
Stand by the deserted ruins addressing them

قف بالرسوم الخاليات مخاطبا

1. Stand by the deserted ruins addressing them
And make your moaning answer the rider

١. قِف بِالرسومِ الخاليات مخاطباً
وَاِجعل أَنينك للمطيّ مجاوبا

2. How beloved it became with those who have dwelt in it
And how many gazelles kissed it as a frolicsome place

٢. دمنٌ بِها كم قد غدوت محبّبا
ولكَم لثمت بِها الغزالة كاعِبا

3. The loved ones departed from its landmarks when
They made the howdahs for lizards to ride in

٣. بانَ الأحبّة مِن مَعالِمها وقد
جَعَلوا الهوادجَ للخرادِ مَراكبا

4. It became like the fear of a caravan, a most desolate abode
And it grew into barren ground after them and playgrounds

٤. أَمسَت كَخوفِ العيرِ أَوحش منزلاً
وَعَفت عِراصاً بَعدَهم وَملاعبا

5. Indeed I stood there so I was a body present
Yet my heart was absent between the four of them

٥. وَلَقد وقفتُ فكنتُ جسماً حاضراً
ما بينَ أربُعهم وَقلباً غائبا

6. One day we bid them farewell while out of passion
With our fingers we poured down tears in torrents

٦. يوماً نودّعهم وَنحنُ منَ الجَوى
نذري بِأنملِنا الدموعَ سَواكبا

7. You see their gazelles the morning after separation in
The mirage of the desert floating and pausing

٧. وَتَرى ظعائِنَهم غداةَ البينِ في
لججِ السرابِ طوافياً ورواسبا

8. Brightening the sights when they carried
Suns in howdahs and litters

٨. يُجلين لِلأبصارِ حين تحمّلوا
منهم شموساً في الخدورِ غَواربا

9. The caravan departed in which they rode beautifully so
Our hearts became enflamed for their riding she-camels

٩. سارَت بهنّ العيسُ ترفلُ فاِغتدت
منّا القلوبُ لِركبهنّ جَنايبا

10. White like the pleiades they never ceased being darling
To our hearts spending the night wakeful

١٠. بيضُ الترائبِ لَم يَزلن حَبايبا
منّا للبّاتِ القلوبِ نَواهِبا

11. They made us hope for union though they despaired us
Deeming them constantly departing and drawing away

١١. أَطمَعنَنا منهنّ وصلَ إِياسنا
فَتخالهنّ فَواركاً وَحَبائبا

12. They smiled despite the cold that melts its knots
Lest it become for them a piercing wire

١٢. وَبسمنَ عن بردٍ تحلّ عقوده
مِن أن يصير لهنّ سلك ناقبا

13. A cold that melts but does not dissolve, and whenever
I joined it for a kiss, I was the melter

١٣. بردٌ يذيبُ ولا يَذوبُ وكلّما
قارنتهُ للّثمِ كنت الذائِبا

14. How much did I delight in them in seclusion and I feared not
An envious backbiter watching and observing

١٤. كَم قَد نَعمت بهنّ مُختلياً ولم
أَخشى حَسوداً كاشِحاً ومُراقبا

15. Days when time did not toy with us and we heard not
The crow of separation cawing in us

١٥. أيّام لم يعبث بنا زمنٌ وَلَم
نَسمع غرابَ البينِ فينا ناعبا

16. And my gazelles, dappled are their colors
And meadows of playfulness that were always fertile

١٦. وَذَوائِبي غربيبة أَلوانها
وَرياضُ لهوٍ لَم يزلنَ خَصائبا

17. Alas for days gone by! Alas for them!
Youth turned away and I gained no goals

١٧. أَسفاً لأيّامٍ مَضَت أسفاً لها
ولّى الشبابُ وَما قَضيتُ مَآرِبا

18. No sooner did I hope for gains from fate
Except it surprised me with afflictions suddenly visiting

١٨. ما إن رجوتُ منَ الزّمانِ مَغانماً
إِلا وقَد فَاجأت خطباً نائبا

19. My mind never wandered in its methods of rule
Except I saw wonders

١٩. ما جادَ فِكري في مَذاهبِ حُكمهِ
مُتصفّحاً إلّا رَأيت عَجائبا

20. I never rejoiced in it except showers poured down
And disasters struck them as calamities

٢٠. ما شمتُ منهُ مَخايلاً إلّا وَقَد
هَطلت مَواطر ودقهنّ مَصائبا

21. How many flashes seeming true to guess
Shine in the eye of truth as lies

٢١. كَم بارقٍ للظنّ يَبدو صادقاً
وَيلوحُ في عينِ الحَقيقةِ كاذِبا

22. Do not trust people in treachery and beware
Of those you see as peaceful yet they wage war

٢٢. لا تَأمننَّ الناسَ كَيداً واِحذَرن
ممّن تَراهُ مُسالماً وَمحاربا

23. And turn away from them the door of harm and do not incline
To people as long as your life keeps its side

٢٣. وَاِصرف لَهم باب الوبالِ ولا تلن
للناسِ ما دامَت حَياتك جانبا

24. How many who trusted in people until the turns
Of fate turned against him in afflictions

٢٤. كم واثقٍ بالناسِ حتّى ما أَتت
نوبُ الزمانِ غَدوا عليهِ نوائِبا

25. Ask me of the world, you will find me well-informed
About it, eloquent in speech, a sermonizer

٢٥. سَلني عنِ الدنيا تَجدني مخبراً
عَنها فَصيحاً في المَقالةِ خاطِبا

26. I experienced the events of the nights just as
I enumerated them, places of eating and drinking

٢٦. عاشرت أحداثَ اللّيالي مثلَ ما
أَحصيتُهنّ مآكلاً ومشاربا

27. And I roamed the lands until I comprehended in
Their regions easts and wests

٢٧. وَضربت في الأرضين حتّى جلت في
أَقطارهنّ مَشارقاً ومَغاربا

28. And I prepared for the days abundant patience
And resolve that goes forth and a right opinion

٢٨. وَعددت لِلآنامِ صبراً طائلاً
وَعزيمةً تَمضي وَرأياً صائبا

29. And I rose in the horizon of aspirations touching
Suns that shone clearly and planets

٢٩. وَرقيتُ في أفقِ المطالبِ لامساً
مِنها شموساً وُضّحا وَكواكبا

30. And I clung to the most honorable of Arabs whom
Peoples universally admire and covet

٣٠. وَعلقتُ بِالزاكي أبي العربِ الّذي
عمّ الأنامَ غوايلاً وَرَغائبا

31. A king who deems justice a valued religion
And views generosity upon it an obligation

٣١. ملكٌ يَخالُ العدلَ ديناً قيّماً
وَيَرى عَليه الجودَ فَرضاً واجبا

32. And a young man whom if you seek in request of wealth
You seek a generous giver of gifts and presents

٣٢. وفتىً مَتى تقصدهُ في طلبِ الغِنى
تَقصِد جواداً لِلمَواهبِ واهبا

33. Kings are fortunate: his highness when
His fingers and palms they kiss

٣٣. تَحظى الملوكُ عُلاه إِذ هيَ قبّلت
مِن راحَتيهِ أَناملاً وَرَواجبا

34. None of the pages of his writings marched
Toward his loftiness except the pages were defeated in companies

٣٤. ما سارَ نَحوَ عُلاه طرسُ كتابه
إِلّا وَقَد هَزم الكتاب كَتائبا

35. None in the sky of his loftiness passed by an orator
Except he followed him with a piercing meteor

٣٥. ما في سَماء علاه مرّ مخاطب
إِلّا وَأتبعهُ شِهاباً ثاقبا

36. How many insolent ones from him in calamities angrily stirred
A lion whom when the fox stirs his spear

٣٦. كَم سُلّ منهُ على الخطوبِ مهنّد
عَضبٌ وَأَمضى في الخطوبِ مَضاربا

37. The lions of the den become foxes
He left the enemies in war an arena in which his

٣٧. أَسدٌ إِذا ما هزّ ثعلبَ رمحهِ
صارَت لَه أسدُ العرينِ ثَعالبا

38. Horsemen stir up blood and dark clouds
And he shed their blood in a copious ocean

٣٨. تَركَ العدا في الحربِ ميداناً تثي
رُ بِهِ فَوارسه دَماً وغياهِبا

39. The surging of armor clashed in waves
A sea that surges with waves forgiving and waterspouts

٣٩. وَدماهم منه ببحرٍ زاخرٍ
لَجب تلاطمَ بِالدروعِ غَوارِبا

40. And destroyers and charging stallions and young camels
And he clothed them in garments of slaughter so they awoke

٤٠. بَحراً يموجُ مغافراً وبواتراً
وَلَهاذماً وضَراغماً وَشَوازبا

41. As carrion for the hyenas of the wasteland
In a battlefield in which he hurls the swords as flashing light

٤١. وَكَساهمُ حللَ النجيعِ فَأَصبَحوا
صَرعى لذؤبانِ الفلاةِ مآدبا

42. And arrows as calamities and stones as dark clouds
O you who established alive the clouds of his generosity

٤٢. في عارضٍ يذرُ السيوفَ بَوارقاً
وَالنبلَ وبلاً وَالعجاجَ غياهِبا

43. For people despite the flowing of the clouds
Listen to the words of a poet who became

٤٣. يا مَن أَقامَ حياً غمائمَ جودهِ
لِلناسِ عَن ودقِ الغَمائمِ نائِبا

44. Displeased with the nights and events blaming them
And calling you to reconcile them, and so reconcile their dispute with gifts and presents

٤٤. اِسمع مقالةَ شاعرٍ أَضحى عَلى
صَرفِ اللّيالي وَالحَوادثِ عاتِبا