1. O people, do not worship idols now that
Proofs have spoken to you of the sins of their worshippers.
١. يا شعبُ لا تعبد الأصنامَ إذ نطقت
لك البراهينُ عن آثامِ أهليها
2. Be yourself, not a slave or bondsman
To the deceivers, however much they have gone astray.
٢. كن أنت نفسك لا عبداً ولا أمةً
للخادعينَ وإن هُم أسرفوا تيها
3. How we praised a heritage that became their inheritance,
Yet they squandered all we added to it.
٣. لكم مدحنا تراثاً صار إرثهمو
فضيعوا كلَّ ما زدناهُ تاليها
4. How we reckoned they were the guiding lights of their nation,
Yet they wearied it and increased its ornamentation.
٤. وكم حسبنا همو نبراسَ أمتَّهم
فأرهقوها وزادوا من دياجيها
5. Our praise was not pretense; what grieves us
Is how much deceit there is in life that does not purify it.
٥. مامدحنا غشَّهم مما يؤرَقنا
كم في الحياة خداع لا يزكيها
6. Rather, our sadness stems from the betrayal of our nation
And from the widespread corruption in its regions.
٦. وإنما حُزننا من غَبنِ أمتنا
ومن فسادٍ تناهَى في مناحيها
7. From its saddening deterioration without waking
To the calamity, but rather bringing it to life.
٧. ومن تدهورهَا المشجى وما انتبهت
إلى الفيجعة بل صارت تُحييِّها
8. Would that I were an overlord who could raise it
Above the tyrants and destroy them and revive it!
٨. يا ليتنى كنت جباراً فأرفعها
فوقَ الطغاةِ وأفُنيهم وأحييها