
Did you not see the moon, yellow with illness

ألم تر البدر مصفرا به مرض

1. Did you not see the moon, yellow with illness
As if to say, "I am like you, oh life!" a simile

١. أَلَم تَرَ البَدرَ مُصفَرّاً بِهِ مَرَضٌ
كَأَنَّهُ أَنا يا دُنيايَ تَشبيها

2. Its beams have been blocked from you by a veil in its sky
So it spent the night suffering, agonized by it

٢. صادَتهُ مِنكَ لِحاظٌ في سَماوَتِهِ
فَباتَ في لَوعَةٍ مِنها يُقاسيها

3. On earth, people's hearts complain about it
And in the sky, the angel of night weeps for it

٣. في الأَرضِ مِنها قُلوبُ الناسِ شاكِيَه
وَفي السَماءِ مَلاكُ اللَيلِ يَبكيها

4. Or do you see its light spilling like teardrops
Raining down on the garden of flowers, watering it

٤. أَم هَل تَرى نورَهُ كَالدَمعِ مُنسَكِباً
يَهمي عَلى وَجنَةِ الأَزهارِ يَرويها

5. Spreading its sorrows to the star, conforming
While the stars have hearts that cannot console it

٥. يَبُثُّ أَحزانَهُ لِلنَجمِ مُمتَثِلاً
وَلِلنُجومِ قُلوبٌ ما تُواسيها

6. Oh, what a longing that has gone, complaining
To a longing of worries beyond knowing

٦. فَيا لَهُ مِن شَجٍ قَد راحَ مُشتَكِياً
إِلى شَجٍ مِن هُمومٍ لَيسَ يَدريها

7. When these souls meet their demise
In your eyes is magic that will revive them

٧. هذي النُفوسُ إِذا حانَت مَنِيَّتِها
فَفي عُيونِكَ سِحرٌ سَوفَ يُحييها