1. Why do I see the world being adorned
With joys derived from tragedies?
١. ما لي أرى الدُّنيا تشو
بُ لنا المسرَّة بالفجايع
2. The youth strives in it, not knowing
What fate has in store for him.
٢. يَسعى الفَتى فيها وما
يَدري الفتى ما الدهرُ صانِع
3. The spoils of days were not with it
Except as trusts placed with others.
٣. وَمغانمُ الأيّامِ لم
تكُ عندَها إلَّا ودائع
4. Those were nights that gave generously,
And those were the withholders.
٤. هنَّ الليالي المعطيا
تُ لَنا وهنَّ موانِع
5. Beware, beware of maligning
Your noble traits out of greed.
٥. إيّاكَ بل إيّاكَ أن
تزري بشيمتِك المطامِع
6. And beware of severing ties with one
Who stays connected or connects with one severed.
٦. واِحذر تقاطع من يوا
صل أَو تواصل مَن يقاطِع
7. Whenever you plant, you reap that
You hasten what you did not plant.
٧. وَمَتى زرعتَ حصدتَ أن
تَ مُسارعاً ما أنت زارِع
8. Among people there is no superiority
Except for the superiority of natures.
٨. ما في الأنام تفاضلٌ
لولا التَّفاضلُ في الطَبايع