
O West, your place will be held to account

مكانك يا غرب فسوف تحاسب

1. O West, your place will be held to account
Before a just judge who knows secrets and reckons

١. مَكانَكَ يا غَرب فَسَوفَ تحاسب
لَدى عادل يدري الخَفايا وَيحسب

2. And do not, O West, hurt the East in spirit
For time overturns in each day

٢. وَلا تجرحن يا غرب للشرق خاطِرا
فَفي كل يوم للزمان تقلب

3. Have you not seen that the earth brings forth her vegetation
Beautifully then the winds fold it and it withers

٣. أَلَم تَرَ أَنَّ الأَرض تخرج نبتها
جَميلا فَتَطويه الرياح فَيجدب

4. But it refuses humiliation in this way
So it brings forth growth again and resists

٤. وَلكنها تأبى الاهانة هَكَذا
فَتخرج نبتا بمده وتحارب

5. You sufficed us when you were a fountain in the cradle
Of freedom for countries, if they are granted

٥. حسبناك لما كنت في المهد منبعا
لحرية الاقطار ان هي توهب

6. We served you in that turmoil and you wore
The clothes of innocence, from blood while it pours

٦. خدمناك في تلك الوغى وَتسربلت
ثياب البَرايا من دم وَهُوَ ساكِب

7. And we have in it nothing, as it is, a she-camel
Nor a camel we hasten to while it escapes

٧. وَما عندنا فيها كَما هي ناقة
وَلا جمل نسعى له وهو هارب

8. But we came to you when you promised us
And we said, may God forbid you were lying

٨. وَلكننا جئناك لما وَعدتنا
وَقلنا معاذ اللَه ان كنت تكذب

9. Enough of us, we have become Iraq and our minds
Deceived by mirage, playing tricks of the sun

٩. كَفانا وَقَد صرنا عراقا وَغرنا
خَيال لعاب الشَمس وَالغر لاعب

10. The washing of the dead has flowed on the ground
And it has drowned in grief as moss grew

١٠. وَقَد سالَ غسلين اللحوم عَلى الثرى
وَقَد غمه لما تقادم طحلب

11. This one is hurt and that one, as you see
Both are scarred by fortune and mourning

١١. فَهَذاك موجوع وَهَذا كَما تَرى
وَكلهما مندوب حظ وَنادب

12. And this one sips water while the water is sweet
A companion to this one, gave drink and sipped

١٢. وَهذا يعب الماء وَالماء آسِن
نَديم إِلى هَذا وَساقَ وَشارب

13. If this is the age of luxury
Then where is the ease of the East and the East is weary

١٣. إِذا كانَ هَذا العصر عصر تنعم
فاين مناب الشرق وَالشَرق تاعب

14. And I with rising am like it
Yet it is just in chains and tortured

١٤. واني له بالارتقاء كمثله
وَما هُوَ الا بالقيود معذب

15. The poor wretch has smashed as he whimpered
From the universe, but the foxes tore it apart

١٥. قَد اِرتَطَم المِسكين وَهو حزيقة
من الكون لكن مزقتها الثَعالب

16. He groans with no burdens as his head grayed
And in the prime of life that head is graying

١٦. يئن لاثقال وَقَد شابَ راسه
وَفي عنفوان العيش ذا الراس شائب

17. Enough of the East's affliction, arrows that hurt
Their shafts wound the healthy and cripple

١٧. كَفى الشرق اتعابا سهام توجع
غَوائلها تدمي الصَحيح وَتعطب

18. And the intense calamities that have befallen him
Have erased in him the lights, bringing darkness

١٨. وَيَكفيه من تلك البَلايا شَديدها
وَقَد نسخت فيه الضياء غياهب

19. Today he aims for the heights, questioning
On paths that will guide him and bring near

١٩. هُوَ اليَوم يَرمي للعلا مُتَسائِلا
عَلى طرق تهدي له وَتَقرب

20. So be, O enlightened West, our leader
To good, for the lands have those consequences

٢٠. فكن أَيُّها الغرب المُنير زَمامنا
لخير فللقطرين تلك العَواقب

21. And O East, stand still and follow your friend and learn
For surely in the carpet of thorns you will toss and turn

٢١. وَيا شرق قف واتبع صديقك واعتبر
فحتام في فرش الشقا تتقلب

22. And open your cocoon for sleep brings no benefit
And it is nothing but disease and misfortunes

٢٢. وَكبوتك افتحها فَما النوم نافع
وَما هُوَ إِلّا علة وَمَصائب