1. You are the spring, its flowers have blossomed
Beautifully, and its rose has shared its light
١. أنت الربيع تفتحت أزهاره
حسنا وشارك ورده نواره
2. And its breezes have smiled and flirted
Its branches have hummed and its birds have chirped
٢. وتبسمت نسماته وتغازلت
أغصانه وترنمت أطياره
3. For beauty in you is wonderful and clear
And for me are poems free and fresh
٣. للحسن فيك بديعه وبيانه
ولي القصيد جمانه ونضاره
4. I have composed them about your facial traits
My heart has become obsessed with it and raised its banner
٤. دبجته لصفات وجهك كلم
هام الفؤاد به ورف شعاره
5. Out of our love.. for you is its coolness and greetings
And its purity, loyalty, and dignity
٥. من حبنا .. لك برده وسلامه
وصفاؤه ووفاؤه ووقاره
6. And for us is the passion, its misery and illness
And its hell, its harshness, and its chambers
٦. ولنا الغرام شقاؤه وسقامه
وجحيمه وضرامه وأواره
7. Do not ask the longing one how he composed
His verses and its rivers flowed
٧. لا تسألي المشتاق كيف تألفت
أبياته وتدفقت أنهاره
8. For love has given him, for your eyes
In which poetry has competed in it and you
٨. فالحب جاد به لعينيك التي
فيها وفيك تنافست أشعاره
9. Do not kill with rejection a prolonged love
That has sheltered lovers in its shade and fruits
٩. لا تقتلي بالصد حبا طالم
آوى الأحبة ظله وثماره
10. For union is our paradise and the abode of our love
And our bliss, and rejection is for me its fire
١٠. فالوصل جنتنا ومأوى حبن
ونعيمنا والصد حسبي ناره
11. We have shared passion, so its hell
Is in my core, and its heaven is for you its house
١١. إنا تقاسمنا الهوى فجحيمه
في مهجتي ونعيمه لك داره
12. If the leaf of your heart would unfold, my feelings
Would not divert from the essence it chants with its nightingale
١٢. لورق قلبك ما تفتق خاطري
عن جوهر يشدو به سماره
13. So take from beautiful love poems
Time passes but its traces remain
١٣. فخذي عن الحب الجميل قصائد
يفنى الزمان ولم تزل آثاره