
This is Umaymah whose personality was revealed

هذي أميم تجلى شخصها وبدا

1. This is Umaymah whose personality was revealed
And through love she divided the love between us into pieces

١. هذي أُميمُ تجلّى شَخصُها وبدا
وَقسّمت بِالهوى منك الحِجا بددا

2. Before her departure, equip your eyelids with her image
And before the traveler parts from her renew again

٢. زوّد جفونكَ منها قبلَ رحلَتها
وَقبلَ أَن يقطعَ الحادي بها جددا

3. After being separated from her, how is your life?
If the leader of the caravan departs with her, what life remains for us?

٣. فَما حياتكَ من بعدِ الفراقِ لها
فينا إذا ما بها حادي الركابِ حَدا

4. Why have I never concealed the love in my tears for Ameem
Except that in its flow I have borne witness to it

٤. ما بالُ دمعي ما أخفيت قطّ هوى
أميم إلّا بهِ في جريهِ شهِدا

5. If a maiden saw her traveling
A scholar would have prostrated to her at that time

٥. حورية لَو رآها وهيَ سافرةٌ
حبرٌ لَكانَ لها في وقتهِ سَجَدا

6. If she made rings with her delicate fingers
They would have melted from her softness and bonded

٦. وَلو عَقدت بناناً من أناملها
مِن لينهِ لاِنعطا في ذاك واِنعقدا

7. The one whom if she dried up in love or became estranged
I would not listen to any blame or rejection towards her

٧. تلكَ الّتي لَو جَفَت في الحبّ أو هجرت
لَم أَستمِع عذلاً فيها ولا فندا

8. If it wasn’t for her love I would not have searched for
What my soul conceals or set right what was corrupted

٨. لَولا محبَّتها ما كنت بحتُ بِما
تُخفيهِ نَفسي ولا اِستَصلحتُ ما فَسدا

9. And I see misguidance as guidance in her love
While in her passion I see error as righteousness

٩. وَقد أَرى الغيَّ رشداً في محبّتها
فيما أَرى مِن هَواها والضلال هُدى

10. How my heart melted from her abandonment and estrangement
And how it froze again from her gathering and union

١٠. كَم ذاب قلبي لفرقاها وهجرتها
وَكَم غَدا مِن تثنّي قدّها قددا

11. And a night I visited her after isolation, fearing
Estrangement for a moment from the intensity of my passion

١١. وَليلة زُرتها بعدَ الهجوع ومن
يخشى التنكّر منه لحظة هَجدا

12. So I remained perceiving a breath from her kiss
Reviving with it the diminishing spirit of my life

١٢. فبتُّ أَحسو رضاباً من مقبّلها
أحيي بهِ من حياة الروحِ ما نَفدا

13. A saliva that narrated the taste of honey in its flavor
And musk, even if it penetrated the insides and ascended

١٣. ريقٌ حَكى الشهد طعماً في مذاقتهِ
وَالمسك إن ولجَ الخيشومَ أو صعدا

14. I kissed her smile to extinguish my burning
But neither appeared extinguished nor cooled from her

١٤. قبّلتُ مبسمها كَى يَنطفي حرقي
فما اِنطَفى لاعجٌ منها ولا بَردا

15. So whenever I attempted to extinguish her radiance
The embers of passion flared up within me and ignited

١٥. فكلَّما رمتُ أَن أطفي بريقتها
جمرَ الجوى شبّ في أحشايَ واِتّقدا

16. I did not know from where I kissed her smile
Whether I had kissed a pearl or ice from her

١٦. لَم أدرِ مِن حيث ما قبّلت مَبسمها
أكنتُ قبّلت درّاً منه أَو بردا

17. Work for your worldly life as long as you keep her company
As if you will never die in it

١٧. اِعمل لِدُنياك ما داومتَ صُحبتها
حتّى كأنّك فيها لَم تَمُت أبدا

18. And work for your afterlife, no matter how hard you strive
As if you are promised Paradise tomorrow

١٨. وَاِعمل لأخراكَ مهما عشتَ مجتهداً
حتّى كأنّك موعودُ الحمامِ غدا

19. I am a man who does not desire anything pleasurable
That would defile me except that I have abandoned it

١٩. إنّي اِمرؤٌ ما اِشتهى شيئاً يلذّ به
ممّا يدنّسه إلّا وقَد زهدا

20. I called upon my fate hoping it would make me happy
In what I want from this life but it did not make me happy

٢٠. دعوتُ دهري رجاء منه يسعدني
فيما أُريد منَ الدُنيا فما سعدا

21. And I became while the prime of my life passed
Complaining of misery and gloom in the anguish of fate

٢١. وَصرتُ والعيشُ قد ولّت شبيبته
في غصّةِ الدهرِ أشكو البؤس والنكدا

22. Until I relied for my life on that young man
So my state became, what I hoped of him, a support

٢٢. حتّى اِستندت لعمري بالفتى سند
فكانَ حالي لما أمّلته سَندا

23. Crowned at the pinnacle of glory, he built
A house that would be for him a cause for praise

٢٣. متوّج في مقامات الفخارِ بنى
بيتاً يكونُ له كسبُ الثنا عُمدا

24. His gifts from it are dispersed
For an aspiring visitor or arriving newcomer

٢٤. تَغدو مواهبهُ منه مبدّدةً
لِسائلٍ مرتج أو وافدٍ وَفدا

25. And he may love and passionately desire favors
Upon their difficulty just as a father does his son

٢٥. وَقَد يحبُّ ويَهوى المكرمات على اِس
تصعابها مثل الوالد الولدا

26. And he buys praise wherever praise is found and in its
Encounter he spends his soul and support

٢٦. وَيَشتري الحمدَ حيثُ الحمدُ كان وفي
ملقاهُ يبذل منه النفس وَالسندا

27. And how much in his efforts has he cured with his determination
The eye of elevation when he saw it complaining of blindness

٢٧. وَكَم شفى في مساعيهِ بهمّتهِ
عينُ العلا إِذ رآها تشتكي الرَمَدا

28. O noble king, so gentle that
Requests are facilitated for him when he strives and perseveres

٢٨. يا أيّها الملكُ القرمُ الّذي سهلت
لَهُ المطالبُ لمّا جدّ واِجتَهدا

29. I have cultivated but no cultivator cultivates
A known favor in its essence unless he reaps

٢٩. إنّي زرعتُ وما من زارعٍ زرع ال
مَعروف في كنههِ إلّا وَقَد حصدا