
The doves in the valley no longer coo

أسيان ما في الأيك ناح حمامه

1. The doves in the valley no longer coo
After the hardships, except to mourn their loss,

١. أسيّان ما في الأيكِ ناحَ حمامهُ
بعدَ الملا إلّا وحمّ حمامهُ

2. She rises above her nest if perched
Beneath the saddlebags, a hill from afar,

٢. يَعلو عَلى أنضائهِ إن أرزمت
تحتَ الرِحال منَ الجوى أرازمهُ

3. Yearning for the dwellings and inclining
To loved ones, her longing and passion,

٣. وَإِلى الرسومِ حنينهُ ونزوعهُ
وَإِلى الأحبّةِ شوقهُ وغرامهُ

4. Of her, in the bloom of youth
Only skin and bones remain,

٤. لَم يبقَ منهُ في خلال شبابهِ
في الجسمِ إلّا جلدهُ وعظامهُ

5. My friend, let us stand in a wide, open space
Like a spear for the living, bare and erect

٥. يا صاحبيَّ قِفا بنا في مربعٍ
للحيِّ مثل الرند لاحَ وشامهُ

6. No signs or traits of him appeared
To the eye except his brightness and his banner,

٦. لَم يُبدِ مِن آياتهِ وسماتهِ
لِلعينِ إلّا نوّه ورجامهُ

7. His youth faded and his form crumpled
The fresh lily wilted and its petals scattered,

٧. أَبلى حداثتهُ وعفّا رسمهُ
نوّ الثريّا وبلُه ورهامهُ

8. He was strong and months had not passed over him
So how could he fare when years come to pass?

٨. أَقوى وما مرّت عليه شهوره
أَبداً فكيفَ إِذا اِنقضت أعوامهُ

9. His defiance lasts in his defiance
And his tranquility in his tranquility,

٩. عاصَتهُ في صيرانهِ صيرانُه
أبداً ومِن آرامهِ آرامُهُ

10. The dusty ashes, bent over, never visited me
Except as a phantom, his hemline,

١٠. وَمُهفهف طاوي الحشا ما زارَني
بِالوصلِ إلّا طيفُه ولمامهُ

11. The day passes with his estrangement, and when night falls,
The wings of darkness allow his dreams,

١١. يمضي النهارُ بهجرهِ وإذا سجى
جنحُ الدجى سَمحت بهِ أحلامهُ

12. He judged in my love until he exhausted
With tyranny, his unjust judgments,

١٢. حَكّمتهُ في مُهجتي حتّى اِنقضت
بِالجورِ في تَحكيمه أحكامهُ

13. He throws hearts into disarray with his arrows
And his arrows strike the cores of hearts,

١٣. يَرمي القلوبَ مخالساً بسهامهِ
فَتصيبُ لبّاتِ القلوبِ سهامهُ

14. He walks erect in the cool of youth
As if his frame were a tall cypress tree,

١٤. وَيميسُ في بردِ الشبابِ إذا مشى
فَكأنّ عودَ الخيزُران قوامهُ

15. His mouth diffuses a sweet fragrance after anguish
Like musk when its seal has been removed,

١٥. وَيفوحُ طيباً ثغرهُ بعد الكرى
كَالمسكِ لمّا زالَ عنه ختامهُ

16. A full moon soothing with its coolness, its brilliance,
Its veils, its discs, and its tents,

١٦. بدرٌ تشفُّ بروده بضيائهِ
وَستورهُ وسجوفهُ وخيامهُ

17. He denied me union until he gave up
What he refused to grant, even a greeting,

١٧. منعَ الوصالَ عليَّ حتّى أنّه
ممّا تمنّع لا يردّ سلامهُ

18. Contentment and union with him are few,
Lawful and forbidden with him in abundance,

١٨. عزّ الرضا وَالوصلُ منه قليلهُ
وَكَثيرهُ وحلالهُ وحرامهُ

19. The vast space of distance roams
With nothing but a gazelle and an ostrich,

١٩. وَبعيدُ أرجاءِ المسافةِ نازحٌ
ما فيهِ إلّا عفره ونعامهُ

20. I have surpassed its limits with a mighty leap,
My wrappings and belts burst from it,

٢٠. جاوزت غايته بعيسٍ بازل
غصّت بهِ أنساعهُ وحزامهُ

21. And to the noble youth, how much have I sent
Of pearls, like the threaded pearls of his form?

٢١. وَإِلى الفَتى كهلان كم أهديت من
درٍّ كمثلِ الدرّ زان نظامهُ

22. Al-Yashbe the Glorious King in whose days
Joy radiated with the light of his kingdom,

٢٢. اليجشبيّ الأمجد الملك الّذي
شَرقت بِبهجةِ ملكهِ أيّامهُ

23. A king who climbed the ranks of highness until
None had attained what he attained in rank,

٢٣. ملكٌ رَقى رتبَ العلا حتّى دنا
عمّا اِرتقاه منَ العُلا بهرامهُ

24. His sitting surpasses the standing of others
In nobility, so how then his standing?

٢٤. يَعلو قيام الحارثينَ قعوده
شرفاً وَمرتبةُ فكيف قيامهُ

25. He cleaves the battalions with his blade as though
The flash of lightning cleaves the clouds, is his blade,

٢٥. مشق الكتائبَ بالحسامِ كأنّما
برقُ الغمامةِ في الغمامِ حسامهُ

26. The world smiled on him through your charm, so he gained
Blessings, never weaning from your teat,

٢٦. درّت لهُ الدنيا بلطفك فاِحتسى
نعماً وما نسخ الرضاع فطامهُ