
To whom belongs the square at the valley's slope,

لمن مربع بالسفح أقوت ملاعبه

1. To whom belongs the square at the valley's slope,
Its playgrounds now desolate and lacking hope,

١. لِمن مربع بالسفحِ أَقوت ملاعبه
وأصبحَ في مغناه ينعبُ ناعبُه

2. Unkempt yet still flourishing and evergreen,
Its pillars standing where they have always been,

٢. عَفى غير مشجوجِ القذالِ وأَورق
أَقامت كمثلِ الورق منه مناصبُه

3. Companioned after separation by thoughts rife,
Since the day it lost the friend that was its life,

٣. وَأَضحت به بعدَ الخليط أوانساً
رباربه مُذ فارَقته ربارِبُه

4. How often here my tail of youth I've dragged,
How often by its love and ardour I've been snagged,

٤. فكم فيه قد جرّرتُ ذيلَ شَبيبتي
وكم رامقَتني بالودادِ كَواعِبُه

5. That meadow sweet which cups of wine would fill
Still chides me when we meet, and I it still,

٥. وَأغيد معسول المراشفِ لم يزل
يُعاتِبُني عند اللّقا وَأُعاتبُه

6. I told it of my state and what I have seen,
The day its mounts were parted from its green,

٦. شرحتُ له حالي وما قد لقيتهُ
غَداةَ بهِ للبين جدّت ركائبُه

7. I spoke to it, its secrets then revealed,
From where I stood, conversing with its field,

٧. وَخاطبتهُ مستخبراً فَتكشّفت
سرائرهُ من حيث كنتُ أُخاطِبُه

8. A lover, when I try to kiss his cheek,
Stings my heart with pangs from venoms in his reek,

٨. حَبيبٌ إِذا حاولتُ تَقبيلَ صدغهِ
قَضت لسعها في القلبِ منه عقارِبُه

9. Three on a branch, in leaves their robes entwine,
Their wraps enfold the night and morning shine,

٩. ثلاثٌ على غصن وَدعص بروده
وتطوى على ليلٍ وصبحٍ جلاببُه

10. I envy it its necklaces which grace
Its soft neck, perfumed, from its resting place,

١٠. أَغار عليه من قلائدهِ إذا
تحلّت بها لبّاته وترائبُه

11. Ah, its beauty walking with faltering feet,
Shivering in the cold wind which it must greet,

١١. فَيا حسنهُ لمّا مَشى متهزّعاً
وَقَد ماس في بردِ الصبا وهو ساحِبُه

12. The day of union is the radiance of its face,
The night of separation are its robe's creases,

١٢. يحاكي نهارُ الوصلِ غرّة وجههِ
وَيشبه ليل الهجر منه ذوائبُه

13. Rising, it struggles under its heavy load,
As its crupper fights against its goad,

١٣. وَيثقله عند النهوضِ إذا نَوى
قياماً ركيم الردفِ حين يجاذبُه

14. O you, the gazelle, who made me taste the wine,
Of passion, which does not diminish with each sip of mine,

١٤. أَلا أَيّها الظبيُ الّذي قد أَذاقَني
هَوى كأسهِ لا يسأم السقم شارِبُه

15. Won't you give me a kiss with which I'll smother
The embers your love caused, flames in me to further?

١٥. أَما قبلة لي منك أطفي ببردها
من الوجدِ جمراً مُحرقات لواهِبُه

16. I see people differ in nature and soul,
But one's nature is shaped by company's role,

١٦. أَرى الناس شتّى في الطباعِ وإنّما
طباعُ الفتى تنقادُ ممّن يصاحبُه

17. Do not be fooled by people, choose the most righteous one,
For nothing equals the truthful and honest one,

١٧. فَلا تغترر بِالناس واِختر أبرّهم
فَليس يساوي صادق البرّ كاذبُه

18. How often has a mirage been mistaken for a stream,
And darkness' lantern for a star's gleam!

١٨. وَكم ألّ قفر ظنّ ماء جَرى وكم
تَراءت لمقباسِ الظلامِ حباحبُه

19. One's days may be known by who is his friend and his foe,
Who greets him each morn and who strikes at him each blow,

١٩. وَقَد يعرفُ الأيّامَ مَن كان دائماً
تُسالمه أيّامهُ وتحارِبُه

20. Pleasure is marred by discontent's vicious strangle,
When the locks of youth begin to mottle and tangle,

٢٠. وَتفرضُ عذب العيشِ كرهاً مورّعاً
للذّاته من ودَّعته شبائِبُه

21. Fortune steals from my life all that I have earned,
Yet I wrest from fortune all that I have learned,

٢١. يُناهبني صرف الزمان فإنّما
ظفرتُ به من عيشتي وأناهبُه

22. Would that life could grant me all that I desire,
For I seek the difficult things I aspire,

٢٢. فَليت حياها ساعَفتني وساعَدت
بِما أنا من صعب المطالب طالبُه

23. I find myself wishing for a past now gone,
Its pleasures and joys no longer live on,

٢٣. أراني أُمنّي النفسَ منّي تعلّلاً
بِعيش مَضى عنّي وفاتَت أطايبُه

24. I hope for things impossible to obtain,
Can the teat give back milk once sucked from its vein?

٢٤. وَآملُ فضلاً ليس يدرك كونه
وَهل ردّ شخب الضرعِ في الضرع حالبُه

25. Smiling he turned, and my smile turned to flowing tears,
As darkness's wings did their mystery unfurl,

٢٥. وَمبتسم أَحوى يزيد تبسّماً
بهِ كلّ أحوى يسكبُ الدمعَ ساكبُه

26. Sighing, he spurred his steed, as a farmer would race,
His robes heavy with rain back home to his place,

٢٦. تبسّم مفترّاً وحمحمَ باكياً
وَجُنح الدجى مسترخيات غياهِبُه

27. Generous, though drought dried the rain from men's wells,
His robes still poured rain where people did dwell,

٢٧. يسحّ ويهمي مستهلّاً كأنّما
أَكفّ فلاح قَد حَوتها سحائِبُه

28. The realm's justice he kept, his rule he made wide,
Bringing those distant closer to his side,

٢٨. جوادٌ إِذا ما المزنُ أَمسكَ قطره
عنِ الناسِ أَغنت ممحليه غياهِبُه

29. He shared all he had, gave money away,
Which no palm had before his benevolent day,

٢٩. أَقام حدودَ العدلِ في الملكِ آنس
أباعدهُ في عدلهِ وأقاربُه

30. He filled praises with glory and generosity,
Wherever fine traits and virtues could be,

٣٠. وَفرّق ما يحوى منَ المال واهباً
وَما مسّت الدينار يوماً رَواحِبُه

31. The nights' turns reveal what is and what will be,
As if the nights themselves wrote his decree,

٣١. حلائله عزّ المحامدِ وَالثنا
مَتى ما يُحالل والمعاني حبائِبُه

32. None in heaven could spy on him, no prying thing,
Save the stars which peered out from under its wing,

٣٢. صروفُ الليالي تَقتضي ما يريده
كأنّ الليالي كتبهُ وَكتائبُه

33. Had he unleashed his might against time, none would remain
To rise up again, all would be made plain,

٣٣. وَما في سماهُ اِستسرق السمع ماردٌ
مِن الخلقِ إلّا اِستوعرته كواكبُه

34. A raincloud pouring heavy rain on the just,
And on the wicked, only bolts to disgust,

٣٤. وَلَو أَنّه أَلقى وأَرسل بطشهُ
على الدهرِ ما في الناس نابت نوائبُه

35. With no one drawing sword, it seemed to advance,
To smite his foes with its lighting and lance,

٣٥. سَحابٌ على العافي يصبّ هباته
وَتَنصبُّ منه لِلبغاةِ مصائبُه

36. You have courted glory and rightly so,
Both your beginning and end honour will know,

٣٦. وَكادَت على الأعداءِ مِن غيرِ ضاربٍ
تَصول عوالي سمره وقواضبُه

37. Against the enemy, you have boldly set loose,
A sword sharpened with purpose its edge to produce,

٣٧. أساحب ذيلَ المَكرُمات ومَن عَلت
مَراتب أربابِ المَعاني مَراتِبُه

38. None but you wears victory's mantle now unfurled,
None but you is the winner declared in this world,

٣٨. سَعيتَ لِكسبِ المجدِ سعياً موفّقاً
أَوائلهُ مَحمودةٌ وَعَواقِبُه

39. You have sought glory and succeeded in gaining it,
Both your efforts and results show true merit.

٣٩. وَجردتَ لِلأعداءِ سَيفاً مهنّداً
مِنَ العزمِ عضباً ماضيات مضارِبُه

٤٠. وَلا فخرَ إلّا أَنت لابسُ بردهِ
وَلا حمدَ إلّا أَنت في الناسِ كاسبُه