1. O people of protection, you are protection
Do not do an act dirtied by blood
١. أهل الحميةِ والحميةُ أنتمو
لا تفعلوا فعلاً يلوثه الدمُ
2. Alas! The honorable Arabs in their wisdom
Would not legitimize what is disgraceful and harmful
٢. هيهاتَ للعربِ الكرامِ برشدِهِم
أَن يستبيحوا ما يهون ويُذمَمُ
3. The fearful refugees have come to you
Hell has crawled unto them in the gardens
٣. الخائفون اللاجئون إليكمو
زحفت عليهم في الجنانِ جهنمُ
4. They have come to you under the banner of their love
And their loyalty, suffering and deprived
٤. وفدوا عليكم تحت راية حُبِّهم
وولائهم متبتلين وَأحرمُوا
5. They have made their hopes in you and aspired
For your tenderness after they had lost hope
٥. جعلوا بكم آمالهم وتطلعوا
لحنانكم من بَعدِ ما قد أعَدمُوا
6. And they raced to strengthen your pride
A kingdom even if in it lies the supported despot
٦. وتسابقوا ليدّعموا لفخاركم
مُلكاً ولو فيه الأشُّم المدعَمُ
7. Is it said you have betrayed them after
They sincerely trusted in you and surrendered?
٧. أيقالُ أنتم خاذلوهم بعدَما
أنسوا إليكم صادقين وأسلموا
8. Is it said the innocent took your
Injustice by what the wicked criminal did?
٨. أيقالث قد أخَذ البرئُ بظلكِّم
ظُلماً بما صنعَ الخبيثُ المجرمُ
9. This is not the traits of Arabism, but we see
The traits of Arabism all being derived
٩. ما هذهِ شيمُ العروبةِ بل نرى
شيمَ العروبةَ كُلَّها يُستلهمُ
10. If Jordan grieves, it is in its sorrow
A mirror of aggregated sorrows overflowing
١٠. إن يجزع الاردن فهو بحزنه
مرآةُ أحزانٍ طفحنَ تُعمَّمُ
11. And grief, its stance is with beautiful patience
Lofiter than the grief which frowns
١١. والحزنُ بالصبر الجميل مقامُه
أسمى من الحزن الذي يتجهَّمُ
12. Palestine, the precious, has suffered an era
And with every deep wound in it, a mouth
١٢. شَقيت فلسطينُ العزيزةُ حقبةً
وبكلِّ جُرحٍ غائرٍ منها فَمُ
13. Do not translate it from the sin of a sinner
And its benefactors, their masses did no wrong
١٣. لا ترجموَها من جريرةِ مُذنبٍ
والمحسنون جموعُها لم يأثموا
14. They gave without anyone urging any orphan
In thought when they were tortured and orphaned
١٤. جَادُوا بلا من بكلِّ يتيمةٍ
في الفكرِ حين تعَّذبوا وتيتموا
15. They gave what nourished noble hearts
While they are the hungry, their nobility undefeated
١٥. جادوا بما غَذَّى القلوب نبيلةً
وَهُمُ الجياعُ ونُبلهم لا يُهزمَ
16. They inhabited the bareness with rocks so
The rocks were shy and had mercy on them
١٦. سَكنوا العراءَ مع الصخور فروِّعَت
خجلاً وأشفقت الصخورُ عليهمو
17. They are some of us so if we do not protect them
Then the shame, the day of their affliction, they get stoned
١٧. هم بِضعةٌ منا فإن لم نَحمهم
فالعارُ يومَ مصابهم أن يرجَموا