1. He charmed me with his tender glances,
And captivated me with his human magic,
١. سَباني بتكسير أجفانه
وخامَرَني سحر إنسانهِ
2. And drowned my eyes in his waters,
And set my heart aflame with his fires.
٢. وَأغرقَ لحظي بأمواهه
وَأحرق قلبي بنيرانهِ
3. I asked for a sip from his saliva,
And tried to kiss his teeth,
٣. وطالبتُه الرشفَ من ريقه
وحاولت تقبيل أسنانهِ
4. But he turned back smiling and laughing,
And refused and ignored my affair.
٤. فَأدبرَ مبتسماً ضاحكاً
وصدَّ وأعرضَ في شأنهِ
5. He made me hope for his soft flirtation,
Yet despaired me with his disobedience.
٥. وَأَطمعني لينَ إدلاله
وآيسني كون عصيانهِ
6. The gentle breeze sings the sad song
That stirs the doves to their melodies.
٦. أغنّ رخيم هضيم الحشا
يهيج الحمامُ لألحانهِ
7. It wrongs the wise in his secret,
His lovers and his overture.
٧. يجورُ لذي الحكمِ في سرّه
على عاشقيهِ وإِعلانهِ
8. Since birth his smile was not meant
To be kissed except by his bars.
٨. فمبسمه لم يكن إذ نشأ
نقبّله غير قضبانهِ
9. He showed me affection and its religions,
So I became indebted to his faiths.
٩. أَراني الودادَ وأديانه
فصرتُ مديناً بأديانهِ
10. And he mingled his union with me in love
The morning after the estrangement.
١٠. وَمازج لي في الهوى وصله
غداة العتاب بهجرانهِ
11. In his absence he became my beloved,
His acquaintances in his homelands hurt me.
١١. بنفسي حبيباً على بعده
شَجتني معارفُ أوطانِهِ
12. He travelled around the neighborhood away
From my lightening and his effulgence.
١٢. ترحّل في الحيّ عن أثله
وَعن برقتيه وعَن بانهِ
13. I stood at his tomb after time had
Worn away his eras and tribulations.
١٣. وَقفتُ على رسمه بعدما
عَفته حوادث أَزمانِهِ
14. So my tears flowed and I complained
As they streamed down my cheeks in knowing him.
١٤. فَفاضت دُموعي واِستوكفت
عَلى الخدّ تَجري لعرفانهِ
15. I watered his features with my tears
And kissed the soles where he stepped.
١٥. سقيتُ معالمهُ أدمعي
وقبّلت أخفافَ كثبانهِ
16. O what a deserted, empty ruin
After its dwellers are gone.
١٦. فَيا لك من مربعٍ قد عفا
وَأَقفر من بعد سكّانِهِ
17. It became devoid of his flirtations
That consoled it after its flirtations.
١٧. وَأضحت بهِ وحش غزلانه
أوانسَ من بعدِ غزلانِهِ
18. Its dawn watered the beginnings of life
And its debaucheries nurtured his recklessness.
١٨. سَقى سوحهُ مستهلّ الحيا
وروّاه مسبلُ هتّانِهِ
19. Continuous in its flowerbed, the dovelike one,
With no messages from his tenderness.
١٩. تواصل في المزنِ حنّانة ال
بوارق منه بحنّانِهِ
20. expanded, lonely, empty,
Where the mind of its rider wanders.
٢٠. وَمنبسطٌ موحشٌ مقفرٌ
يطيشُ بهِ عقل ركبانهِ
21. I cut off its paths as night fell
Showing me the different colors of its rainbow.
٢١. قَطعتُ سباسبَهُ والدجى
يريني غربيب ألوانهِ
22. My Jesus, if he perseveres seriously in his path
He will compete with the healed blind ones.
٢٢. يا عيس إن جدَّ في سيرهِ
يباري مشفّات عقبانهِ
23. Glory to the noble youth
The victor and heir to the sultanate.
٢٣. مجدّاً إِلى اللّوذعيّ الفتى ال
مظفّر وارث سلطانهِ
24. A king whose crown shadows all the kings of the world
Bowing submissively to his crown.
٢٤. مليكٌ تظلُّ ملوك الورى
تخرُّ خضوعاً لتيجانهِ
25. Among his glories is a flag
Whose pole was inherited from Solomon.
٢٥. لهُ مِن مفاخره رايةٌ
تأرّثها عَن سليمانهِ
26. He rivaled the predecessors in the glory of highness
So he followed them at the rear of their arena.
٢٦. شأى السابقين بشأوِ العلا
فعقّبهم خلفَ ميدانهِ
27. And built from his glory a pulpit
Rising to the star of its pivot.
٢٧. وشيّد مِن مجدهِ منبراً
تَعالى على نجم كيوانهِ
28. His pens encompass all regions
And signify his title.
٢٨. تحيطُ الأقاليمَ أقلامهُ
جَميعاً وتنبي بعنوانهِ
29. He is exalted and revered over Caesar
And Dara son of Dara and his Khan.
٢٩. يجلّ ويَعظمُ عن قيصرٍ
وَدارا بن دارا وخاقانهِ
30. He possesses the munificence of Hatim
And Ka’b and the integrity of his praise.
٣٠. لهُ في السجايا ندى حاتمٍ
وَكعبٍ وصولة حسّانهِ
31. If his generosity and refined severance were unleashed
He would have followed Noah with his flood.
٣١. وَلَو جودهُ ودق هطّاله
لأتبع نوحاً بطوفانهِ
32. Unique in the glory of his time
And the savior of the oneness of the Merciful.
٣٢. أواحد ذي العصر في مجدهِ
ومخلص توحيد رحمانهِ
33. You possess the glory on earth, God granted you
The God who guided you to faith.
٣٣. لكَ المجد في الأرض أعطاكه
إلهٌ هَداكَ لإيمانهِ
Can the blessing of God be changed
٣٤. وَهل نعمة اللّه من حاسدٍ
يغير فيها ونبهانهِ
35. By an envious critic and his bile?
The matter of a foolish man cannot harm you
٣٥. فليسَ يضرّك أمر اِمرئٍ
وَإِن غرّه نزغ شيطانهِ
36. Even if his devilish whims deceive him.
So what was the scheme of Pharaoh in his ignorance
٣٦. فَما كيدُ فرعونَ في جهلهِ
مضرٌّ لِموسى بن عمرانهِ
37. Harmful to Moses the son of Imran?
And if he was seeking help in ignorance
٣٧. وَإِن كانَ في الجهل مستنصراً
بقارونه أو بهامانهِ