
The chief of the noble council saw its proper place

درى عميد بنى الشورى بموضعها

1. The chief of the noble council saw its proper place
So he lived as long as he lived building it and raising it

١. دَرَى عميدُ بنى الشورى بموِضعها
فعاشَ ما عاشَ يبنيها ويُعليها

2. And he never imposed a sole opinion in his rule
Indeed, absolute rule corrupts its practicer

٢. وما استبدَّ برأىٍ في حكوِمته
إنّ الحكومةَ تُغرِى مُستبدّيها

3. The opinion of the group does not bring misery to the country
Despite disagreement, while the opinion of one brings misery upon it

٣. رأىُ الجماعِة لا تَشقى البلادُ به
رَغمَ الخلافِ ورأىُ الفردِ يُشقيها