
The son of al-Jughani has become among us

ابن الجغاني غدا عندنا

1. The son of al-Jughani has become among us
The opposite of what he was in al-Qutrabbul

١. ابنُ الجغانيّ غدا عِندنا
بضِدّ ما كان بِقُطرَبُّلِ

2. A lightning bolt sent by his Lord
Upon the land of Sinjar against the worn down one

٢. صاعقةً أرسلها ربُّها
بِأرض سنجار على مَن بُلى

3. He showed his forearms and said look
At the grandson of the Chosen Prophet

٣. دلّى ذُؤاباتٍ وقال انظروا
سِبطَ النَبيِّ المُصطَفى المُرسَل

4. It is sacrilege for the honorable Hashemites
That they go near the exaggerated one

٤. حاشى السَراة الغُرَّ من هاشم
أن يَقرُبوا من مُدَّح مُمحِل

5. Everyone who traces back to the first
Disdains relating him to lineage

٥. يَأنف من نسبته كلُّ مَن
يَرجع في الناسِ إلى أَوَّل

6. If it is true what he claims, tell him
To show that matter in Mosul

٦. إن كان حقّاً ما ادَّعى قُل له
يُظهِر ذاكَ الأمرَ في المَوصل

7. The whip and shackles are before him
And if he persists in his affair, he will be killed

٧. السَوطُ والتجريسُ قدّامه
وإن تمادى أمرُه يُقتَل

8. He who created him relieved us from him
From the mountain of generosity like an acacia tree

٨. أراحَنا منه الذي صاغَه
من جَبَل الجوديّ كالجَندل