
Shall I visit my beloved and not sin?!

ولا تلثمه

1. Shall I visit my beloved and not sin?!
He did not say hello or welcome, his mouth!

١. أزورُ الحبيبَ ولا أَلْثِمُهْ ؟!
وما قال أهلًا وسَهْلًا فَمُهْ!

2. So it was not more beautiful than a silent one
Who gestures, but I understand him

٢. فما كان أحلاهُ مِن صامتٍ
يُشِيرُ ولكنّني أَفْهَمُهْ

3. He sees me searching with kindness
Places in his body that hurt him

٣. يراني أُفَتِّشُ في رأفةٍ
مواضعَ في جِسمِهِ تُؤْلِمُهْ

4. I smell the dew in his wounds
Perfumes my soul with his bloody musk

٤. أَشُمُّ النَّدَى في جِراحاتِه
يُعَطِّرُ بِالمِسكِ رُوحي دَمُهْ

5. So get up my darling and come with me
And sleep in my arms that you know

٥. فقُمْ يا حبيبي وهَيَّا معي
ونَمْ في ذِراعي الّذي تَعْلَمُهْ

6. Your wounds will heal in a moment
And my wound that I have always concealed

٦. سَتَشْفَى جِراحُكَ في لَحظةٍ
وجُرحي الّذي لم أزلْ أَكْتُمُهْ

7. And stretch out your arms in an embrace
To my chest, may our Lord have mercy on him

٧. ومُدَّ ذِراعَيْكَ في ضَمَّةٍ
لِصَدري عسى رَبَّنا يَرْحَمُهْ

8. And you ask: Who, I wonder, taught you?
Or did love inspire you from its revelation?

٨. وتسألُ: مَن يا تُرى أَعْلَمَكْ؟
أمِ الحُبُّ مِن وَحْيِهِ أَلْهَمَكْ؟

9. My darling when will I spend time with you?
When will the wine of my lips quench your mouth?

٩. حبيبي متى سوف أمضي معكْ؟
متى خَمْرُ ثَغري يُرَوِّي فَمَكْ؟

10. When will the sun wear her cloak
And be alone for the prayer niche of the one who orphaned you?

١٠. متى تَلْبَسُ الشَّمْسُ جِلبابَها
وتَخْلُو لِمِحْرابِ مَنْ تَيَّمَكْ؟

11. And my heart whispered to me: O lover
Isn't it time to erase his talisman from you?

١١. وناجانيَ القَلبُ: يا عاشقًا
أَما آنَ تَمحو له طِلْسَمَكْ؟

12. An angel of mankind or a sorcerer
You sealed your mark on his cheek?

١٢. مَلاكٌ مِنَ الإنسِ أم ساحرٌ
خَتَمْتَ على خَدِّه مَعْلَمَكْ؟

13. He writes letters of passion complaining
And whispers in secret: How unjust you are!

١٣. يَخُطُّ حُروفَ الجَوَى عاتِبًا
ويَهْمِسُ في السِّرِّ: ما أَظْلَمَكْ!

14. For is there any fortune except his season?
My darling when will I see your season?

١٤. فما الحَظُّ إلّا له مَوسمٌ؟
متى يا حبيبي أرى مَوْسِمَكْ؟

15. And you whisper asking when we will meet?
For my soul, heart and all of me are with you

١٥. وتسألُ هَمسًا متى نلتقي؟
فرُوحي وقلبي، وكُلِّي مَعَكْ

16. I am terrified by your prolonged intention
May Allah not bless whoever scared you

١٦. يُرَوِّعُني منكَ طُولُ النَّوى
ولا باركَ اللهُ مَنْ رَوَّعَكْ

17. Because you are the angel of beauty
And you are the morning that unveiled you

١٧. لأنَّكَ أنتَ مَلِيكُ الجَمالِ
وأنتَ الصَّباحُ الّذي لَفَّعَكْ

18. I see the moon rising in your cheeks
And lowering its light as your veil

١٨. أرى البَدْرَ يُشْرِقُ في وَجْنَتَيْكَ
ويُسْدِلُ مِن ضَوئِهِ بُرْقَعَكْ

19. I came to you while my heart yearns for you
And its passions are dreaming of your tent

١٩. أَتَيْتُكَ والقلبُ يَهفو إليك
وأشواقُهُ حُلْمُها مَخْدَعَكْ

20. I planted you in my soul like a flame
And I was made happy by fate to plant you

٢٠. زَرَعْتُكَ في مُهْجَتي شُعْلَةً
وأسعدني الحَظُّ أن أزرعَكْ

21. And I settled you in the soul like the Kaaba
And how wrong, if you could see your position

٢١. وأَسْكَنْتُكَ الرُّوحَ يا كَعبةً
ويا ظالمًا لو تَرى مَوضِعَكْ

22. The heart melted longing for me
Happily, and the one who hurt you is gone

٢٢. لَذَابَ الفُؤادُ اشتياقًا إلَيَّ
سرورًا وزالَ الَّذي أَوْجَعَكْ