
The envious one is sufficiently punished by his envy,

كفى الحسود عقابا عن جريرته

1. The envious one is sufficiently punished by his envy,
In his limbs there is no glow of envy,

١. كَفَى الحسودَ عَقاباً عن جريرتهِ
ما في جوارحهِ من جُذوةِ الحَسَدِ

2. Do not be surprised if his body melts away out of envy,
For this disease enfeebles the health of the body,

٢. لا غَروَ إِن ذابَ منهُ جسمُهُ حَسَداً
لِأَنَّ ذا الداءَ يُوهِي صِحَّة الجَسَدِ

3. If he were not judged by the Creator, I would say
He is sufficiently punished since he lived and died consumed,

٣. لو لم يُحاكَم من الباري اقولُ لقد
كفاهُ إذ عاشَ حتى ماتَ بالكَمَدِ

4. All sins may be hoped to give pleasure,
Alas, but this is the disease of the liver,

٤. كلُّ المآثم قد تُرجَى مَلَذَّتُها
الآهُ بل إِنَّ هذا عِلَّةُ الكَبِدِ

5. What will the ignorant, blindly envious person do to
The envied one if he prevails one day and he has not blocked his way,

٥. ما يفعلُ الجاهلُ الغُمر الحسودُ مع ال
محسودِ إِن سادَ يوماً وَهوَ لم يَسُدِ

6. All vices either their doer dies
And they entirely perish, and none remain with anyone,

٦. كل الرذائل إِمَّا ماتَ فاعلُها
تفنَى جميعاً وما تبقى على أَحَدِ

7. But the detestable envy accompanies
Its companion into the fire for eternity.

٧. لكنما الحَسَدُ الممقوتُ مُصطَحِبٌ
في النار صاحبَهُ حتى مَدَى الأَبَدِ