
It is feudalism, have you not recognized it

هو الاقطاع هل لم تعرفوه

1. It is feudalism, have you not recognized it
Does its ugly face remain hidden from you

١. هو الاقطاعُ هل لم تعرفوهُ
أيخفى عنكمو الوجهُ الكريهُ

2. Is not what you have suffered from it enough
For centuries as it is an ignorant tyrant

٢. ألا يكفى الذي عانيتموهُ
قروناً وهو جبارٌ سفيهُ

3. Does it deceive you with praising delusions
While they enabled it or pledged allegiance to it

٣. أيخدعكم بِوهَمٍ مادحوهُ
وهم أهلوه أو من بايعوهث

4. Were the masters its supporters
And below the masters were its opponents

٤. أكانَ الادمىَّ مناصروهُ
ودونَ الأدميِّ مخالفوهُ

5. Why the misery and the pale faces
And this humiliation is loved by its people

٥. إلامَ البؤس والصفرُ الوجوهُ
وهذا الذلُ يعشقهُ ذووهُ

6. And this death glorified by its devotees

٦. وهذا الموت شاه فخلدوهُ