
And he envied a land that became plunder

واسوأتاه لأرض أصبحت غنما

1. And he envied a land that became plunder
Grazed by the hastening of illnesses and misfortune

١. وَاِسَوأَتاهُ لِأَرضٍ أَصبَحَت غَنَما
تَرعاهُ عاجِلَةَ الأَسقامِ وَالنوبِ

2. Its wealth increases while the people's glory decreases
Its exuberant youth covet the breaking of covenants

٢. تَزدادُ ثَروَتُها وَالقَومُ نَخوَتُهُم
تَهوى فُتوتَها خَوّارَةَ العَصَبِ

3. The people of authority are from well-known tribes
Or those with prestige, titles, and high office

٣. أَهلُ الإِمارَةِ مِن صيدٍ غَطارِفَةٍ
أَو مِن ذَوي الجاهِ وَالأَلقابِ وَالرُتَبِ

4. Their circumstances are always subject to ups and downs
Shifting from prosperous one day to ruined the next

٤. أَحوالُهُم أَبَداً رَهنٌ لِمُنقَلِبٍ
تَحولُ مِن زاهِرٍ يَوماً إِلى عَطَبِ

5. And a puff from the powerful creates them
Like the puff that created them before in luxury

٥. وَنَفخَةٌ مِن ذَوي السُلطانِ تَخلُقُهُم
كَنَفخَةٍ خَلَقَتهُم قَبلُ في النِعَمِ

6. But the heroes of the villages, all of them
Are the pride of the firm, determined countries

٦. لكِنَّ أَهلَ القُرى الأَبطالُ كُلَّهُم
فَخرُ البِلادِ الشَدادَ العَزمِ وَالهِمَمِ

7. When they become resolute, they advance and their citadel rises high
And they are helped by the guardian of honor and well-being

٧. إِذا هَمّو ذَهَبوا وَاِنثَل صَرحُهُم
وَغالَهُم غائِلُ الأَرزاءِ وَالسَقَمِ

8. So they have no retreat, nothing holds them back
After them everything remains as if it never existed

٨. فَلا مَرَدَّ لَهُم لا شُيءَ يَخلِفُهُم
مِن بَعدِهِم كُلُّ شَيءٍ باتَ كَالعَدَمِ