
I probed people's lives until it was as if

سبرت حياة الناس حتى كأنني

1. I probed people's lives until it was as if
Each young man above the earth was my twin

١. سبرت حَياة الناس حَتّى كأَنَّني
وكل فَتى فوق الثَرى توامان

2. So I realized that living is their secret charm
And its interpretation is that life is wishes

٢. فادركت ان العيش سر مطلسهم
وَتفسيره ان الحَياة أَماني

3. I saw the baby crying in the cradle when he saw
A boy on his legs exulting and delighting

٣. رايت الفَتى في المَهد يَبكي إِذا رأى
غلاما عَلى ساقيه يَزهو وَيطرب

4. And I saw this one shedding tears when
He sees another running slowly and playing

٤. وَعاينت هَذا يذرف الدمع عندما
يَرى غيره يَجري ببطء وَيَلعَب

5. And this one curses fate bitterly when he sees
A man suffering without them

٥. وَهَذا يسب الحظ سبا إِذا رأى
رجالا يَرى من دونهم يتعذب

6. And when I contemplated all the tears
And analyzed what they poured with meanings

٦. ولما تاملت المَدامع كلها
وَحللت ما جادَت بِهِ من معان

7. I learned that living is their secret charm
And its interpretation is that life is wishes

٧. علمت بان العيش سر مطلسم
وَتَفسيره ان الحَياة أَماني

8. I see a girl in her mother's lap, craving
Her, and she varies in kissing her

٨. ارى طفلة في حضن ام ولوعة
بها وَهيَ في تَقبيلها تَتَنوع

9. She tries to reap the fruits of her vitality
With all her strength while planting at the time

٩. تُحاوِل أَن تجني ثمار نشاطها
بكل قواها وَهيَ في الوقت تزرع

10. And she hopes to bid farewell to her groom
If after that he is not the one bidding farewell

١٠. وَتَرمي الى تَوديعها لعريسها
إِذا لَم يَكن من بعد هو المودع

11. There I learned of love and hope
And I realized that I had known my time

١١. هناك تعلمت المحبة وَالرَجا
وَأَدركت أَني قَد عرفت زَماني

12. And I said that living is their secret charm
And its interpretation is that life is wishes

١٢. وَقلت بأن العيش سر مطلسم
وَتَفسيره ان الحَياة أَماني

13. It demands food from us, losing its food
And the shabby prince a prey of December

١٣. يطالبنا بالقوت فاقد قوته
وَبالبرنس البالي فَريسة كانون

14. And every soul strives
To get the purpose which all enchanted with good are obsessed

١٤. وَيجهد كل نفسه لحصوله
عَلى غاية كل بها خير مفتون

15. And were it not for wishing they would not have been able
To overcome the tyranny of days in the lowly place

١٥. وَلولا التمني ما استطاعا تغلبا
عَلى سطوة الايام في الموضع الدون

16. And when the two approached me I made my
Place between people my place

١٦. وَلما دنا الاثنان مني جعلت من
مَكانيهما بين الانام مَكاني

17. And I was certain that living is their secret charm
And its interpretation is that life is wishes

١٧. وَأَيقنت أَنَّ العيش سر مطلسم
وَتَفسيره ان الحَياة أَماني

18. The doctor returns home and she is gloomy
To the condition of the one seeking her life for her

١٨. يَعود الطَبيب الدار وَهيَ كَئيبة
إِلى علة الساعي لها بِحَياتها

19. And the mother's face turns pale, its color drains
And grieved for her sons and daughters

١٩. وَيشخص وجه الام ينضب لونه
وَحدث عَلى أَولادها وَبَناتها

20. And were it not for wishes we would not have seen endurance
That showed us firmness in the same creed

٢٠. وَلَولا الاماني ما راينا تجلدا
أَرانا رسوخا في العَقيدة ذاتها

21. And their deterioration taught me the secret of life
For it and he is suffering from what misled him

٢١. وَعلمني سر الحَياة شخوصهم
له وَهُوَ فيما قَد دَهاه يُعاني

22. So I realized that living is their secret charm
And its interpretation is that life is wishes

٢٢. فحققت أَن العيش سر مطلسم
وَتَفسيره ان الحَياة أَماني

23. You see a nation in the East taken prey
By its sisters, shackling hearts in its shackles

٢٣. تَرى أمة بالشرق وَهيَ فَريسة
شَقيقاتها تدمي القلوب قيودها

24. So it goes on with hopes to the goal it
Sees leading it to live in harmony

٢٤. فَتَمضي مع الآمال للغاية الَّتي
تَراها إِلى عيش الوئام تَقودها

25. And it laments every luck of another and hopes
For salvation from it the day its efforts strengthen

٢٥. وَتندب كل حظ أخرى وَتَرتَجي
اليها خلاصا يوم تقوى جهودها

26. Does not the first dictate to us to raise
The veil of your hesitance without hesitance?

٢٦. اليسَ الولا يملي علينا أن ارفعوا
حجاب توانيكم بغير تواني

27. Did it not dictate that living is their secret charm
And its interpretation is that life is wishes

٢٧. أَلَم يمل أَنَّ العيش سر مطلسم
وَتَفسيره ان الحَياة أَماني

28. I came with my lantern and showed its light
To everyone complaining of darkness

٢٨. أَتَيت بقنديلي وَأَظهرت نوره
إِلى كل من يَشكو إِلى ظلاما

29. But they all closed their eyes and turned
And said, why pay attention, why?

٢٩. فاغمض كل عينه وَتحولوا
وَقالوا علاما الانتباه عَلاما

30. So I put out my lantern and stayed with them
Steadfast until the day I repeat the talk

٣٠. فأطفأت قَنديلي وَأَبقيت عندهم
ثباتي إلى يوم أعيد الكَلاما

31. And when I saw people in their night and I
Had been alone with myself for a while

٣١. وَلما رأيت الناس في لَيلهم وَقَد
خلوت بِنَفسي في الظَلام ثَواني

32. I was certain that living is their secret charm
And its interpretation is that life is wishes

٣٢. تيقنت أَنَّ العيش سر مطلسم
وَتَفسيره ان الحَياة أَماني