
We had a shrub by the fence

كانت لنا عند السياج شجيرة

1. We had a shrub by the fence
Where the sparrow used to sing in its shade

١. كانَت لَنا عِندَ السِياجِ شُجَيرَةٌ
أَلِفَ الغِناءَ بِظِلِّها الزَرزورُ

2. Spring used to visit it secretly
Overflowing light into the garden from within

٢. طَفقَ الرَبيعُ يَزورُها مُتَخَفِّياً
فَيَفيضُ مِنها في الحَديقَةِ نورُ

3. Until when morning came
The flowers breathed in it and the sparrow chirped

٣. حَتّى إِذا حَلَّ الصَباحُ تَنَفَّسَت
فيها الزُهورُ وَزَقزَقَ العُصفورُ

4. And news of spring spread
To the whole garden, captivating it

٤. وَسَرى إِلى أَرضِ الحَديقَةِ كُلِّها
نَبَأُ الرَبيعِ وَرُكبَهُ المَسحورُ

5. We had it, if only it had lasted for us
Or the sparrow's shouting above it had lasted

٥. كانَت لَنا يا لَيتَها دامَت لَنا
أَو دامَ يَهتِفُ فَوقَها الزَرزورُ

6. I used to sit facing it on my balcony
Or sit under it in its shade

٦. قَد كُنتُ أَجلِسُ صَوبَها في شُرفَتي
أَو كُنتُ أَجلِسُ تَحتَها في ظِلَّتي

7. Or watch in the morning its sparrow
Cheerfully covering the windows of my room

٧. أَو كُنتُ أَرقُبُ في الضُحى زَرزورَها
مَتَهَلِّلاً يَغشى نَوافِذَ غُرفَتي

8. Sometimes pecking on the glass and sometimes
Rising, chirping on my ceiling rafters

٨. طوراً يُنَقِّرُ في الزُجاجُ وَتارَةً
يَسمو يُزَرزِرُ في وُكارِ سَقيفَتي

9. So when it saw me it flew in white joy
And fulfilled the branches of my shrub

٩. فَإِذا رَآني طارَ في أَغرودَةٍ
بَيضاءَ وَاِستَوفى غُصونَ شُجَيرَتي

10. We had it, if only it had lasted for us
Or the sparrow's shouting above it had lasted

١٠. كانَت لَنا يا لَيتَها دامَت لَنا
أَو دامَ يَهتِفُ فَوقَها الزَرزورُ

11. When will its shouting stop and when will I see
Your snowy blossoms, my orange tree

١١. فَمَتى يَؤوبُ هُتافُهُ وَمَتى أَرى
نُوارُكَ الثَلجِيِّ يا نارِنجَتي

12. And when will I fly to you, my soul dancing
With joy, taking my seat from my balcony

١٢. وَمَتى أَطيرُ إِلَيكِ تَرقُصُ مُهجَتي
فَرَحاً وَآخُذُ مَجلِسي مِن شُرفَتي

13. Alas! I will not forget its shade my seat
As I watch the horizon, half-asleep

١٣. هَيهاتَ لَن أَنسَ بِظِلِّكِ مَجلِسي
وَأَنا أَراعي الأُفقَ نِصفَ مُغَمِّضِ

14. Sweet memories have choked my eyelids
Of your moonlike scent and the soft melody

١٤. خَنَقَت جُفوني ذِكرَياتٌ حُلوَةٌ
مِن عِطرِكِ القَمَري وَالنَغَمِ الوَضي

15. So from you a stream of melody poured
On my heart's lethargy in my imagination

١٥. فَاِنسابَ مِنكِ عَلى كَليلِ مَشاعِري
يَنبوعُ لَحنٍ في الخَيالِ مُفضَضِ

16. And my soul sighed for you from the valley of grief
To be drunk on the pure white wine

١٦. وَهَفَت عَلَيكِ الروحُ مِن وادي الأَسى
لِتَعُبَّ مِن خَمرِ الأَريجِ الأَبيَضِ

17. We had it, if only it had lasted for us
Or the sparrow's shouting above it had lasted

١٧. كانَت لَنا يا لَيتَها دامَت لَنا
أَو دامَ يَهتِفُ فَوقَها الزَرزورُ

18. Alas! I will not forget the morning of September
With bees covering your shimmering light

١٨. هَيهاتَ لَن أَنسى ضُحى سِبتَمبَرٍ
وَالنَحلُ يَغشى نورَكِ المُتَلالي

19. And the evening of March how it descended
Like a sunset hill, limited in shade

١٩. وَمَساءَ مارِسَ كَيفَ يَهبِطُ تَلَّةً
شَفَقِيَّةً مَحدودَةَ الإِظلالِ

20. It landed in the garden beneath the dewy dreams
And the scented hem flowed over you

٢٠. نَزَلَ الحَديقَةَ تَحتَ أَوهامِ النَدى
وَضَفا عَلَيكِ مُعَطَّرُ الأَذيالِ

21. For there, how much gold captivated my soul
Wandering in the meadows of imagination

٢١. فَهُناكَ كَم ذَهَبِيَّةٍ شَغَفَت بِها
روحي فَتاهَت في مُروجِ خَيالِ

22. And here the shrub moved in sorrow
And spring cried for its abandoned phantom

٢٢. وَهُنا تَحَرَّكَتِ الشُجَيرَةُ في أَسى
وَبَكى الرَبيعُ خَيالَها المَهجورِ

23. And remembered the days of youth, sighing
As if it were a lute in the hands of grief

٢٣. وَتَذَكَّرَت عَهدَ الصِبا فَتَأَوهَت
وَكَأَنَّها بِيَدِ الأَسى طَنبورُ

24. And remembered the days when the glow of morning sprinkled it
And the sparrow chirped

٢٤. وَتَذَكَّرَت أَيّامَ يَرشُفُ نورَها
ريقُ الضُحى وَيُزَرزِرُ الزَرزورُ

25. And the blossoms of orange dreamed in the dew
So its enchanted phantom wandered in them

٢٥. وَعَرائِسُ النارِنجِ تَحلُمُ في النَدى
فَيَرِفُّ فيها طَيفُها المَسحورُ

26. We had it, if only it had lasted for us
Or the sparrow's shouting above it had lasted

٢٦. كانَت لَنا يا لَيتَها دامَت لَنا
أَو دامَ يَهتِفُ فَوقَها الزَرزورُ

27. And it remembered at the fence yellow flowers
That bloomed in the shade of bamboo

٢٧. وَتَذَكَّرَت عِندَ السِياجِ أَزاهِرا
صَفراءَ رَفَّت في ظِلالِ العَوسَجِ

28. The marigold's blossom, how it broke its covenant
Forgot love in its gleaming scent

٢٨. زَهرُ القَطيفَةِ كَيفَ خانَ عُهودَها
نَسِيَ الهَوى في عِطرِها المُتَبَلِّجِ

29. And it remembered in a quiver when its sparrow
Flew from it without hesitation

٢٩. وَتَذَكَّرَت في رَعشَةٍ لَمّا سَبا
زَرزورُها مِنها وَلَم يَتَحَرَّجِ

30. And here a yearning crept into the shrub
And wept nostalgically for the waving aroma

٣٠. وَهُنا تَمَشَّت في الشُجَيرَةِ خِلجَةٌ
وَبَكَت حَنيناً لِلشَّذى المُتَأَرِّجِ

31. We had it, if only it had lasted for us
Or the sparrow's shouting above it had lasted

٣١. كانَت لَنا يا لَيتَها دامَت لَنا
أَو دامَ يَهتِفُ فَوقَها الزَرزورُ

32. And it remembered a sunset that blushed with red
Through the clouds upon the hillsides

٣٢. وَتَذَكَّرَت شَفَقاً تَوَهَّجَ حُمرَةً
خَلَلَ الغُيومِ عَلى رُبى الآصالِ

33. And the branches of the olive tree appeared as if they were
Ships fluttering on the seas of imagination

٣٣. وَبَدَت غُصونُ الجَزورَينِ كَأَنَّها
قِلَعُ تُرَفرِف في بِحارِ خَيالِ

34. And here the shrub moved in sorrow
And spring cried for its abandoned phantom

٣٤. وَهُنا تَحَرَّكَتِ الشُجَيرَةُ في أَسى
وَبَكى الرَبيعُ خَيالَها المَهجورُ

35. And remembered the days of youth, groaning
As if it were a lute in hands of grief

٣٥. وَتَذَكَّرَت عَهدَ الصِبا فَتَنَهَّدَت
وَكَأَنَّها بِيَدِ الأَسى طَنبورُ

36. And it remembered the palm tree and a hoopoe
That used to frequent it morning and evening

٣٦. وَتَذَكَّرَت شَجرَ النَخيلِ وَهُدهُداً
قَد كانَ يَقصِدُها صَباحَ مَساءِ

37. And it remembered in the jasmine a turtledove
That would moan on the moonlit night

٣٧. وَتَذَكَّرَت في اليوسِفي يَمامَةً
كانَت تَنوحُ اللَيلَةَ القَمراءِ

38. And here the shrub moved in sorrow
And spring cried for its abandoned phantom

٣٨. وَهُنا تَحَرَّكَتِ الشُجَيرَةُ في أَسى
وَبَكى الرَبيعُ خَيالَها المَهجورُ

39. And remembered the days of youth, complaining
As if it were a lute in the hands of grief

٣٩. وَتَذَكَّرَت عَهدَ الصِبا فَتَرَنَّحَت
وَكَأَنَّها بِيَدِ الأَسى طَنبورُ

40. And it draped all the branches with a cloud
And the branch flourished and the bud opened

٤٠. وَضَفَت عَلى كُلِّ الغُصونِ سَحابَةً
وَزَكا الغَصينُ وَفَتَّحَ النُوارُ

41. And the sparrow rejoiced in its leaves
And the fence bloomed and the fragrances emanated

٤١. وَتَهَلَّلَ الزَرزورُ في أَوراقِها
وَزَها السِياجُ وَفاحَتِ الأَعطارُ

42. It dreamed of a far distant land
In that distant, remote horizon

٤٢. حَلِمَت بِأَرضٍ في الخَيالِ سَحيقَةٍ
في ذلِكَ الأُفقِ القَصِيِّ النائي

43. And there under its blue poplar trees
It longed for its blue dreams

٤٣. وَهُناكَ تَحتَ سَمانجونُ سَمائِها
تاقَت إِلى أَحلامِها الزَرقاءِ

44. A silence prevails there, encamped
With the stars of night over it overlooking

٤٤. خَلَدَت إِلى صَمتٍ هُناكَ مُخَيمٌ
تَسجو عَلَيهِ خَوافِقُ الأَفياءِ

45. It is the paradise of trees, shades,
Fragrances, tunes, and springs

٤٥. هِيَ جَنَّةُ الأَشجارِ وَالأَظلالِ وَال
أَعطارِ وَالأَنغامِ وَالأَندءِ

46. The pink oleander blooms over its banks
And the lotus seduces the water lily

٤٦. يَتَزاهَرُ البِشنَينُ فَوقَ شُطوطِها
وَيُغازِلُ الدُفلى زَهرَ اللوتَسِ

47. And orange blossoms, their fragrance smells
Of bees dreaming in the sunny tranquility

٤٧. وَعَرائِسُ النارِنجِ فاحَ عَبيرُها
بِالنَحلِ تَحلُمُ في السُكونِ المُشمِسِ

48. And there a sparrow always chirps
And tells tales to the sleepy flowers

٤٨. وَهُناكَ زَرزورٌ يُغَرِّدُ دائِماً
وَيَقُصُّ أَحلامَ الزُهورِ النُعَسِ

49. Relating to them a magical legend
Of what emanates from the narcissus' imagination

٤٩. يَروي لَها أَسطورَةً سِحرِيَّةً
مِمّا يَفوحُ بِهِ خَيالُ النَرجَسِ

50. We had it, if only it had lasted for us
Or the sparrow's shouting above it had lasted

٥٠. كانَت لَنا يا لَيتَها دامَت لَنا
أَو دامَ يَهتِفُ فَوقَها الزَرزورُ

51. My orange tree, by God, since you left me
And I became an ally of silent sorrow

٥١. نارِنجَتي وَاللَهِ مُذ فارَقَتِني
وَأَنا حَليفُ كَآبَةٍ خَرساءِ

52. After you I became withdrawn and desolate
As if I were a winter's sorrowful evening

٥٢. أَصبَحتُ بَعدَكَ في اِنقِباضٍ موحِشٍ
وَكَأَنَّني مِنهُ مَساءُ شِتاءِ

53. The fragrances scatter in its horizons
My soul to you beyond every space

٥٣. تَتَناثَرُ الأَعطارُ في آفاقِها
روحي إِلَيكَ وَراءَ كُلِّ فَضاءِ

54. And flutter in the corridor of every
Moonlit or white hymn

٥٤. وَتَرِفُّ في دِهليزِ كُلِّ أَشِعَّةٍ
قَمراءَ أَو تَرنيمَةٍ بَيضاءِ

55. I had hoped my end would be
In the shade of this fence where I see you

٥٥. قَد كُنتُ أَرجو أَن تَكونَ نِهايَتي
في ظِلِّ هذا السورِ حَيثُ أَراكِ

56. And the last thing to numb my hearing
Would be your shouting sparrow above your branches

٥٦. وَيَكونُ آخِرَ ما يُخَدِّرُ مَسمَعي
زَرزورُكِ الهَتّافُ فَوقَ ذَراكِ

57. And dawn would awaken me briefly
From the numbness of your breeze

٥٧. وَيَطوفُ في غَيبوبَتي فَيُفيقُني
فَجرٌ قَصيرُ البَعثِ مِن رَيّاكِ

58. And now when fate has hastened
So the memory of your aroma will stand

٥٨. وَالآنَ إِذ عَجَلَ القَضاءُ فَإِنَّما
سَيَقومُ في الذِكرى خَيالُ شَذاكِ

59. We had a shrub by the fence
Where the sparrow used to sing in its shade

٥٩. كانَت لَنا عِندَ السِياجِ شُجَيرَةٌ
أَلِفَ الغِناءَ بِظِلِّها الزَرزورُ

60. Spring used to visit it secretly
Overflowing light into the garden from within

٦٠. طَفِقَ الرَبيعُ يَزورُها مُتَخَفِّياً
فَيَفيضُ مِنها في الحَديقَةِ نورُ

61. Until when morning came
The flowers breathed in it and the sparrow chirped

٦١. حَتّى إِذا حَلَّ الصَباحُ تَنَفَّسَت
فيها الزُهورُ وَزَقزَقَ العُصفورُ

62. And news of spring spread
To the whole garden, captivating it

٦٢. وَسَرى إِلى أَرضِ الحَديقَةِ كُلِّها
نَبَأُ الرَبيعِ وَرَكبُهُ المَسحورُ

63. We had it, if only it had lasted for us
Or the sparrow's shouting above it had lasted

٦٣. كانَت لَنا يا لَيتَها دامَت لَنا
أَو دامَ يَهتِفُ فَوقَها الزَرزورُ