1. Love, beauty, and safety
Are the most precious gifts of time
١. الحب والحسن والأمان
أعز ما يمنح الزمان
2. Today I was fortunate to see her
Did she return or has her time passed?
٢. أحظيَ اليوم أن أراها
تعود أم فاتها الأوان
3. Scenes that captured my heart
As if there was a wager between them
٣. مشاهد قد خلبن لبّي
كأنما بينها رهان
4. She was uniquely created, not by practice
But by genius, not by training
٤. قد أبدعتها بلا شبيه
العبقريات لا المران
5. Everything about her is delightful
Some of her signs are heavens
٥. فكل شيء بها طريف
وبعض آياتها الجنان
6. People's manners were refined
By her, so they adorned themselves and leaned towards her
٦. والناس آدابهم تسامت
بها فزينوا بها وزانوا
7. The purest tranquility prevailed so much
It was as if it was protected by her
٧. وساد أصفى الهدوء حتى
كأنما عندها يصان
8. I came to her, afraid and sad
But love and safety smiled at me
٨. أتيتها خائفا حزينا
فهشّ لي الحب والأمان
9. The branches rustled poetry to me
As if the orchards were celebrating
٩. وسقسقت لي الغصون شعرا
كأنما الدوح مهرجان
10. The air was gently warm
Like her people, its warmth was affectionate
١٠. والجو في دفئه عطوف
كأهلها دفؤه حنان
11. From her monuments emanates glory
And memories that are eloquent
١١. يطل من نصبها جلال
وذكريات لها بيان
12. And how many precious museums in her
Exude the scent of glory
١٢. وكم بها متحف أثير
يفوح من مجده الدهان
13. And how many blessings in her
But does blessing attract infatuation?
١٣. وكم بها نعمة ولكن
هل يجذب النعمة افتتان
14. When I looked around I did not find myself
Except visions that lacked beauty
١٤. أنى تلفّت لم أجدني
إلا رؤى فاتها الحسان
15. And everything in life is playing around
As if everything is without essence
١٥. وكل ما في الحياة يلهو
كأنما الكل دون جوان
16. If people burn the pages of a garden
While its leaves are beautiful
١٦. إن يحرق الناس نثر روض
في حين أوراقه جمان
17. The fire then dispersed me
What remains is but smoke
١٧. فقبله النار بددتني
وما تبقى هو الدخان