
His regrets appeared on his face,

لاحت على مراته حسراته

1. His regrets appeared on his face,
And tears flowed from his eyes.

١. لاحَت عَلى مراته حسراته
وَتدفقت من عينه عبراته

2. The poor man was in turmoil, but his
Sighs revealed the sorrow in his heart.

٢. وَتلجلج المسكين لكن افصحت
عَن حزنه في قَلبه آهاته

3. Even if his voices disappeared, in his vision
I heard the voices of someone.

٣. وَلَو اختَفَت اصواته فكان في
مراه شَخصا اسمعت اصواته

4. Until, when he was extremely distressed, his
Gaze stood at the sky.

٤. حَتّى إِذا ما ضاقَ ذرعا اصبحت
وَقفا عَلى وجه السما نظراته

5. And it was as if I heard a thunderous sound,
That made me listen closely to his words.

٥. وَكانني اسمعت صوتا وَقتها
كالرَعد دقت مَسمعي كلماته

6. My Lord, is there a helper? My Lord, is there
One who guides good deeds to us?

٦. رباه هَل من مسعف رباه هَل
من محسن تهدى لنا حَسَناته

7. When he saw a permanent description in this state,
His conditions were fixed to its attributes.

٧. لَمّا رأَى في الحال وَصفا ثابِتا
ثبتت عَلى اوصافها حالاته

8. And his eyes turned to the ground, for he
Found endless adversity and misfortune.

٨. وَتحولت للأَرض عَيناه وَقَد
وَجد الشقا لا تَنتَهي نكباته