1. May God have mercy on that afflicted one
Who has been deprived of all joy;
١. رحم اللَه ذلك المكلوما
حيث اضحى من الهَنا مَحروما
2. Once a blossoming plant, now broken and withered,
Battered down and torn asunder.
٢. باقيا مهملا كنبت تَباهى
ثم امسى مجندلا محطوما
3. The bleak nights' loneliness tents around him,
And his old friends all shun him.
٣. خيمت وحشة اللَيالي لديه
واعارته ربعها المذموما
4. The heavens rain sorrow down on him
As heavily as they rain poison on the earth.
٤. امطرته السماء حزنا كَما امطر
ت الأَرض وابلا مَسموما
5. Misfortune assails him with its arrows,
Lost and wandering, a target abandoned.
٥. وَالدَواهي بِقَوسها رجمته
فاِغتَدى حائِرا بها مَرجوما
6. Blow follows blow, as if death itself
Had summoned them and bids them come.
٦. يَتوالى قدومها ولعل ال
موت نادى مجيئها وَالقدوما
7. If he would stem their tide with his hands,
They attack and overwhelm him.
٧. ان يعارض تيارها بيديه
صارَعَته وَهاجَمَتهُ هُجوما
8. He lays his body in the dust, and who
Can see that broken form without weeping?
٨. يضع الجسم في التراب وَمن جو
ع تَرى الجسم ناقصا مَهدوما
9. Not for love or loss of a beloved
Or desire to seek solitude and fast -
٩. لا لعشق وَلا لبعد حضبيب
لا وَلا رام بالطوى ان يصوما
10. Only grief, that severed so many branches
And cleaved itself to him, refusing to let go.
١٠. لا وَلكن هي الكابة كم اذ
وت غصونا وَلازمتها لزوما
11. He places a hand, as a shield, between his heart
And the arrows that wound the sorrowing.
١١. يضع الكف حاجِزا بين قلب
وَسهام تصيبه مضكلوما
12. He meets the fiery breath of a blaze
That consumes, the fervent anguish of a despairing heart.
١٢. فَيلاقي زَفير نار تلظت
وَهيض تضكوي فؤاده المَهموما
13. Bewildered, whenever he seeks to rise up,
He finds no strength left to stand.
١٣. حائِرا كلما اراد اِنتفاضا
لَم يَكُن في قواه حَتّى يَقوما
14. Misery has etched its record in his life
Until it shows, engraved, on his face.
١٤. سجل البؤس في الحَياة بخط
كادَ يَبدو بوجهه مَرسوما
15. His words are in vain, whenever he calls
On a helper, savior, friend.
١٥. كانَ لَغوا كَلامه كلما نا
دى معينا أَو منقذا أَو رَحيما
16. I only wish to see the suffering ended,
Our bones and flesh consumed, annihilated.
١٦. لَهفي انما مشاهدة المسكي
ن تفني عظامنا وَاللحوما
17. What soul, when disasters strike,
Is spared agony and poison?
١٧. أي نفس اذا الجَنادِل جنت
لَم يجرعها حنظلا وَسموما
18. God forbid you should abandon this miserable one!
God forbid you should fail to show mercy!
١٨. رب حاشاك ان تضكون بذا الرا
ضي وَحاشا أَن لا تَكون الكَريما
19. O heaven, lift him up! O earth, swallow him!
Perhaps he will find peace.
١٩. يا سَماء ارفعيه ايتها الأَر
ض ابلعيه عَسى يَكون السَليما
20. O fire, be coolness and peace for our friend,
Whispering solace and comfort and bliss.
٢٠. نار كوني عَلى خَليلنا بردا
وَسَلاما تمتما وَنَعيما
21. O people, a light has nearly gone out,
A star that shone on us with its beams.
٢١. ايُّها الشعب كاد يطفىء نورا
وَبدورا تضيئه وَنجوما
22. What do we own, now that misfortune
Has taken everything, only leaving gloom?
٢٢. هَل عَرَفنا مالنا بعد ما لا
ح الينا مالنا مَشؤوما
23. See, my hands carry aid to the orphan,
To clothe him, wretched and naked and deprived.
٢٣. ها يدي تحمل اليضتيم لتبدي
ه اسيفا وَبائسا وَيَتيما
24. Let him find, in our gladness, gladness,
And, in his misery, find only devastation.
٢٤. انلاقي سرورنا بسرور
وَيلاقي ببؤسه التَحطيما
25. Let us taste the pure water in a goblet of crystal,
While that lad tastes only bitter drought.
٢٥. انذوق الزلال في كاس بلو
ر وَذاكَ الفَتى يَذوق حَميما
26. Let us seek knowledge and leave him ignorant,
Lost in the darkness of unknowing.
٢٦. اننادي الى العلوم وَنبقي
ه جَهولا يعاف تلك العلوما
27. When, O when, will we look toward him,
Dispelling his sorrows and griefs?
٢٧. فَمَتى يا تُرى التفتنا اليه
وازلنا مصابه وَالهموما