
What blame is mine, what fault have I,

ما لعذالي وما لي

1. What blame is mine, what fault have I,
That they prolong in talk, and range in liberty?

١. ما لعذّالي وما لي
قد أطالوا في المقالِ

2. In love of her whose beauty chained mine eye,
How should reproach make head against my flame,

٢. وَأَجالوا في المجالِ
في هوى ذاتِ الدلالِ

3. When longing in my heart is fed the same,
A streaming torrent that may not run dry?

٣. كيفَ يثنيه الملامُ
مَن بهِ طال الغرامُ

4. They chide in vain; love's sovranty I claim;
For me the bitter is made sweet thereby,

٤. وَهو صبٌّ مُستهام
شاحب الأعضاء بالِ

5. Since my desire is still my mistress' name.
O comrades mine, the grip my heart is in

٥. ظنُّهم باللومِ يسلو
وَهَو في الأشواق يعلو

6. Between desire, and longing to possess,
For that slim, swaying shape, that brightness rare,

٦. قلَّ ما للصبِّ يحلو
مطعمٌ مِن لوم سالِ

7. Is fire unquenched, is furnace fiery gin.
The lover's woes are traced in happiness;

٧. يا رِفاقي يا رِفاقي
إنّ قَلبي في وثاقِ

8. Time spoiled of frowns, by smiles made debonair,
Has power no more his own abode to win,

٨. بينَ وَجدي واِشتياقي
لسعيرِ الشوقِ سالِ

9. Where day and night alternate in their stress.
You blamed me, when my love began to grow;

٩. نارُ أهلِ العشق جنّة
بِالتصابي مُرجحنّة

10. But for myself, nor misery nor bliss,
Sickness or health, or death or life have I

١٠. بِالمَلاهي مُطمئنّة
لَم يزحزح باِنتقالِ

11. Known other cause than this same lordly foe.
Lo, from her face the morning lights arise,

١١. يا مَلومي في سعادِ
لستَ لي أنتَ بهادي

12. And in her hair the night its darkness stows.
I am her offering; at her feet I lie,

١٢. وَصَلاحي وفسادي
ورشادي في ضلالب

13. To me the world is daily paradise.
My body by the wasting sickness cleft

١٣. سَحَرت قَلبي وَصادَت
وخذتهُ ثمّ قادت

14. That fed upon me, of my strength bereft,
Was clad by her in habiliments new-made.

١٤. ليتَ شِعري هَل أَرادَت
هيَ هَجري أم وصالي

15. What if her eye with inequality
Measured my merit, and threw light on me

١٥. فاقَتِ الغصنَ قواما
وهيَ كالبدر تماما

16. Only by fits, while radiance she arrayed
On others always, - oft the moon will be

١٦. غادَرَت جِسمي سقاما
ومحاق كالهلالِ

17. Hid by a cloud, when in the sky arrayed,
But soon shines out again in brilliancy.

١٧. أَلبَستني مِن هواها
ثوبَ سقمٍ قَد تناهى

18. Bowed is that slender stem beneath her burden white.
Fed by her moisture grows that ripening fruit;

١٨. إِذ حَباها وكساها ال
لهُ برداً من جمالِ

19. But I have only longing in my breast,
No gifts have I to offer, good or bright.

١٩. يا لَها من شمس خدرِ
مَلكت سرّي وجهري

20. That cheek outblooms the red flame of the light;
Speech from that mouth is sweeter honey-sweet.

٢٠. ما لَها من حيث تجري
فلك غير الحجالِ

21. Under her mantle bides she, shrouded quite,
Safe from all eyes, and I am dispossest

٢١. قدُّها غصنٌ رطيب
تحته منها كثيبُ

22. Even of hope, unhappy that I am, and blest.
No sin it were if I should kiss her mouth,

٢٢. لَيس لي منها نصيبُ
مِن حرامٍ وحلالِ

23. Sweeter than syrup that sweet mouth of hers,
The lips like pomegranates with their crimson smiles.

٢٣. خدّها كالجلّنارِ
شفّ من تحتِ الخمارِ

24. Her spittle healed me as a healing draught,
When from her fair face, shadowed by its flowers,

٢٤. ريقُها مثل العقارِ
مزجهُ صفو الزلالِ

25. She turned on me the lightning of her eyes.
Low at her feet my life in ruins brought,

٢٥. لَثمُها غيرُ مباح
مِن تناياها الملاحِ

26. Fed by her bounty's overflowing showers,
She made me slave of all, once freeman of the crowds.

٢٦. حينَ لاحت كالإقاحِ
أَو كمنظوم السلالِ

27. God grant her days may never know eclipse;
That she be tended well, and richly thrive,

٢٧. أَنحَلتني مِن فناها
وَأباحَتني جناها

28. And ever grow in greatness and renown.
The phantom came to me unto her likeness,

٢٨. وَأَضاءتني سناها
لستُ من بؤس مبالي

29. Called me by name and left with me its kiss.
Then happiness itself returned to stay:

٢٩. أَمددَ اللّه بقاها
وَرَعاها وسَقاها

30. Thin things win bulk by fancy's alchemies.
The wind of East, what bounty does it bring

٣٠. بذلَ الطيفُ لقاها
لي رَخيصاً وهو غالِ

31. From a beloved's land, itself made sweet thereby!
To her my praise prolonged shall chant its song;

٣١. فَجَزاه اللّه عنّي ال
خيرَ إذ صدّق ظنّي

32. My plain, my verse, of her shall always tell.
Lord of the sure seat, of high magnificence,

٣٢. وَلكم فضل ومنّ
نلتُ من طيف الخيالِ

33. Let it reach thee and thy noble pride prolong,
That thou may'st guerdon me: thy benefits

٣٣. قَد أطلتُ القول جهرا
في الهوى نظماً ونثرا

34. Have raised me to a fervid eminence.
The bounty of this king all kings above

٣٤. وَأَبا المنصور أجرا
بمديحي ومقالي

35. Claimed glory, building up a tower sublime
That brought him near to heaven's high eminence.

٣٥. ملكٌ سادَ الملوكا
وَبنى المجدَ سموكا

36. Thence over earth his glances dominate;
The stars themseves look up to him elate,

٣٦. وَنَفى عنه الشكوكا
وَتَرقّا في المَعالي

37. And guide him on to glorious ascendance.
The hands of noble souls were open ever,

٣٧. نَسَجت منهُ الأيادي
جود كعبٍ في أيادي

38. And gifts unceasing flowed like streaming rain,
Poured out to all men with unsparing hand.

٣٨. وَهَمت بينَ العبادِ
منه كالسحب الثقالِ

39. A lion, fierce, impetuous in the attack,
Yet gentlest friend, serenest to direct.

٣٩. سادَ في الملكِ وفاقا
وَحَيا الجرد العتاقا

40. In glory's mansion long he held the throne;
By him the mighty of old days were matched,

٤٠. وَاِرتَقا سبعاً طباقا
وَتَجلّا بالجلالِ

41. And over every height he soared erect.
He rode the earthquake, mastering its shock.

٤١. زَلزلَ الأرضَ فَمارت
إِذ مَذاكيهِ اِستَطارت

42. He broke the maces of the lion-heart;
The roaring of the winds was hushed in death.

٤٢. وَرَحى الهيجاءِ دارت
وَاِرجحنَّت في الثفالِ

43. Loud rose the weeping for his dire attacks;
Men's souls were shivered on destruction's rack,

٤٣. وَبَكت فيها البواكي
وغَدت فيها المزاكي

44. And groans burst from the tortured breast of earth.
Thou mountain mass, majestically bright,

٤٤. من مهانٍ ورماكي
وَاِستمدّت بالرعالِ

45. Sea of grandeur, rich in myriad waves,
Moon in expansive full perfection seen,—

٤٥. أسدٌ ضارٍ مكينٌ
وَعَلى الجار أمين

46. Be thou my refuge in this trouble's night,
My morning-draught while gleam thy beacon-fires.

٤٦. ما لهُ قطّ عرين
غير تير وعوالِ

47. The pouring of the rain makes loud the plain,
Then why should bounty's rain not fall from thee?

٤٧. آمالي له سمانُ
وَهو في الفضل معانُ

48. Yea, let thy giving follow quick on vow;
Darling of fortune, let me live beloved,

٤٨. باسطُ الكفّ مصانُ ال
عرض فالمال المذالِ

49. On gifts from thy true hand my being depending.
And leave me not amid the rabble drove,

٤٩. أيّها الطودُ الأشمُّ الر
ركن والبحر الخضمُّ

50. Cast the small coin of base alloy unmoved:
Far from the noble soul be such an ending.

٥٠. اللجّ والبدر الأتم
مُ المُتعالي بالكمالِ

51. Nay, be thou still my garden and my spring,
My morning draught, and comfort of my soul.

٥١. كُن لما أرجو ملاذاً
واِسقني غيثك هذا

52. While the night passes, and the rainy spheres,
Changeless, unchanging, rest thy glory's goal,

٥٢. مُستهلّاً ورذاذا
مِن سجالك في سجالِ

53. Thy splendor's home too high for fortune's reach,
Nor years avail that steadfastness to bring.

٥٣. وَاِردف الجودَ بجودٍ
وَاِتركنّي في الوجودِ

٥٤. ساحباً فضلَ البرودِ
بينَ جاهٍ ونوالِ

٥٥. وَاِبقَ واِسلم في نعيمٍ
باسط غير ذميم

٥٦. دائم الدهرِ مقيم
لم تغيّرهُ الليالي