1. Where is the beloved summer, for I see no
Glow to awaken it, nor any dreams
١. الصيف أين هو الحبيب فما أرى
وهجا ينمّ عليه أو أحلاما
2. The air is choked by tears of loneliness
And the sun wearies the clouds with strife
٢. الجو تخنقه الدموع لوحشة
والشمس أرهقا الغمام خصاما
3. Who has turned him from us, we who are his flock
Yet I did not rebel, and he was the imam
٣. من صدّه عنا ونحن رعيّة
ولم أستبدّ بنا وكان إماما
4. Does his time come with an unjust mocker
And is his gentle birth but darkness?
٤. أيجيء موعده بسخر جائر
ويكون مولده الأغر ظلاما
5. For whom have the beautiful flowers adorned themselves
And the bees and insects as they rise up high?
٥. لمن الأزاهير الحسان تبرّجت
والنحل والحشرات إذ تتسامى
6. For whom have the ghosts perfumed themselves and stirred
And tones echoed in our souls?
٦. ولمن تعطّرت الطيوف وهوّمت
وتجاوبت بنفوسنا أنغاما
7. He is lost from us, yet those are his meadows
Why then have the meadows given us omens?
٧. أمشرّد عنّا وتلك ربوعه
فعلام بشّرنا الربوع علاما
8. We yearn for the beautiful warmth but see only
The mocking, blaming winter
٨. نهفو إلى الدفء الجميل فلا نرى
إلا الشتاء الساخر اللواما
9. It is as if all these scenes
Are fantasy, excess, and vanity
٩. وكأنما هذي المناظر كلها
وهم وتمثيل طغى وترامى