1. The bullets are a fitting end for one who serves his people
As long as he wakes those asleep to their purpose
١. نعم الرصاص جزاء خادم شعبه
ما دام يوقظ من ونوا عن دأبه
2. You were better than your predecessor Al-Hussein in your death
He is the exemplar for heroes, had they emulated him
٢. أحسين سابقك الحسين مماته
هو قدوة الأبطال لو شغلوا به
3. Al-Fatimi, you were nourished by his nobility
Al-Alami, you were passionate for his love
٣. الفاطمي غذيت أنت بنبله
والألمعي شغفت أنت بحبه
4. None courted you except his courtship
Karbala and Tehran are equal in their calamity
٤. ما كان خطب فيك إلا خطبه
طهران ساوت كربلا في كربه
5. They killed you with bullets, had they known
They would have showered you with roses out of love
٥. قتلوك رميا بالرصاص ولو دروا
نثروا عليك الورد نثر محبه
6. O son of the martyr, or grandson to his glory
Congratulations, this king brings dread by his presence
٦. يا ابن الشهيد أو الحفيد لمجده
طوباك هذا الشاه شاه برعبه
7. The sheep is more honorable than him in benefiting it
It is the sacrifice while he is the humiliation of his people
٧. الشاة أكرم منه في نفع لها
وهي الضحية وهو ذلة شعبه
8. The age of kings has passed with all its defects
Why do we keep one who goes astray and faults him
٨. عصر الملوك مضى بكل عيوبه
فعلام نبقي من يتيه يعيبه
9. It is a period that will pass, ripening a reformer
Your pure blood strengthens pining for its fertility
٩. هي فترة ستمرّ يخصب مصلحا
دمك الزكي قوى تحن لخصبه
10. To revolt like a roaring, noisy flood
Rebellious, not ending at its estuary
١٠. فتثور كالسيل العرمرم صاخبا
متمردا لا ينتهي لمصبّه
11. Until the abodes of the oppressors are hit by it
Then the tyrant gloats before his loss
١١. حتى تصاب به ديار جمة
يتبختر الطاغوت ثمّ بخبّه
12. To purify the earth dirtied by him
And by his party, pillage and robbery
١٢. فيطهر الأرض التي دنست به
وبحزبه وبنهبه وبسلبه
13. How many tyrants in the East
Whom time has stored a stab to the heart
١٣. كم في ربوع الشرق من متجبر
ذخرت له الأيام طعنة قلبه
14. Your life was not wasted in its trials
The day of sacrifice did not end from mending it
١٤. ما ضاع عمرك في تجاربه سدى
يوم الفداء ولا انتهى من رأبه
15. Never, the opinion is not transient fancy
Even if they burn a world of books
١٥. هيهات ليس الرأي وهما فانيا
حتى ولو حرقوا بعالم كتبه
16. The opinion is more immortal than its leader's immortality
And the opinion is greater than the greatness of its Lord
١٦. الرأي أخلد من خلود زعيمه
والرأي أعظم من عظائم ربه
17. Never, lofty freedom, what
Is erased even if the unjust pour out their war
١٧. هيهات ما الحرية الشماء ما
يمحى وإن يطغ الغشوم بحربه
18. The martyr goes on and does not go on in his love for it
Rather, his killing or crucifixion revive it
١٨. يمضي ولا يمضي الشهيد لحبها
بل يستعاد لقتله أو صلبه
19. It is the mother of this land, so drink its cream
Wherever we hailed the martyr and his cream
١٩. هي أم هذي الأرض فاشرب نخبها
أنى هتفنا للشهيد ونخبه