1. O you who are dead and you who are immortalized
In death while the living are hostage to its calamity,
١. يا أيها الموتى ويا من خُلدوا
في الموت حين الحُّى رهنُ تبابهِ
2. The vile betrayal did not reach you,
But it reached those around you.
٢. لم يبلغ الغدرُ المشينُ منالهُ
منكم ولكن نالَ من أربابه
3. It is the story of the blind beast, unaware
Of the tyranny of time with its claws and fangs.
٣. هي قصَّةُ الوحشِ الضرير وما دَرَى
بطشَ الزَّمانِ بِظفرهِ وبنابه
4. It roared and howled heedlessly,
Awake, so it prepared its cave for ruin.
٤. دوَّى وزمجرَ وهو غيرُ محاذرٍ
يقظٍ فهيأ كهفهُ لخرابه
5. It brings to life past victims, though they
Are greater than any memory or monument.
٥. يُحيى الضحايا الذكرياتِ وإنها
لأجل من ذكرٍ ومن أنصابِه
6. For the sake of meaning we glorify the day,
And the most precious love in the hearts of loved ones.
٦. لأجل من معنىً نُمجِّدُ يومَه
وأَعُّز من حُبٍّ لدى أحبابِه
7. This day was sanctified by those who were hurt by it before
And gathered at its altar.
٧. اليومَ قدَّسهُ الألى رزئوا به
من قَبلُ واحتشدوا لدى محرابه
8. Nations cried for it with wandering tears
And awe, feeling its wound as their own.
٨. وَرَنت له أممٌ بدمعةِ حائرٍ
وِجلٍ تُحسُّ مصابها بمصابِه
9. Betrayal persists, the dominant one, striking
Justice, concerned with nothing but its own interests,
٩. فالغدرُ ما برحَ المسيطرَ ضارباً
بالعدلِ لا يُعنى بغيرِ طلابِهِ
10. Arrogant and impudent with all it has made
Of peace an illusion to be torn apart by its fangs.
١٠. مُتبختراً متشدقاً بجميعِ ما
جَعل السلامِ خُرافَةً للنابهِ
11. So the free must beware and stand united,
For justice is unlike injustice, despite its disguises.
١١. فليحذر الأحرارُ وليتكاتفوا
فالعدلُ غيرَ الظلم رغمَ خضابه
12. And no matter how the people are deceived, they will not yield
To tyranny and arrogance on the day they are brought to account.
١٢. والناسُ مهما خُودعوا لن يرضخوا
للعسفِ والجبروت يومَ حِسابِه