1. Today has dawned enlightening sciences
And the sun's lights have appeared in its skies
١. أليوم أسفر للعلوم نهار
وبدت لشمس سمائها أنوار
2. The arts of knowledge have blossomed and flourished
With its branches, and its lights aligned
٢. وزهت فنون العلم وازدهرت بها
أفنانها وتناسقت أنوار
3. It has become for the lords of knowledge a wonderful state
Whose sovereign intoxicated with his rule
٣. وغدت لأرباب المعارف دولة
غرّاء صاحب ملكها اسكار
4. Al-Ashqar the second, whom the regions acknowledged
And with him prestige was raised
٤. اسكار الثاني الذي اعترفت له الأقطار
وارتفعت به الأقدار
5. Who cared for the rights of knowledge, raising its worth
So by his determination, its significance grew
٥. ورعى حقوق العلم يعلى قدره
فنما بهمته له مقدار
6. It is an invitation which rang in the ears of the Sublime
And its news circulated amongst the sleepless
٦. هي دعوة طنت بآذان العلى
وتناقلت أخبارها السمار
7. The countries and their people knew its value
And their kings, and between regions it echoed
٧. عرفت بقيمتها البلاد وأهلها
وملوكها وتسامع الأقطار
8. The Commander of the Faithful lent it his attention
And the vision of the great focused their sights
٨. أمر أمير المؤمنين أعاره
نظراً وأنظار الكبار كبار
9. So by his success it spread in Egypt
Light, and of his blessings, secrets
٩. فسرى به في مصر من توفيقه
نور ومن بركاته أسرار
10. And when the King intends, his purpose prospers
From his success, impressions are attained
١٠. واذا المليك أراد ينجح مقصدا
نالته من توفيقه آثار
11. For every glorious occasion, he has a hand
And for every position, he has focused sights
١١. مولى له في كل مكرمة يد
ولكل موقع مقصد أنظار
12. And every leader of a kingdom assisted him
In the affairs of his country's people with insight
١٢. وأعان كل زعيم مملكة له
بشؤن أهل بلاده استبصار
13. Heading to the land of Sweden in delegations
From his people, their like, the finest
١٣. يحدو إلى أرض السويد أماثلاً
من قومه أمثالهم أخيار
14. Rallying to the King's call which
Spread, and to its hearing, no denial
١٤. مستظهرين بدعوة الملك التي
عمت وما لسماعها أنكار
15. So the scholars rushed to respond
Willingly, its news preceding them
١٥. فتسارع العلماء تلبية له
بالطوع تسبقهم له الاخبار
16. It leads them, an allure arousing to hear
And desire towards it stirs them
١٦. يقتادهم صيت يشوق سماعه
ويسوقهم شوق إليه مُثَار
17. They heard of his fame and the praise of him
In repetition reminding them of him
١٧. سمعوا بشهرته وصيت ثنائه
سمعا يذكرهم به التكرار
18. And he summoned them in Stockholm by his order
A call which attracted all sights
١٨. وسما بهم في استكهلم بامره
ناد تشاخص دونه الأبصار
19. Bringing them from the east of the land and its west
And south and north, the fates
١٩. جمعته من شرق البلاد وغربها
وجنوبها وشمالها الأقدار
20. Casting towards him the finest minds
The regions lovingly contributed
٢٠. ألقت بأفلاذ الكبود إليه من
أبنائها في حبه الأمصار
21. Eulogizing him, the virtuous convened a convention
In its discourse, eras march on
٢١. نادبه احتفل الافاضل حفلة
بحديثها تتقادم الأعصار
22. Bringing together a group rarely assembled
In ages, unforgotten in memory
٢٢. جمعت لثا من مرة معدودة
في الدهر لا ينسى لها تذكار
23. The fates gathered them in secure union
And God in His fate, selects
٢٣. جمعتهم الأقدار جمع سلامة
واللَه في أقداره مختار
24. Bound in their absence and presence
Virtue the closest, choicest tie
٢٤. متآلفين بعيدهم بقريبهم
والفضل أقرب وصلة تمتار
25. From every abundant spring of brilliance its fresh
Sweet water, and his sea of knowledge fertile
٢٥. من كل فياض القريحة ورده
عذب وبحر علومه زخار
26. Ideas flow towards his perception
Gushing from its springs a stream
٢٦. تتدفق الأفكار نحو يراعه
فيفيض من انبوبه تيار
27. From every meaning it uncovered from its words
Like wine circulated in glass
٢٧. من كل معنى شف عن لفظه
كالخمر نمّ بها الزجاج تدار
28. Girded with merit, clothed with it
In it his motto, his robe and attire
٢٨. ومؤزَّر بالفضل مشتمل به
منه شعار زانه ودثار
29. A scholar, when he turned to expression
Adorned prose like clerics embellish scripture
٢٩. حبر اذا ولى اليراع بنانه
زان الطروس بوشيها الاحبار
30. And dove deep in the depths of discourse, researching
To uncover each unique gem selected
٣٠. ويغوص أعماق المباحث باحثاً
عن كشف كل فريدة تختار
31. Jewels delighting to the eye with splendor
Dazzling thoughts describing them
٣١. درر يروق الطرف منها رونق
بهج تحار بوصفه الأفكار
32. As ornament for the meritorious among whom it's worn
Remaining, and for it no loss of pride
٣٢. لذوي المفاخر من حلاها زينة
تبقى ولا يبلى لهن فخار
33. The kingdom of virtue still inhabited by its people
For them extended in age
٣٣. لا زال ملك الفضل معمور الذرى
بذويه ممدوداً له الأعمار