
Her father shows you misery in his revelry

ابوها يريك البؤس في عهد لهوه

1. Her father shows you misery in his revelry
And her mother mourns in days of merriment

١. ابوها يريك البؤس في عهد لهوه
وامها في عهد المسرات مأتما

2. Sorrow embodied looms above their heads
Alas, embodied sorrow looms

٢. وَقَد خيم الحزن المجسم فوقهم
وواها اذا الحزن المجسم خيما

3. None of Layla's family between this and that except one man
Who sees life pitiful and the end ambiguous

٣. وَما أَهل لَيلى بين ذاكَ سشوى امرىء
يرى العَيش اوصابا واخر مبهما

4. The doctor feels her pulse and his hand
Appears as a youth before the girl and frozen

٤. يَجس لها الكف الطَبيب وَكفه
تمثل عند البنت صابا وَعلقما

5. He glances at Layla and looks after her
To a pillar of the house adhering

٥. وَيشخص في لَيلى وَيَنظر بَعدَها
الى والد ركنا من البيت لازما

6. Consoling him with the eye that Lord's glance
With it towards the lofty transcending speech

٦. يعزيه بالعين الَّتي رب نظرة
بها نحو مَرموق تفوق التكلما

7. And when he bent by the door upon leaving
He bids some sorrow to the family farewell

٧. ولما اِنحَنى بالباب عند خروجه
يسلم بعض الحزن للأَهل سلما

8. Her family clung to her as if
They want to take her to the sky

٨. رات اهلها لاذوا بها وَكأَنَّهم
يريدون أَن يسصحبوها إِلى السَما

9. Then love of healing made her speak and she showed
Them her despair and despair in them embodied

٩. فانطقها حب التَشفي واظهرت
لهم باسها والياس فيهم تجسما

10. And said, you cry for my plight but there was not
For its fires but obstinacy harmful

١٠. وَقالَت تَبكون املصاب وَلَم يَكن
لنيرانه غير التَعنت مضرها

11. You grieve for my death yet before it
You sent my heart smitten as it was enamored

١١. يعز عليكم موت شخصي وقبله
بعثتم لِقَلبي المضوت مذ كان مغرما

12. So why do I see you all around my bier
Except one after me who will live enamored

١٢. فَما لي أَراكم حول نَعشي جَميعكم
سِوى واحِد بعدي سَيَقضي متيما

13. Each staring at my misery
And I thank my plight, ah will not proceed

١٣. تقدم كل محدقا بِتَعاسَتي
واحمد وَيلي آه لن يتقدما

14. Let him on the day of my departure be present
A girl who saw the life of disgrace forbidden

١٤. دعوه يكن يوم اِرتِحالي مشاهدا
فَتاة رات عيش الهَوان محرما

15. Let his eyes see my evenings for I have
A heart that when the beloved comes, luxuriates

١٥. دعوا عينه تبصر مَسائي فان لي
فؤادا إِذا جاءَ الحَبيب تنعما

16. Let me bid farewell to the one I was fatally in love with
Sorrow openly mentioning his name

١٦. دعوني اودع من قضيت بحبه
اسى علني القي المناجاة باسما

17. And her cousin came, his face yellowing
Whenever we moved away from her a little and spoke

١٧. وَجاءَ ابن عم البنت يصفر وجهه
إِذا ما دضنا منها قَليلا وَكلما

18. Then the spirit returned to her and her mouth smiled
As did the mouths of the people when she smiled

١٨. فَعادَت اليها الروح وافتر ثغرها
كذلك ثغر القوم لما تبسما

19. And she said to them, leave my beloved beside me
A little, so they all left and he proceeded

١٩. وَقالَت لَهُم خلوا حَبيبي بِجانِبي
قَليلا فولوا كلهم وَتقدما

20. She gestured to the chair and when he sat in it
On her cheek the tears symmetrically streamed

٢٠. اشارَت إِلى الكُرسي وَلما استوى به
عَلى خدها الدمع اِستَوى وَتنظما

21. And she said in a voice that makes the juicy dry
"My death has come if my death is destined"

٢١. وَقالَت بصوت يجعل الرطب يابِسا
لَقَد آنَ مَوتي ان مَوتي تحتما

22. But I have a perilous secret I want to
Tell you so you can awaken and learn

٢٢. وَلكن لي سرا خَطيراً اريد أَن
ابثكه كَي تَستَفيق وَتَعلما

23. Therein is my death, my comfort
That I hope for, so listen to my oath

٢٣. هناك يَكون المَوت راحَتي الَّتي
اؤملها فاسمع حَديثي مقسما

24. And when she opened her mouth to reveal her love
She died before she could speak

٢٤. وَمذ فتحت فاها لتطلع حبها
عَلى السر ماتَت قبَل أَن تَتَكَلما