
He returned, as forty closed its door to him,


1. He returned, as forty closed its door to him,
And shed the clothes of his passion.

١. عادَ، والأَرْبَعونَ تُغْلِقُ بابَه
فطَوَى عن غَرامِهِ أَثوابَه

2. The dreams of reckless thirty faded away,
And the days of love and youth were gone.

٢. وتَوَلَّتْ أحلامُ طَيْشِ الثّلاثينَ
ووَلَّى عَهْدُ الهَوى والصَّبابَةْ

3. Fear cloaked his face, and sighs of sorrow
Rose from his grieving soul.

٣. اكْتَسى الخوفُ وَجْهَهَ وتَعالتْ
في حَناياهُ زَفْرَةٌ وكآبَةْ

4. His tearful eyes shone in the gloom -
He feared the punishment of God.

٤. وزَها في الدُّجى بِأَدْمُعِهِ الحَرَّاءِ
يَخْشَى مِنَ الإلهِ عِقابَه

5. If only I had resisted temptation,
And not wasted my youth in sin!

٥. يا لَأَمْني مِنَ العُرامِ (1) وكَم في
صَبَواتِ العُرامِ أَفْنَى شَبابَهْ

6. Alas, alas! My heart, it is time to return
With a remorseful soul made wise.

٦. حانَ حانَ الرُّجوعُ يا قلبُ والعَوْ
دُ بِنَفْسٍ جَفُولَةٍ وَثَّابَةْ

7. He came back, wise again,
God bless his resolve and return!

٧. آبِقٌ عادَ واستعادَ صوابَه
باركَ اللهُ عَزْمَهُ وإيابَه

8. A servant of God has no place but the prayer niche,
When joining the procession of repentance.

٨. ما لِعَبْدِ الوَلِيّ في مَوكِبِ التَّو
بةِ إلّا لُزُومَه مِحْرابَه