُ
6. And I called him, brought him near and invited him
To my company, but he refused and avoided his tomb
٦. وَأَغيد ما اِستدنيتهُ ودعوتهُ
إِلى صِلتي إِلّا وشطّ مزارهُ
7. To console for his love, but it was not yet over
Due to prolonged nights of his isolation and bonding
٧. تقضّي عزاء في هواها وما اِنقضى
لِطولِ الليالي هجرهُ واِزورارهُ
8. A beloved whose face the rose appears radiant
And the moles on his cheek make him smile
٨. حبيبٌ تَرى في وجههِ الورد رائقاً
يُضاحكه في خدّهِ جلّنارهُ
9. Appearing like the sun behind clouds
When his turban hangs loosely over it
٩. تلوحُ كمثلِ الشمس خلفَ غمامةٍ
إِذا لاثَ مَسدولاً عليه خمارهُ
10. And he captivates the hearts of admirers with a look
From which his beauty and fascination emanated
١٠. وَتسحرُ لبّات القلوب بناظرٍ
جَرى السحر منه حسنه واِحورارهُ
11. The redness of his cheek remains during his reproach
Chased by his paleness and yellowing
١١. يظلّ اِحمرارُ الخدّ عند عتابهِ
يُطاردهُ توريدهُ واِصفرارهُ
12. His anklets were stuffed with the slenderness of his legs
And his waist-wrap was tight with what was under his waist-wrap
١٢. خَلاخلهُ غصّت بفاعمِ ساقهِ
وَضاقَ بِما تحتَ الإزار إزارهُ
13. His scarf complained of thirst from it, just as
His bangles and bracelet complained of satiety from it
١٣. شَكا ضَمأً منه الوشاح كما شكا
بهِ شبعاً خلخالهُ وسوارهُ
14. It was as if its folds were the irrigation of a garden
Watered by the serene flow of its springs and rain
١٤. كأنَّ ثناياهُ إقاحة روضةٍ
سَقاها الحيا مدراره وقطارهُ
15. The pearls of his mouth and his saliva resembled
And his spittle in its drivel and its drink
١٥. تَشابه درّ الثغرِ منه ودرّهُ
وَريقته في رشفها وعقارهُ
16. Be wary of an enemy I had weakened, and do not
Be fooled by his weakness and insignificance
١٦. توقّ عدوّاً كنت أضعفته ولا
يغرّك منه ضعفه واِحتقارهُ
17. For the sparks of fire come out of its ashes
To the kindling wood from it its cinder and dust
١٧. فإنّ ضرامَ النارِ يخرج سقطه
إِلى الزند منه مرخه وغفارهُ
18. And Sheba was not tempted but by a hoopoe
And it blocked lions' mouths, dwelling in their lairs
١٨. وبلقيس لم يوشِ بها غير هدهدٍ
وسدّ سبا في أسّهِ عاث فارهُ
19. And many a sword whose sight does not please you
Yet its actions in the bodies satisfy you
١٩. وربّ حسامٍ لا يسرّك منظراً
وَيرضيكَ فعلاً في الجسوم عرارهُ
20. When the climber reaches the top of what was climbed
Consider closely that soon will be his descent
٢٠. إِذا بَلَغ الراقي إِلى رأس ما اِرتقى
تأمّل قريباً أن يكونَ اِنحدارهُ
21. Beware, every running one will suddenly meet
As it met the incidents of fate, its running mate
٢١. أَلا كلّ جارٍ سوفَ تلقى مفاجئاً
كَما قَد تلقّى من حادثِ الدهر جارهُ
22. It is fate running over creation however it may be
And man cannot escape from it by his flight
٢٢. هو القدرُ الجاري على الخلقِ كائن
وَلا ينفع الإنسان منه فرارهُ
23. And I am like the letter of your ancestral line Shadkam
Its twists coiled its plains and deserts
٢٣. وَأَعيس مثل الحرف من نسل شدكمٍ
طَوَت نحصه عيطانه وقفارهُ
24. It continues roaming the wastelands with a guide
When it wishes, its blindness does not bother it
٢٤. يظلُّ يجوبُ المجهلات بحاذقٍ
إِذا ما شاء لا يعتريه عثارهُ
25. It sought it for generosity like the old men of Kaaba
Making it his pilgrimage and frequenting
٢٥. تَيمّمه من جود كهلان كعبهُ
يكونُ إِليها حجّه واِعتمارهُ
26. A sovereign equaling the sun in its risings
And in its light, his supremacy and pride
٢٦. مَليكٌ يُضاهي الشمس في درجاتها
وَفي نورها إجلالُه وفخارهُ
27. And rising above its orbit and circle
Despite its motion, its orbit and circle
٢٧. وَيعلو عَلى أَفلاكها ومدارها
لَدى جريها أفلاكه ومدارهُ
28. A youth whose hopes for delegations never declined
And none hosted me except as a neighbour hosts an orphan
٢٨. فتىً قطُّ لَم تهزل رجاءُ وفودهِ
وَلَم يرني إلّا يتيماً جوارهُ
29. He reached a position in its elevation while being lazy
Moving above the star of Sirius his minaret
٢٩. رَقى مَنزلاً في سمكهِ متقاعساً
يَسوقُ عَلى نجمِ السماك منارهُ
30. And if above the seven heavens there was a dwelling for man
His house would have risen to the highest of heavens
٣٠. وَلو أنّ فوقَ السبع للإنسِ مسكناً
لَنافت إِلى أعلى السموات دارهُ
31. The tails of pride trail in his pride, and who
Surrounded people with his forgiveness and power
٣١. أساحب ذيلَ الفخرِ في فخرهِ ومن
أَحاطَ البرايا عفوُهُ واِقتدارهُ
32. And who was never without the crown of his hands in any approach or prayer
Protecting his ordinances
٣٢. وَمَن لَم يَزل في كلّ نهج وقبلةٍ
بتاج أياديه ويحمي ذمارهُ
33. To you I rode the steed of hope, and none other
Had in its journey and creation
٣٣. إِليكَ تَمطَّيت الرَّجاء ولم يكن
لغيرك في تهجيره وابتكارهُ