
Is this the land of the dollar or is it, I wonder

وطن الدولار هذا أم ترى

1. Is this the land of the dollar or is it, I wonder,
A land where knowledge has floated upon it?

١. وطن الدولار هذا أم ترى
وطن رفت عليه المعرفه

2. Man saw in it his own misery
And went beyond dreams in his philosophizing

٢. أبصر الإنسان فيه بأسه
جاوز الأحلام فيما فلسفه

3. The dollar belittled when he magnified it
So it is a slave, serving what unveiled it

٣. حقّر الدولار إذ عظمه
فهو عبد خادم ما كشفه

4. A world sang for him but he
Did not lower himself to see it as his goal

٤. سبحت دنيا له لكنّه
ما تدنّى ليراه هدفه

5. Every appreciation he was granted
Was only for what he had left behind

٥. كل تقدير حباه إنما
كان تقديرا لما قد خلفه

6. He did not exceed intermediacy with him
To the sublimity he counted his honor

٦. لم يجاوز عنده واسطة
لسموّ عد فيه شرفه

7. All civilizations were melted entirely
With him into an integrated radiance

٧. الحضارات أذيبت كلها
عنده في نضرة مؤتلفه

8. And the sophistication of thought and spirit together
A imprint in it for whom he knew

٨. ورقيّ الفكر والروح معا
طابع فيه لمن قد عرفه

9. He evaluates things sincerely
And sees time as an heritage it revealed

٩. يقدر الشياء قدرا صادقا
ويرى الوقت تراثا كشفه

10. And he sees man his freedom
If he places it then he reaps its rot

١٠. ويري الإنسان حريذته
إن يضعها فهو يجني تلفه

11. I came to him seeking help in my misery
While my blood, my poetry, bleeds from me

١١. جئته مستنجدا في نكبتي
ودمي شعري فقلبي نزفه

12. Leaving behind countries hostile
That tyrant who long oppressed them

١٢. تاركا خلفي بلادا سامها
ذلك الطاغوت دهرا جنفه

13. After I fought for them in my love
And my struggle he counted as folly and disgrace

١٣. بعد ما حوربت في حبّي لها
وكفاحي عد طيشا وسفه

14. So he welcomed me with a cheerful face
That did not wipe my tears and consoled my sorrows

١٤. فتلقّاني ببشر عامر
ما سح دمعي وأهدى أسفه

15. Establishing for me a free pulpit as
He stretched honor for my thoughts that nestled

١٥. ناصبا لي منبرا حرا كما
مد إعزازا لفكري كنفه

16. The seven years passed with him
While my heart did not alleviate its ardour

١٦. مرّت السبع السنين عنده
وفؤادي لم يخفف لهفه

17. Like a little displaced from his mother
Nothing makes him forget her but her shelter

١٧. كصغير نازح عن أمه
ليس ينسيه سواها دنفه

18. His sin is his preference for his mother
Nothing makes him forget her but her shelter

١٨. ذنبه إيثاره أمّه
ليس ينسيه سواها دنفه

19. His life is full of tremendous sacrifices
He passed until he found no one who would halves

١٩. عمره في تضحيات جمّة
مرّ حتى لم يجد من نصفه

20. What age am I wandering in
Every age before it he eclipsed

٢٠. أيّ عصر أنا فيه جائل
كل عصر قبله قد كسفه

21. Full of diverse sciences and arts
And its different literatures

٢١. من علوم وفنون جمّة
وعلى آدابه المختلفه

22. This pinnacle in its history
Perplexed all rhetoric and its descriptions

٢٢. هذه الذروة في تاريخه
حيّرت كل بيان وصفه

23. He left nothing without mastering it
Or beauty he did not passionately seek

٢٣. لم يدع شيئا بلا إتقانه
أو جمالا لم ينله شغفه

24. The homeland of man no matter who blamed it
The deficient in dreams or whoever threw charges at it

٢٤. وطن الإنسان مهما عابه
ناقصو الأحلام أو من قذفه

25. The homeland of benevolence in dutiful devotion
That embraced the world and gave its luxury

٢٥. وطن الإحسان في بر له
شمل الدنيا وأعطى ترفه

26. The homeland of the free where no oppressor who considered the wilderness his rubble preyed upon it
What after this could an ungrateful achieve

٢٦. وطن الأحرار لم يرتع به
غاشم عد البرايا خزفه

27. With ingratitude he did not change his character
I do not forget from his hands upon

٢٧. عن ينله بعد هذا جاحد
بعقوق لم يبدل أنفه

28. My mind the position of free detention he assigned
And as if I were the ruler in his matter

٢٨. لست أنسى من أياديه على
مهجتي موقف حر وقفه

29. When I came to him like a discoverer
And as if despite my poverty, lavish

٢٩. وكأني حاكم في أمره
كنت لما جئته مكتشفه

30. In wealth, never could I count its edges
The morale which enriched me

٣٠. وكأني رغم فقري باذخ
في غني هيهات أحصي طرفه

31. A pearl when I opened its oyster
And my life in it is like a compensation

٣١. معنويات الذي أغنى به
لؤلؤ حين أجافي الصدفه

32. For the bliss my fate had seized
If I live or if I die in its light

٣٢. وحياتي فيه شبه عوض
عن نعيم كان دهري خطفه

33. I live, not suffering obscurity
My critic was none but my envious

٣٣. إن أعش أو إن أمت في نوره
أنا حيّ لا أعاني السدفه

34. Or a foolish greybeard pleased by his nonsense
Or a grudging one, wretched at people's bounty from him

٣٤. ناقدي ما كان إلا حاسدي
أو غبيّ مستطيب خرفه

35. A grace manifest in the colours of stupidity
I do not care for him just as he did not care

٣٥. أو حقود شقوة الناس له
نعمة باهى بألوان السفه

36. For the world around confusing his harmony
The unjust of the right, his is the loss, so what

٣٦. لا أباليه كما لم يكترث
عالم حولى لخلط ألفه

37. Does the right lose by his denial erasing it

٣٧. جاحد الحق له الخسر فما
يخسر الحق جحودا حذفه