
For God waits to avenge the wrongs done after,

فلله ساع بالمظالم بعدها

1. For God waits to avenge the wrongs done after,
Seeing how the oppressors come and hearing all.

١. فَلِلّهِ ساعٍ بِالمَظالِمِ بَعدَها
يَرى كَيفَ يَأتي الظالِمونَ وَيَسمَعُ

2. He strove for Bani ‘Abs with warriors of Dahis,
Against the clan of Badr, while the thrusting spears shook.

٢. سَعى لِبَني عَبسٍ بِغَدوَةِ داحِسٍ
عَلى آلِ بَدرٍ وَالرِماحُ تَزَعزَعُ

3. And the tribe of Kilab, their injustice has been repaid,
In the valley of Shubayth, as they moan fallen.

٣. وَرَهطُ كُلَيبٍ قَد جَزاهُم بظُلمِهِم
بِبَطنِ شُبَيثٍ إِذ يَنوءُ وَيُصرَعُ