1. Long did the desolation remain on it in the city;
No watering or fodder was sold there for the white or the dark
١. طالَ الثواءُ عَلَيها بِالمَدينَةِ لا
تَرعى وَبيعَ لَها البَيضاءُ وَالوَرقُ
2. Two wet seasons passed the water pen, then departed
In haste and the gap made them drink from it in haste
٢. مَرّت دُوَينَ حياضِ الماءِ فَاِنصَرَفَت
عَنهُ وَاعجَلَها أَن تَشرَبَ الفرَقُ
3. Until when restored did its fevered curdling
And composure of abruptness slow in its gait
٣. حَتّى إِذا ما أَفاءَت وَاستَقامَ لَها
جَزعُ الوُثِّيجِ بِالراماتِ وَالرَفَقُ
4. Had it not been for the tether and threats holding around
And the lash of the whip, till his spittle did fly
٤. لَولا الجَديلُ وَأَنساعٌ مُظاهَرَةٌ
وَالضَربُ بِالسَوطِ حَتّى بَلَّهُ العَلَقُ
5. She would have cast down her wares nearby the bare ground and bolted
As if she were fleeing her kindred in fright
٥. أَلقَت مَتاعي بِجَنبِ القاعِ وَاِنطَلَقَت
كَأَنَّها واضحٌ أَقرابُهُ لَهَقُ