
I see the ravages of ignorance creeping,

أرى فتكات الجهل دب دبيبها

1. I see the ravages of ignorance creeping,
Its wailing has torn my hearing from my country.

١. أَرى فتكات الجهل دب دَبيبها
فمزق سَمعي من بِلادي نَحيبها

2. I see it dragging its tail over our heads,
While every heart continues praying for its flames.

٢. أَراها تجر الذيل فوقَ رؤوسنا
وَلا زالَ يصلي كل قلب لَهيبها

3. For death is sweeter than an ignorant life,
Its losers have perished, and its grievers lament.

٣. فَللموت أَحلى من حَياة جهالة
وَخاسرها باد وَباد كَئيبها

4. The grave is more fragrant than spacious palaces
Whose misery is vinegar, and whose companion is woe.

٤. وَللقبر أَشهى من قصور فَسيحة
لها البؤس خل وَالشَقاء حَبيبها

5. Palaces like faded moons that rained melancholy,
Sprouting the leaves of tribulations like a whip.

٥. قصور كدوح امطرت بكآبة
فاِنبت أَوراق الدَواهي قَضيبها

6. Will you be content with this life, O best nation,
While its vigilance never sleeps from its suitor?

٦. انرضى بِهَذا العَيش يا خير أمة
ليقظتها ما نام عنها خَطيبها

7. Does rest taste sweet while our hearts
Are but an ember, and the afflicted, their share?

٧. أَتَحلو لَدَينا راحة وَقلوبنا
عَلى قبس وَالمتعبات نَصيبها

8. O God, You call us to excellence with commands,
However much it calls us to deterrence, we answer it.

٨. الهي اتَدعو للعلا باوامر
وَمَهما دعَتنا بالصدود نجيبها

9. Your mercy, O Lord, blinds from guidance,
Countries, in which are its hero and its wise one.

٩. وَرُحماك يا رب اتعمى عن الهدى
بلاد وَفيها بطلها وَلبيبها

10. My loved ones, has the falsehood of our time deceived you,
And your livers melt from Hellfire's heat?

١٠. احباي هلا غركم باطل الهنا
وَأَكبادكم نار الجَحيم تذيبها

11. Have all devices failed your wounds?
Then hear my words, for I am their healer.

١١. وَهَل اعجزت كل الاساة جراحكم
اذن فاِسمَعوا قَولي فاني طَبيبها

12. Come and build schools in the countries,
To lift the causes of glory, their answerers.

١٢. هلموا وَحلوا في البلاد مدارسا
ليصعد اسباب المَعالي نَجيبها

13. And do not deprive a girl child of the suckling of her breast,
For nothing in these lands flaws her.

١٣. وَلا تحرموا بنتا رضاعة ثديها
فَلا شيء في تلك الديار يعيبها

14. She is a daughter of the days of youth, and perhaps
Tomorrow she will be one whose milk is tasted.

١٤. هي ابنة ايام الصبا وَلَعلَّها
تَكون غَدا اما يذاق حَليبها

15. She will show men who enchant the universe when she sees
That glory has never failed proximity to its dear one.

١٥. ستبدي رجالا تسحر الكون اذ تَرى
بان العلا ما خاب قط قَريبها

16. Like a land whose flower we smell,
And so the fragrance of the land's flower enchants us.

١٦. كارض ترينا زهرة فنشمها
فيسحرنا من زهرة الأَرض طيبها

17. She is the mother. It suffices that we see her adorning us
With her duty, and God rewards her for us.

١٧. هي الام يَكفي ان نَراها تحفنا
بواجبها وَاللَه عنا يثيبها

18. So thousands sing over our heads,
And our joys chant for us in their rhythm.

١٨. فيشدو هزار فوق رؤوسنا
وَينشدنا افراحنا عندَليبها

19. And we reap from the fruits, the sweetest tasting,
As its ripeness and wetness draw near us.

١٩. وَنَجني من الأَثمار احلى مذاقة
وَيَدنو الينا رطبها وَرطيبها

20. To the likes of this, rise, for I
See the ravages of ignorance creeping.

٢٠. الى مثل هَذا فَلتَقوموا فإِنَّني
ارى فتكات الجَهل دب دَبيبها