1. The letter of my dear friend has come to me
As dear as its owner, the teacher
١. أتاني كتاب الصديق العزيز
عزيزاً كصاحبه المعلمِ
2. And humility is nothing but dignity
Just as the melody descended for the inspired one
٢. وليس التواضع إلا اعتزازاً
كما هبط اللحن للملهمِ
3. Stay away from any whim of arrogance
Stay pure with the name of the stars
٣. تنزه عن نزوةٍ للغرور
تَنُّزهَ باسمةِ الأنجم
4. And his sincerity shone with ink
My ink which was molded by my mouth
٤. وأشرق اخلاصُه بالحبورِ
حُبوري الذي صاغه عن فمي
5. O, the blessing of pilgrimage, this is my loyalty
And your loyalty I will keep in my blood
٥. فيا نعمةُ الحاج هذا وفائي
وفاؤك أحفظه في دمي
6. I exchange with you love and a glorious Eid
Are we not belonging to its light?
٦. أبادلك الحب والعيدُ زاهٍ
ألسنا الى نوره ننتمى
7. And I appreciate what was molded for beauty
Offerings that praise the passionately in love one
٧. وأقدر ما صُغتهُ للجمال
قرابينَ تسبح بالمغرم
8. And the happy God listens to them
So He pours the spirit into the human
٨. ويُصغي إليها الآلهُ الطروب
فَيجبلها الروح في الآدمى