
I anger her and she angers me


1. I anger her and she angers me
I ignore her and she ignores me

١. أُغاضِبُها وتُغاضِبُني
وأُقاطِعُها وتُقاطعُني

2. The other begins to doubt his companion
And she almost, she almost curses me

٢. ويَشُكُّ الآخَرُ في صاحِبِهِ
وتَكادُ، تَكادُ تُلاعِنُني

3. Until no hope remains between us
That can be hoped for, and hatred cuts me through

٣. حتّى لا يَبقى فينا أَمَلٌ
يُرْجَى، والحِقْدُ يُقَطِّعُني

4. So the telephone rings in my hand
And the voice of malice chases me

٤. فَيَرُنُّ الهاتِفُ بينَ يَدِي
وصَوْتُ الكَيْدِ يُطارِدُني

5. So I say, my torment is you, my torment
And she says, yet you torment me

٥. فأَقولُ، عَذَابي أنتِ عَذابي
فتقولُ وأنتَ تُعَذِّبُني

6. So I dispute with her and she disputes with me
I accuse her and she accuses me

٦. فأُنازِعُها وتُنازِعُني
وأُحاكِمُها، وتُحاكِمُني

7. Until each of us empties
What bitterness lies in the heart

٧. حتَّى يُفْرِغَ كُلٌّ مِنَّا
ما في القلبِ مِنَ الضَّغَنِ

8. So she contends with me as in the past
And wraps the rope around my neck

٨. فَتُجاذِبُني مِثْلَ الماضي
وتَلُفُّ الحَبْلَ على ذَقْني

9. Before the official witness or judge
She cries excuse, begging my forgiveness

٩. قَبْلَ المأذونِ أو القاضي
تَبكي عُذْرًا، تَسْتَغْفِرُني

10. So when my tears water my cheek
When I am absent, she torments me

١٠. فإذا دَمعي يَسْقي خَدًّا
حينَ أغيبُ يُعَذِّبُني

11. And when my soul is in her hands
Like a bird on a branch

١١. وإذا روحي في كَفَّيْها
مِثلُ العُصْفورِ على الغُصْنِ

12. Cursed by God are the swords of love
Why does love torment me so?

١٢. لَعَنَ اللهُ سُيوفَ الحُبِّ
إلام الحُبُّ يُعَذِّبُني؟