
Jerusalem between her dean and her belief

شارون عربد

1. Jerusalem between her dean and her belief
Is lost, and her liar does not renew her

١. القدس بين عميدها وعقيده
ضاعت وما كذابها بمعيدها

2. And the Arabs between supporting her and degrading her
Intended good for her old and new

٢. والعرب بين معينها ومهينه
أودت بخير تليدها وجديدها

3. And the states dispersed, each government
Busy with its differences and borders

٣. وتفرقت دولا فكل حكومة
مشغولة بخلافها وحدودها

4. Sharon grunted, if an Arab nation grunts
Governed by its prisons and shackles

٤. شارون عربد إن أمة يعرب
محكومة بسجونها وقيودها

5. Grunted, so an Arab nation grunts about its Jerusalem
And its rights busy with the injustice of its soldiers

٥. عربد فأمة يعرب عن قدسه
وحقوقها شغلت بجور جنودها

6. Grunted, so its enmity and diaspora
Stronger and greater than the canal of its grunting

٦. عربد فإن عداءها وشتاته
أقوى وأعظم من قنا عربيدها

7. Grunted, so never does he rule his peoples
With justice, for justice is the pillar of its

٧. عربد فما عمر يسوس شعوبه
بالعدل إن العدل أس عمودها

8. Grunted, neither does Amr lead his armies
Nor Khalid mobilize the squadrons of its multitudes

٨. عربد فما عمرو يقود جيوشه
أو خالد يزجي سراة حشودها

9. Grunted, for when Salah restored it
To religion, he honored it by keeping its covenants

٩. عربد فإن صلاح حين أعاده
للدين أكرمها بحفظ عهودها

10. It was passed down by a people from his servants
Who did not respect the sanctity of its elder and infant

١٠. فتداولتها أمة من عبده
لم ترع حرمة شيخها ووليدها

11. Grunted, so our nation's thinking stagnated
With ignorance between its stillness and denial

١١. عربد فأمتنا تبلّد فكره
بالجهل بين جمودها وجحودها

12. Grunted, so America will not side
With those you killed with your sword

١٢. عربد فلن تنحاز أمريكا إلى
من كنت تقتله بنصل حديدها

13. Rather, it will call them what it is worthy of
(Terrorism), while you are its grandson

١٣. بل سوف تنعتهم بما هي أهله
(الإرهاب) أما أنت فابن حفيدها

14. Grunted, so this is an age, you pig
An age in which its apes wreak havoc with its lions

١٤. عربد فهذا العصر يا خنزيره
عصر يعيث قروده بأسودها